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Steve's dad was in the military.


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There is a comment on their vet's day post thanking them for their service. I new Steve was in the air force but did not know his dad was in the service. Maybe Steve grew up as a "service bratt."

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Makes you wonder why he is pretty much against his sons being in the military.

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Makes you wonder why he is pretty much against his sons being in the military.

It was different in back in the day. Women were relegated to the nursing corps and there were obviously no gay people scurrying about waiting to corrupt all that is innocent and holy.. :roll:

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Many fundies seem to vernerate the military as an institution but not the current state of it. Women were allowed to join the military and enter the command ranks. Now, we allow openly gay soldiers join the military too. To fundies, they can't imagine allowing their sons taking orders from a female or sharing close quarters from a gay guy. After all, it could really screw their worldview up to see competent females in leadership roles or gay guys who do normal guy stuff....

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Yeah. Until the last couple decades of evil decadence and sexual deviation, there was never a woman or gay person who entered the military and served others. No woman or depraved gay person gave their life for a cause or their country. No woman or gay person sacrificed anything. The crusades were free of gays and women. So were the Mongolian and Viking raids. Only manly men.

The good, bad and ugly of any military is made up of human beings. And women and men have always been a part of that.

It's accepted and openly 'allowed' now, so the fundies have to bitch about something.

When people like Dougie glorify the soldiers of WWII it is an epic fail.

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Many fundies seem to vernerate the military as an institution but not the current state of it. Women were allowed to join the military and enter the command ranks. Now, we allow openly gay soldiers join the military too. To fundies, they can't imagine allowing their sons taking orders from a female or sharing close quarters from a gay guy. After all, it could really screw their worldview up to see competent females in leadership roles or gay guys who do normal guy stuff....

Typical fundies probably feel this way, but the Maxwells kept riding the crazy train beyond the point where most of the other fundies got off. While those other fundies may worry about women or gays in the military, Steve Maxwell would worry that his sons would meet people who play sports or read books other than technical manuals.

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Typical fundies probably feel this way, but the Maxwells kept riding the crazy train beyond the point where most of the other fundies got off. While those other fundies may worry about women or gays in the military, Steve Maxwell would worry that his sons would meet people who play sports or read books other than technical manuals.

I agree Steve would worry about more than things gays or women in the military. I can also see Steve worrying about his sons serving with mainstream Protestants who are less conservative.

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It makes me wonder how long the Maxwells can sell their spiel if they continue to run from the rest of the world. The economy is in the crapper. People don't have money to shell out megabucks to read about the evils of organized sports and Christian romance novels.

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It's Teri's father who was in the military. Steve says you can't be a good Christian father while being in the military because they own you and you can't serve two masters. He says plenty of people will serve in the military but only you can be the father to your children.

Translation: let someone else's son/daughter die so Steve can have the freedom of this country to have Bible time with his living children every day.

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