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Manly Friendships

Shirley MacLaine

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One reason for the absence of male leadership in the church, the family, and the home is the absence of truly biblical, hearty, manly friendships. The Bible has much to say about these friendships. They have nothing to do with the contemporary vision of manhood and friendship. Today we see the machismo man, the effeminate man, the superficially sentimental man, the psychologically manipulated man, the angry man, and worse. But rarely do we see biblical men in deeply meaningful, biblical relationships with other men.

Now, in this two-CD message, Doug Phillips examines the biblical text on the issue of truly manly friendships. He examines the beauty and insights, as well as controversies surrounding the relationship of David and Jonathan. Using Scripture as the foundation, he explains what truly manly friendships look like, why they are so rare, and what men must be willing to do to achieve them. This is a heartwarming and practical message not only for men, but for the women and children who love them and who want them to be successful in Christ.

Sounds so... erotic!

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I think this is the one VF lecture I've heard that was all that and maybe even a little bit more.

My mouth was hanging open.

Oh my god, you've listened to it? Jealous! I hadn't heard of it until today when I noticed it was being hawked on Gen Cedar as part of a VF Courageous 'movie pack'

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Having a Biblical relationship usually is...

This! Knowing each other in the biblical sense LOL!!!! :lol: :violin:

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I saw that product sometime back when I was looking through the VF site. I laughed at it. There is also similar product called Manly Dad and Son relationships or something like that.

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It SO funny he mentions "effiminate" men. He is VERY well groomed, wears fussy clothing, and likes to dress up. Sounds pretty effiminate to me....

Pot, meet kettle :lol:

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