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Josh and Anna 57: Singing the I'm Stuck in the SHU Blues

Coconut Flan

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10 hours ago, Father Son Holy Goat said:

Something that occurred to me, could Josh be on a suicide watch? I heard inmates are put under watch after sentencing because they are seen as a higher risk for committing suicide after getting the bad news. 

Josh is unlikely to be depressed, IMO. However, the blow to his enormous ego may have hit him hard and he is completely blind-sided. He's very busy trying to decide how he can next hornswoggle the judge to set him free.

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22 hours ago, Giraffe said:

To me it's one of those things that is so easy to read a hundred "this is life changing!!!" things into it whereas in reality Anna and others probably already had plans and - because he is already there - it wasn't some "special" weekend for them. It was just one more "that got denied, too, that sucks" in an already long list of denied appeals. Yes, hopefully Anna is rethinking everything but my guess is it was just a "we pre-scheduled 50+ people for X this weekend, I am NOT rescheduling!" and carry on like the last couple years. 

Plus they probably didn't actually know for sure when the appeals decision would be announced so might as well keep on the current normal. 

Yes, I agree. The weekend they’re talking about was November 11-13. Anna may have already made plans to visit ten days later during Thanksgiving week anyway. Josh could express his misery about the denied appeal over the phone to her and not needed a visit immediately after learning of it. If he never left his cell all weekend it could be due to being sick. Or maybe it finally dawned on him that he gonna be there for the long haul and he needed a couple days to regroup. Who knows. 


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On 12/5/2023 at 11:47 AM, Four is Enough said:

Josh is unlikely to be depressed, IMO. However, the blow to his enormous ego may have hit him hard and he is completely blind-sided. He's very busy trying to decide how he can next hornswoggle the judge to set him free.

I agree he is probably totally blindsided. Between his ego and cluelessness, and that of his father, as well as a probable belief that Jesus would come through in the end, I'm pretty sure this is the first time it has dawned on him that he is really, really going to be in jail fora long time. And since he's already flouted the rules and screwed up things for at least one fellow prisoner (the guy he rented the cell phone from), and he has a general attitude of superiority and enlightenment that doesn't endear him to ot her incarcerated people, he probably isn't getting a lot of pity from his fellow inmates. I suspect he may now be trying to figure out how he can do something like preach the bible to other inmates to at least get him some privileges.

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It would be interesting to see how Josh navigates his prison sentence but we won't be privy to the details (nor should we be). I would think he might shift his focus once he comes to grips with the reality of his sentencing. Will he become a model Christian behind bars and start a prison ministry? I'm not so sure. He would if it might get him released more quickly, but that's not going to happen. He would also go that route if it garnered him status among the prisoners or afforded him perks of some kind, but I'm not sure that would be the case either. I think he's going to try and manipulate his circumstances to get the kudos and attention that he seems to crave and I think his attention will not be on his former Christian circle outside the prison walls, and instead will be entirely focused on the population in prison around him. I think he is going to let his Christian facade drop as time goes on, though we might never see it because he'll be faking it just enough to keep Anna around and to make sure his father supports his commissary expenditures. I'll bet that the inmates end up seeing a completely different Josh, though.

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At risk of sounding really mean, are any of Duggars literate enough to understand all of the legalese regarding why Josh’s appeals have been denied? Does Josh really, truly get it? 
I hope he uses the nine years remaining to study a lucrative trade, access psychiatric services, and repair relationships with his family. I can’t believe the newborn is now two! 

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Smuggar will never avail himself to the care of a psychologist. Nor will he attempt to repair familial damage. He doesn't appear to believe that he did anything wrong. I don't think prison will change him for the better. 

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1 hour ago, duggerme said:

Happy Anniversary of Josh’s conviction.  Wonder if they acknowledge the date?

I suppose we should raise a glass to children being safer with him behind bars. 

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11 hours ago, duggerme said:

Happy Anniversary of Josh’s conviction.  Wonder if they acknowledge the date?

I doubt they acknowledged it at David Waller’s house or the Duggar compound. It may have been acknowledged or even celebrated in the homes of the married sisters. 

I may have celebrated by having chocolate cake with peanut butter fudge icing…. for breakfast. 

Edited by Father Son Holy Goat
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I celebrate that day every year…but not because of Smuggar, it’s my birthday! 😂

I doubt that even the sisters who are glad he’s behind bars celebrate it. Even if conviction was the outcome they felt he deserved, this was a difficult (traumatic, even) time for them, probably not something they’d want to recall with joy every year.

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4 hours ago, FunDieDumDum said:

I celebrate that day every year…but not because of Smuggar, it’s my birthday! 😂

I doubt that even the sisters who are glad he’s behind bars celebrate it. Even if conviction was the outcome they felt he deserved, this was a difficult (traumatic, even) time for them, probably not something they’d want to recall with joy every year.

Happy birthday! I hope you had a fantastic day with lots of family, friends and cake time!

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18 hours ago, FunDieDumDum said:

I celebrate that day every year…but not because of Smuggar, it’s my birthday! 😂

I doubt that even the sisters who are glad he’s behind bars celebrate it. Even if conviction was the outcome they felt he deserved, this was a difficult (traumatic, even) time for them, probably not something they’d want to recall with joy every year.

Possibly not. I imagine myself celebrating my sexual abuser’s death but when it comes to it I don’t know.

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Every few months I look up my abusive ex to see if he's dead yet.  Not yet, but it doesn't look like he's married or has any kids so at least a restricted ability to prey on others for the moment.  I'll probably be waiting a while since he's not even 40 yet.

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1 hour ago, GuineaPigCourtship said:

Every few months I look up my abusive ex to see if he's dead yet.  Not yet, but it doesn't look like he's married or has any kids so at least a restricted ability to prey on others for the moment.  I'll probably be waiting a while since he's not even 40 yet.

Before I buy a house I plan to hire a private investigator to find my abusive ex. I did not avoid having a child with him only to accidentally move into the same neighborhood and still have to see him at peewee soccer.

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On 12/17/2023 at 10:51 PM, Father Son Holy Goat said:

The internet remembers when Mike Johnson hung out with “godly man” Josh Duggar https://www.businessinsider.com/house-speaker-mike-johnson-photographed-with-sex-offender-josh-duggar-2023-11

No wonder Maggot Mike uses porn detection software with his teenage son as his accountability partner.

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18 minutes ago, gustava said:

No wonder Maggot Mike uses porn detection software with his teenage son as his accountability partner.

It's not necessarily because of the Duggars. All the churches I was part of in the early 2000's hailed that kind of software as god's gift to men. It was treated like virus software - if you have a computer you have to have it on it before you browse the internet. 

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I cannot even begin to calculate the amount of money thrown at this losing case! 

Jim Bob would be much better off, financially, to ignore his usual plan of “Buy used, save the difference.”  In this case, his mantra should have been, “Plead guilty and save the lawyers’ fees. “

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40 minutes ago, anjulibai said:

What's a writ of certiorari

I am not a lawyer, but looks like it's a write-up of the case from a lower level court sent to the supreme court to review.  It looks like then they have to review it and at least 4 justices have to agree to hear the case before it goes any further.  I'm not sure if this is standard for most cases but seems like it would be the first step (and limiting step for most cases).

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1 hour ago, anjulibai said:

I don't understand what Kavanaugh granted him. What's a writ of certiorari?

Writ of cert means the justice is willing to hear the case. A majority have to agree to take it.

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