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Why Do So Many Fundie Men Seem Feminine?


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We've often speculated that certain fundies are gay. Many of the men seem very feminine despite the fact that they adore manliness. :roll:

I want to add a disclaimer. People can decide for themselves how to be male and female. There aren't any rules. However, fundie men present themselves as ultimate manly males but a lot of them seem less than masculine. Its even worse because there seems to be a tendency among them to criticize guys outside their movement as immature and unmanly.

Those that aren't feminine still seem desperate to prove that they are masculine(Mark Driscoll)

What causes this insecure need to prove that they are a proper representatives of their sex?

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Here in the deep south, I find a lot of the men somewhat effeminate as well. It may be that there is a sort of "prim and proper" demeanor that ultra-religious people take on that we associate with a persnickety gay man.

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Not to mention that a lot of homophobia can be tied up in repressed gay feelings. I don`t want to stereotype, but certainly there must be some more effeminately-inclined gay men out there who are preaching extremely conservative values and trying to look ultra-manly.

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It's because when they were kids, they didn't get to play with all those manly toys from Vision Forum's All-American Adventurous Boyhood catalog, that's why!

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I've wondered this too.

Maybe it's because they are all extremely self-conscious?

Most manly men I know look like they put on the first t-shirt they saw on the floor when they got up, but a lot of these fundie boys look like they spend time ironing.

Also, most manly men put off a vibe like they don't care what people think, while a lot of the fundie boys look like they're a second away from squealing "Oh, thtop it! You're making me BLUSH!"

But I totally get what you're saying. Even teh Botkin boys (none of whom I get teh ghey vibe off of) come off as dressing oddly, like they're wearing someone else's clothes.

Maybe it's from all the spankings. If you know you're going to get hauled into the other room and wailed on for the slightest infraction, you're going to be super careful about how you act and present yourself.

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Not to mention that a lot of homophobia can be tied up in repressed gay feelings. I don`t want to stereotype, but certainly there must be some more effeminately-inclined gay men out there who are preaching extremely conservative values and trying to look ultra-manly.

They did a study (can't find it right now, but I read it when it came out) that showed men who had no issues with gays were less likely to be aroused by gay porn than seriously homophobic men. So I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers where higher than the average population.

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They did a study (can't find it right now, but I read it when it came out) that showed men who had no issues with gays were less likely to be aroused by gay porn than seriously homophobic men. So I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers where higher than the average population.

I've never considered that, but now that you've said it, it does not surprise me in the least. There's got to be a reason for the irrational hatred of homosexuality in some people, while many people don't give a fig.

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The Omega males have a lot easier time when the Alpha females are directing their Alpha atttude and status outward rather than at them and let them pretend they are something... and the real Alpha males lick up the adulation they get from them ;)

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I've never considered that, but now that you've said it, it does not surprise me in the least. There's got to be a reason for the irrational hatred of homosexuality in some people, while many people don't give a fig.

Um, well, duh...why else would they be so desperate to "pray it away"?


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Howard Stern hits the nail on the head in this one, where he rips on PP's hate-speech. Interesting that the only reason it's "flagged as inappropriate" by youtube has to do with the verbal feces that PP himself is spewing.


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In my opinion, it's insecurity and lack of self-esteem. They try to hard to be manly men and it comes off as fake. As if they're trying to cover up the fact that they aren't really manly (in the traditional sense of the word). Insecurity and low self-esteem also explain why they need women to constantly stroke their ego and kowtow to their every whim. I mostly feel sorry for fundie men. It must be hell constantly living with self doubt and feelings of unworthiness.

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Um, well, duh...why else would they be so desperate to "pray it away"?


Sorry, I really didn't know. So yeah, "duh" for me, I guess. I have asked people who rant on homosexuality why they care so much, and it does tend to fluster them. I don't assume they're all closeted homosexuals, but it makes sense that that could be one of the reasons.

Straight evangelicals really do believe that homosexual "feelings" or "tendencies" are someone one can "take captive" with enough prayer and effort. We call that belief "praying the gay away" as shorthand. Not every person who believes in praying the gay away is a closeted homosexual.

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Because they try too hard. Rather than just living and being themselves, they have created some sort of ideal man and go out of their way to fit themselves into that mold.

Look at Doug. He is obsessed with the idea of manly men, only he doesn't seem to have a clue what that is. So, he plays dress up in a desperate attempt to be someone and/or something he is not.

Pissing Anderson hates everyone but himself, so his world is twisted beyond comprehension, even to himself. He can't fit himself into any mold because every example he's seen of any pre-determined mold has some element that he hates.

I also think they are both in the closet and are fighting their own thoughts and feelings. Rather than accepting who they are and they were created to be exactly as they are, they try to be someone else.

Fear contributes to a total loss of perspective.

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Because they try too hard. Rather than just living and being themselves, they have created some sort of ideal man and go out of their way to fit themselves into that mold.

Look at Doug. He is obsessed with the idea of manly men, only he doesn't seem to have a clue what that is. So, he plays dress up in a desperate attempt to be someone and/or something he is not.

Pissing Anderson hates everyone but himself, so his world is twisted beyond comprehension, even to himself. He can't fit himself into any mold because every example he's seen of any pre-determined mold has some element that he hates.

I also think they are both in the closet and are fighting their own thoughts and feelings. Rather than accepting who they are and they were created to be exactly as they are, they try to be someone else.

Fear contributes to a total loss of perspective.

I agree entirely. They are either terrified they are gay, or terrified that people will think they are gay, so they think about it too much. Most guys who don't have those serious issues with being the perfect manly man just don't think about it too much. And since the fundies tend to try too hard, they end up looking just weird. I think it also has to do with their lack of wordly exposure and their strange love of the distant past. I mean how would they know what the average person would think of as a manly man that way?

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They are either terrified they are gay, or terrified that people will think they are gay, so they think about it too much. Most guys who don't have those serious issues with being the perfect manly man just don't think about it too much. And since the fundies tend to try too hard, they end up looking just weird.


I think that whether or not any of them are closeted homosexuals is almost a moot point.

It makes the bigotry sadder and more offensive to think that some of these men may be repressing their true nature, but I don't assume that is always the cause for so many prissy-acting men going on and on about manliness.

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I think it's because they're so heavy on the talk.

Most guys try to fit into society by having some manly pursuits--carrying heavy objects and maybe changing a tire. But not every Y chromosome knows how to install a car engine or lifts weights as a serious hobby. Most guys can cop to this pretty easily, and so when they claim to be good at something manly you can believe them because you know they'd admit it if they were bad at it. But when fundie men talk about how they have to be the manliest manly men ever, it makes me afraid they won't admit to being bad at something manly out of shame. And it puts all of their manliness into question. He doth protest too much kind of thing.

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probably because of what they do for a living..

It seems preaching err teaching religion, has become nothing more than a desk job..

where as Jesus- the carpenter

Paul- the tent maker?

luke- the dr?

Abraham- the Shepherd?

I mean- I think alot of the "famous and greats" of the biblical stories- did things that would really be considered blue collar today.... Shepherd, warriors, tent makers, farmers, etc..

I mean by equivalent, Jesus and Paul would be construction workers, Shepherd =farmers, and then David a man after Gods heart- had a shit ton of wives and concubines.. but that's a different topic lol..

whereas religion today- including seemingly orthodox judiasm- all the men live nice clean comfy white collar jobs.

where as if you look at some of the top dog Talmudic rabbis- many of them even had jobs which today- are blue collar,

Just a theory.. so they try to compensate for lack of real productive work by outlandish talk?

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