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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 18


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"White Jesus"


Laura, one of my proofreaders, told me after I sent this in its very rough stage this morning, she had to look up the story to see what I was talking about? What am I talking about? I told her there wasn’t a specific story. This was my analysis criticizing all the defenders of racist monuments to the Confederacy. I’m merely pointing out their hypocrisy and stupidity. But nope…there is a story.

Shaun King is a Black Lives Matter activist who’s no stranger to controversy. There are a lot of people on the left and in the BLM movement who aren’t fans of his. Mostly because he’s been accused of hosting fundraisers and then pocketing the money for himself. Do you know who does do that? Donald Trump. Don’t be like Donald Trump.

In the wake of calls to remove statues of Confederate leaders, Christopher Columbus, racist presidents like Andrew Jackson, and even good presidents like Theodore Roosevelt, Shaun King let out a call to remove statues of Jesus Christ. To be specific, he wants statues of WHITE Jesus Christ to be destroyed.

Shaun King said, “If your religion requires Jesus to be a blondehaired blue eyed Jesus, then your religion is not Christianity, but white supremacy. Christian whiteness, not white Christianity, has been the primary religion of this country for hundreds of years.” He also said, “In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark.”

Shaun King may not be a guy you want on your side in a cause, but he’s right on this. How in the hell can anyone believe Jesus was white? Because you think God was white?

Now, King is receiving death threats from…wait for it…white people. They’re upset he’s coming after White Jesus and are accusing him of coming after all of Christianity. That proves Mr. King’s point. If you think coming after White Jesus is coming after Christianity…yeah, your religion is white supremacy.

That’s like saying someone who hates fruitcake hates Christmas. Are you praying to the fruitcake?

I’m not a Christian though I was raised as one. I’m very familiar with Christianity. I was even forced to attend a private Baptist school for a year in Georgia. Southern Georgia. Guess how many black kids went to that school in 1982. I’ve paid my penance. Even though I’m not a Christian and I don’t believe in the Bible god, I’m pretty sure of this: Religion doesn’t have a race or color.

I think churches should change their statues of White Jesus on the cross. But we can’t make them. The government can’t make them. Your organization can’t make them. First off, if there are any images of Jesus on government property, I don’t care what color he is, he shouldn’t be there. There’s that entire separation of church and state thing. The government is not supposed to sponsor a specific religion even though it does it all the time, especially in the south.

There is a huge, giant, enormous Confederate flag on Interstate 95 between Fredericksburg and Woodbridge, Virginia. It’s ugly. It’s offensive. My ex, Amanda, was asked by her niece, who is a child and of mixed race, what that flag stood for. I’m glad she didn’t ask me. It’s a monument to racism. it’s vile and ugly that it has to be explained to a child, whether it’s “a monument to hatred toward you,” or “hate is your heritage.” It sucks. But, it’s on private property. There has been controversy over the flag for years but there is nothing anyone can do about it except for the guy who owns it. It’s his flag on his property. It sucks we have to look at it and no, you can’t close your eyes while driving or you might crash into it.

NASCAR banned the Confederate flag at its races but that doesn’t stop racist people from selling the racist image to racist consumers outside the venues.

We have freedom of speech in this nation. And just like racist fuckers can’t stop you from kneeling during the national anthem or from burning an American flag, you can’t take down a church’s statue of blonde hair, blue-eyed White Jesus. My personal solution to that is, don’t go to church.

White Jesus doesn’t really offend me because I don’t go to church, I think your religion is a superstition, you’re praying to something that doesn’t exist, so I think your monument is as false as your religion. You can put a cow on that cross and pray to it for all I care. Maybe that’s something Hindus do.

I do believe Jesus existed and he was not white. I don’t believe he was the son of God so your monument to him is false. I just want you to see the hypocrisy when you argue that statues and monuments should stay up because they honor your heritage and history. Based upon your White Jesus statue, your heritage and history is full of shit.

Basically, in regards to history, heritage, and culture, your credibility on the subject matter sucks. You guys argue the monuments are history, but you don’t know your history. You refuse to acknowledge the fact the Civil War was fought by the South to preserve slavery. Taking the statues down won’t make you dumber because you’re already there.

The only thing that really offends me about your White Jesus, is what you’re teaching your children. If it’s anything like your “southern heritage,” you’re teaching your children to be racist.

That said, all these hate statues we want to be destroyed are on government property. There should not be government-endorsed monuments to racism. Even White Jesus would probably agree with that. White Jesus wouldn’t like the monument to racism in the Oval Office. My bad. The TWO monuments to racism in the Oval Office.

I think the hardest thing for conservative racists to do is to confront facts. One fact they hate and they’re trying to cover up is that they’re not praying to a white deity…except when they’re praying to Donald Trump.


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Edited by Smash!
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"Liberty Pants"


A couple days ago, a journalist for one of the major cable news networks was talking to an official in Arizona about masks being worn at Donald Trump’s hate rally in a megachurch.

The hate rally inside a church was to be held in Phoenix, a city that mandated facemasks to be worn in public, especially in social gatherings. The state/city official said the mandate wouldn’t be enforced at the church and if people felt safe and secure about not wearing a mask, then they’ll be allowed not to wear one. That’s where I started screaming at my TV (which is a hobby of mine) because the journalist didn’t push back on one aspect of that.

Part of the anti-mask argument is if you don’t feel you’re in danger, then you shouldn’t have to wear a mask. What the journalist failed to catch is we don’t wear masks for our own personal safety as much as we wear it for others and in the grander scheme of things, we’re wearing masks to defeat this virus nationally and globally. It takes a village yet every village has its share of idiots.

Just like it doesn’t matter what you think about a subject because opinions don’t change facts, how you feel about wearing a mask doesn’t matter to the virus. I actually encountered a guy on a sidewalk when the pandemic first hit saying, “Don’t worry about catching the virus from me. I don’t believe in that crap.” Being a dumbass will not save your life.

It’s one thing to just be stupid about public safety. It’s another to make it political because after you make it political, you refuse to admit you’re wrong. And if you’re not wearing a mask in public, just like your support for Donald Trump, you are wrong and it’s past the point that you’ve been proven wrong. The only thing preventing you from accepting reality is arrogance and narcissism. You’re wrong and it’s time for you to eat shit. We stopped serving crow in 2016.

Do you remember a few weeks ago when Florida was boasting about its low number of cases despite not putting forth the same safety measures as New York? Republican Governor Ron DeSantis was indignant, angry, and being a righteous asshole about it while screaming into microphones about how right he was. So, he reopened his state early. Now, Florida is one of the three most populous states in the nation with record highs. Texas reopened early and now they’re stepping back. Florida, where professional wrestling was classified as an “essential business,” has not.

Also, when Florida reopened, a stupid fucker who was frequenting my YouTube page challenged me in a bet that Florida’s coronavirus cases would not increase. I refused his bet because I don’t wager on human life and since he’s a Trump supporter, he wouldn’t pay up anyway because Trump supporters are lowlife liars who cheat at everything. Guess what. That guy hasn’t been back on my page since the numbers started spiking. Pay up? He’d have to be able to admit he was wrong first.

A huge reason these numbers are going up is that facemasks are not being worn. The evidence is in. If you’re on the debate team for no masks, you’ve lost. It’s over. Wait, if you’re a Donald Trump supporter, facts don’t apply. That’s why I never would have collected on that bet.

Right now, despite overwhelming evidence facemasks work, as in numbers of cases going down all over the world except in Brazil (where their leader is a Trump acolyte and hates masks too), our numbers are rising and Donald Trump and his administration are refusing to realize it. They lie about it. Donald Trump says the only reason the numbers are going up is because of “great testing.”

Donald Trump refuses to accept the numbers are rising because there are more cases. He refuses to accept facemasks work. He even refuses to accept it’s killing his campaign, which we all know is more important to him than human lives anyway.

Having to wear a facemask to protect others isn’t any more oppressive than having to wear a seatbelt, or a motorcycle helmet, or pants. Trust me on this, you’re wearing pants more for the consideration of others than you are for yourself.

I understand we all hate pants, especially the older we get. I haven’t worn pants since my trip to New York which was over two weeks ago. Hell, I’m not even wearing pants right now. But I’m not in public right now (they’re boxer briefs by the way) and when I am, I’m usually wearing sweat shorts because I’m lazy and getting fat. But, we all put something on when we go out. Wearing a facemask, while kinda annoying, is essential…just like you wearing pants. So, so essential.

Try to enter a grocery store without pants and see what happens? Use that same argument you do for not wearing a facemask. Go to a restaurant and tell them you don’t have to wear shoes. And in that regard, there may not be any laws in your state that mandates shoes in a restaurant (this will surprise you, most don’t have one), but the restaurant has the right to refuse service, especially to assholes. If you’re not wearing a facemask, businesses have the right to refuse service and to kick your selfish ass out.

If you’re still not wearing a facemask, you’re an asshole. That’s all it comes down to. Look at it this way, if all children have to sacrifice for your Second Amendment rights by having to wear a heavy bulletproof backpack to school, then you can wear a fucking facemask, you big entitled baby.

You’ve lost. the debate is over. Facemasks work. It’s not a conspiracy to control you or to see how much the government can get away with (I’ve had people tell me that one). Put on a goddamn mask, you selfish sonofabitch.

And for the love of God, put on some pants.


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"Corona Jackson"


Why is Andrew Jackson Donald Trump’s favorite president?

Is it because of the Battle of New Orleans during the war of 1812, a war the United States did NOT win and one Donald Trump can’t tell when it started if you spotted him the 18 and the 12 (it lasted from 1812 to 1815)?

Even though every Republican is quick to tell you it was the Democratic Party that started the Ku Klux Klan (they didn’t), owned slaves, and started the Civil War, Republicans are the first to get upset over Confederate Statues being removed or destroyed. Guess which party Andrew Jackson belonged to?

Maybe it’s like Donald Trump’s situation with Abraham Lincoln in that he only recently learned Lincoln was a Republican. Perhaps he doesn’t know Jackson was a Democrat. In fact, Jackson was to the Democratic Party as Ronald Reagan was to the Republican Party. From the 1980s until Trump’s election, Republicans always identified themselves as “Reagan Republicans.” It was never “Lincoln Republicans,” or “Teddy Republicans” or “Eisenhower Republicans.” For about 50 years after Jackson’s era, Democratic Party candidates would label themselves as “Jackson Democrats.” That probably didn’t stop until after Woodrow Wilson.

Republicans are correct on one thing. The Democratic Party was the racist party in the 1800s all the way through to the Civil Rights era. The GOP was the liberal party. Conservatives reacted to Abraham Lincoln’s election worse than they did to President Barack Obama’s. They literally went to war. So, when did the Democrats and Republicans switch liberal and conservative positions? For clues on that, look to see when racists like Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms left the Democratic Party and bolted to the GOP. Don’t tell me they joined the Republican Party because it was a bastion for liberals. Also, your “black friend” defense is destroyed by Strom Thurmond because he Biblically knew black women and had a child with at least one of them. He hated black people but he loved fucking them.

It wasn’t so much Democrats who owned slaves, fought for the Confederacy, and created the Klan. It was conservatives. Fact, fact, fact, fuckity fact.

Republicans act as though the parties of today are the same as they were in the 1800s. Every Conservative who pushes this argument is telling you two things. They don’t have a fricking clue about history and if they were alive at any time back in the 1800s through 1970, they would have been Democrats.

But why does Donald Trump revere Andrew Jackson, a Democrat? Because Andrew Jackson was a racist. He wasn’t just a racist, he’s an accomplished racist. Like Trump, his entire career was built on racism except Jackson actually had minorities killed and butchered. Donald Trump has only had minorities killed inadvertently.

Andrew Jackson relocated Native Americans which I’m sure Donald Trump would have loved to have done with black Americans when the Justice Department sued him for discriminating against them with his rental properties.

Andrew Jackson butchered Native Americans and was the perpetrator of the Trail of Tears (look it up). Donald Trump butchers our government, the Obama legacy, foreign relations, and his trail ends two feet behind his back.

When Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act, he claimed moving dozens of Native nations west of the Mississippi was an act of benevolence. In an address before Congress, he called the policy “generous.” He said if “Indians” remained in the east, it would devastate them but his removal policy “kindly offers a new home.”

Andrew Jackson was also a slave owner. Donald Trump owns the loyalty of his cult.

And Donald Trump doesn’t fully understand Jackson’s history. In 2017, Donald Trump asked rhetorically, “Why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?” He then waxed poetically about Andrew Jackson and said, “Had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War….he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said ‘There’s no reason for this.'”

Uh, no. He never said, “There’s no reason for this.” Dying 16 years before the Civil War, Andrew Jackson didn’t see it coming any more than Donald Trump saw the coronavirus pandemic coming. And, neither of the two men has a “big heart.”

Andrew Jackson died in 1845. The Civil War started in 1861. To simplify it for Trump supporters, 61 is AFTER 45. If Jackson, who owned around 200 slaves in his lifetime and really enjoyed and supported the butchering of minorities, had been alive during the 1850s when the nation was arguing about expanding slavery to new states, Jackson most likely would have been on the expansion side. After all, the Civil War started because of slavery.

Now, Donald Trump is screaming and having a shitfit over the statue of Andrew Jackson in Washington, D.C.’s Lafayette Square being attacked. The statue is right outside the White House in the area where Donald Trump had peaceful protesters teargassed so he could stage that idiotic moronic photo-op in front of the church. Donald Trump can see the statue from a White House window if someone tells him which side it’s on.

On Monday night, protesters attempted to topple the statue before law enforcement stopped them. Statues are heavy. They’re tough to remove. But Donald Trump, who has a painting of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office, freaked out. He said it was an attack on a “great monument” and said the protesters were, “Bad people, they don’t love our country, and they’re not taking down our monuments.”

Do you know how to tell someone’s a racist? They’re upset over the Confederate flag and monuments being removed and refers to them as part of “our heritage”…and they’re from New York.

Donald Trump also threatened to imprison for ten years those who attack his favorite statues.

Donald Trump’s most recent act of racism, other than shouting “kung flu” in a church, was ordering the Interior Department to replace the only statue of a Confederate in Washington, which was destroyed on Juneteenth.

Donald Trump personally called Interior Secretary David Bernhardt to have the Park Service “put it back up.” Donald Trump will be the first president to order the construction of a Confederate monument. How does that shit grab you?

Every monument to the Confederacy on government lands needs to be removed. You don’t need these statues for history. You don’t need to honor racists. Take down the flags, rename the bases, and for God’s sake, remove the fucking statues.

Donald Trump envisions himself as a modern-day Andrew Jackson. He’s partly right. Andrew Jackson was a racist…and so is Donald Trump.


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