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Gay Marriage/Toaster Marriage... Okay, who wrote this?


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I saw this pop up in a friend's Facebook feed, and in light of that lengthy discussion on the old board regarding the differences between marrying someone of the same gender and marrying a toaster, my first instinct was to run over here and ask which one of you wrote this?

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That's amazing and I love it.

... but it can't love me because it's an internet image and cannot give consent.


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Whoever wrote this? I officially heart you. AWESOME!

(yes, I have actually HAD the if we let gay people get married, next people will marry their toasters conversation.) :angry-steamingears:

Gods forbid we let consenting adults decide what they want to do with their lives....that road leads to complete anarchy, right? This issue is a huge hotbutton one for me. It pisses me the everloving fuck off that my gay BFF can't get married when I have the right to do so just because I happen to be straight. ARGH!!!!! :angry-soapbox:

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I shared this with my school Gay Straight alliance and everyone thought it was hilarious! Inspired many jokes about our undying love for our toasters, refrigerators and other appliances. It's awesome

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Whoever wrote this? I officially heart you. AWESOME!

(yes, I have actually HAD the if we let gay people get married, next people will marry their toasters conversation.) :angry-steamingears:

Gods forbid we let consenting adults decide what they want to do with their lives....that road leads to complete anarchy, right? This issue is a huge hotbutton one for me. It pisses me the everloving fuck off that my gay BFF can't get married when I have the right to do so just because I happen to be straight. ARGH!!!!! :angry-soapbox:

Oh, we had that conversation here.

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Am I the only one who thought human-Cylon marriage a la Battlestar Galactica?

And, yes, I think both consenting same-sex couples and consenting human-Cylon couples should be allowed to marry :P (ETA: Well, not the Centurion Cylons, because they can't consent, but the humanoid ones can).

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(ETA: Well, not the Centurion Cylons, because they can't consent, but the humanoid ones can).

An important distinction. I'm sure many were about to flame you. ;)

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Tell that to my dad. He will curl up his nose and say "Well that's just based on EMOTIONS." Because trusting your emotions and gut feelings is so bad...

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Tell that to my dad. He will curl up his nose and say "Well that's just based on EMOTIONS." Because trusting your emotions and gut feelings is so bad...

Well, who does his think gave him emotions/gut feelings to begin with?

Don't anwer that, I think I know...

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Well fundies will still argue that adam should only marry evelyn after adam asks everlyn's dad for permission to court her and her dad says yes. After a two month courship where the two are allowed to sit in the same room without as much as a sensual hand holding and adam confir,s everlyn can make a competant campell soup based casserole and is on board with using jesus as birth control, they get married four month later and concieve a baby once they figure out how the penis in vagina mechanics work o their honey mooon.

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Well fundies will still argue that adam should only marry evelyn after adam asks everlyn's dad for permission to court her and her dad says yes. After a two month courship where the two are allowed to sit in the same room without as much as a sensual hand holding and adam confir,s everlyn can make a competant campell soup based casserole and is on board with using jesus as birth control, they get married four month later and concieve a baby once they figure out how the penis in vagina mechanics work o their honey mooon.

And the penis thing comes (haha) only after she carries the luggage into the room.

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Unfortunately, most fundies will still go on about how God created marriage to be between one man and one woman, because it's all about baby-making.

Never mind that civil marriage has nothing to do with what God may or may not have wanted--only marriage in a church does.

And never mind that even the most rabidly fundie churches will allow couples who cannot produce children of heir own (too old, infertile, chronically ill, or disabled) to marry.

You can't fight stupid. Not when it's determined to remain stupid at all costs.

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