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Maxwell 22: Maxhell University Coursework

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4 hours ago, HermioneSparrow said:

And of course Steve is playing with his favorite and only beloved grandchild Joshua... His granddaughters are non-existant and the other boys are behind Joshua.

Fuck you Steve!

Steve is playing with the girls here, and then there is another picture of him holding the baby at dinner. I mean, Steve sucks, but he is holding the girls a bit in these pics and I have certainly seen him with the girls in others.  We don't see him as much with Nathan's kids but I almost think that is because Sarah favors Tina and the boys quite a bit and features them alone or with her.


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Our beaches here are mostly locals (who wear a mix of swimwear or regular clothing but tend to be pretty modest), Australians (swimwear and quite a few rash guard tops) and Asians (mostly Japanese and Koreans who tend to go anywhere from full body coverage, full suit that covers wrist to ankle and board shorts over for both men and women to a modest swimsuit with some sort of coverup but then they stay in the shade if they can find any). So it is a bit of a mix, but people fo tend to lean toward the more covered, especially if their skin is fair. Or they look like lobsters. I forgot my hat when we went to the beach the other day and have a red face despite putting sun screen on twice, and we were only there for 2 hours total. 

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4 hours ago, OhNoNike said:

My kids have always worn rash guards too. It’s just safer and easier than remembering to put sunblock on. 

Also I found when my daughter was younger, easier for the potty. She felt so grown up to get her first one piece this year because it meant we thought she could peel it off and then back on without help.

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On 7/10/2018 at 6:48 PM, nelliebelle1197 said:

I could have sworn Poor Sarah wrote something about Jesse, Strong and Black, having purchased a house that came complete with tenants. Am I drunk? Are the Maxwells shifting a time line in order to deceive? Are both things possible at once?

I'm right there with you then, because I was under the impression there were renters already in the house, too.

Oh well, nelliebelle, you didn't want to drink alone anyway, did you?

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On 7/11/2018 at 10:24 AM, RavenclawPajamas said:

That cat in the bin is adorable.  Tbh I'm sort of surprised they have one, I didn't know cats were a fundie thing

Still confused about this.  I've heard multiple people mention they don't let their children swim or play outside in water, do we know why?  Seems like plenty of other fundies are fine with swimming (usually provided the kids are wearing modest swimwear).


In one of the Maxwells' books (I think it was "Keeping Hearts"), they said they don't swim because there are too many immodestly dressed people at pools and beaches. They don't want their sons to be tempted.

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 Also, I find if I go out in the morning, it’s much harder to concentrate the rest of the day. (Mom has encouraged moms for years on this—the encouragement to stay home! If you go out in the morning, you’ll find it’s hard to stay on track for the afternoon!)

Sarah, you loon, what even IS this? Now mornings are evil? Is there a statistically higher chance of something fun happening in the morning that makes it worthy of avoiding? 

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10 hours ago, FloraDoraDolly said:

In one of the Maxwells' books (I think it was "Keeping Hearts"), they said they don't swim because there are too many immodestly dressed people at pools and beaches. They don't want their sons to be tempted.

Then why don’t they get a back yard pool? They have plenty of room and they can likely afford an above ground pool for the children to enjoy and use for learning to swim. It’s important that children learn to swim at some point in their childhood. We know Chelsy swims so I guess John will have some swim time in his future. 

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Praise God! We now know how to be a writer. And to think, I for one thought editors, agents and QUALITY were involved.

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2 hours ago, IReallyAmHopewell said:

Praise God! We now know how to be a writer. And to think, I for one thought editors, agents and QUALITY were involved.

Sarah should really, really, really take some creative writing courses. It seems like right now she's stuck at the level of Creative Writing 101. 

And she needs to read some actual fiction books by people who have been doing this for a while. 

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It is sad that when Sarah tries to explain how she writes she tells us what software she uses and how she saves the documents.   Sarah might find it helpful to do more research at the outline stage.  I have a feeling that her outlines are very minimal and she doesn't really know where she is going with the plot, let alone how to research if she needs to look something up.  

However, I really do feel sad for Sarah about this bit:


I find a quiet environment to write in, preferably away from my normal desk. With Sunflower’s Christmas Miracle, I wrote a lot of it at Joseph’s house, when he was away on a trip. I’ve written Moody books on the bus (when it was stationary!), at Joseph’s house before he got married, etc. For my current book, I wrote most of it in our spare room, with a few days at my grandma’s house when we had roofers here.

She's said this before.  Probably at her normal desk she is constantly interrupted and there are family activities going on all around her.  I think her desk is in the basement along with Steve's cubby hole  and the mailing area.  Teri's desk is in the master bedroom.

She has Jesse, Mary and Anna's activities to contend with too.  She still shares a bedroom, so she has no privacy or quiet space to write.  She used to find a quiet space in Uriah, then in Joe's house before he married, now she has to wait until he's away.  

Sarah also has to find blocks of time to write. Time when she isn't needed to take photos of family members for the stupid blog, not needed to answer the business phone, not nagged to format Mom's Corners or reformat MOTH, not disturbed by Auntie's playtime, violin practice, or meat smoking, and time when she is not pressured onto the sister conveyor belt to mail off books.

But they now have a spare room.  For pity's sake Maxwells, give Sarah her own bedroom and quiet office space!  She needs it.

Oh, and in other news:  The girls are back next week, and Arnold likes to watch the "guy's exercise time."  So the escaped married men come back to exercise or does she mean just Steve and Jesse. 

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55 minutes ago, Palimpsest said:

arah might find it helpful to do more research at the outline stage.  I have a feeling that her outlines are very minimal and she doesn't really know where she is going with the plot, let alone how to research if she needs to look something up.  

Have you read her books? Lol... outline? plot? research?  Research would likely involve a 1950's set of the Britannica. Or, if absolutely necessary, the internet with the whole family supervising. Yikes.  In her defense, it is very hard to write well when you've had little opportunity to read something other than the KJV and Rod/Staff textbooks. Life experience also helps, but she's rarely done anything outside the bubble of Steve-land. Who knows? Perhaps she could be a successful, commercially published author if she was ever allowed to read widely and take classes.

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1 hour ago, OhNoNike said:

I think that really explains why her books suck, @IReallyAmHopewell.  Aside from the actual writing, that is.  She has no experience to help her come up with good plots.  

The only one of Sarah's books I staggered through was Summer with the Moodys.  It didn't have much of a plot.  It was more a series of vignettes that didn't make sense as a book.  

Sarah also claimed to have "researched" diabetes in cats for that book.  Alert FJers decided that the Moodys would have overdosed that poor kitty with insulin on the first day. ;)


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I don’t get her having to turn her phone on airplane mode. Nearly everyone she knows lives with her and would know she is busy writing. I doubt her married brothers or their wives are constantly contacting her just to talk. I agree her outlines are probably minimal. My guess is they are more like chapter titles than real outlines. I tried to read one of the books that were free on kindle. I didn’t make it far. It was so boring, unrealistic and I hated anyone in there. 

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I’m not sure which ABC girl most recently was baptized. In whose pool was she baptized? Was it a family pool or a friend’s pool?

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13 hours ago, LilMissMetaphor said:

Sarah, you loon, what even IS this? Now mornings are evil? Is there a statistically higher chance of something fun happening in the morning that makes it worthy of avoiding? 

I feel like getting errands and things done outside of your house is better to do in the morning because then the rest of the day is free to get what you need done around your house and easily transition into dinner. Teri is trying to discourage Mom’s from leaving the house at all because she is barely allowed to. 

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As a Mother I am a strong believer in mornings being for going out (for coffee and adult discussion), and afternoons for lying on the couch with the ipad. So Teri might be right, but this belief system saved my life many times when I had babies.

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9 hours ago, dripcurl said:

I feel like getting errands and things done outside of your house is better to do in the morning because then the rest of the day is free to get what you need done around your house and easily transition into dinner. Teri is trying to discourage Mom’s from leaving the house at all because she is barely allowed to.

I'm a heathen working woman and I use my mornings as much as possible to get all the "boring" stuff done (workouts/cleaning on weekdays, errands/deep cleaning on weekends) so I have my afternoons and evenings free to do what I like, and on weekdays when I'm working, I won't feel guilty if I can't get important things done because I had to work late (I live in the UK but work for a US company, so 8:30am - 9pm days are depressingly common because 9pm here is 4pm Eastern time). 

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Sadly, since we know Steve reads FJ, Sarah will never write about bratwursts again. 

Sarah, if you ever get a chance to read this, yes we're snarky but you have no idea how happy we'd be to see you take some classes, get some independence, and start rethinking some of your upbringing. 

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On 7/9/2018 at 5:02 AM, Myfanwy said:

Jesse has hit the ground running re the reno. I think this means that a new Mrs Maxwell will join the borg shortly. Those photos seem so tight that a more suspicious person than I might thing something was being hidden. :my_undecided:

This reference is so perfect, you have to take it to it's conclusion!  "We are the Borg  Maxwells.  You will be assimilated.  Your culture will adapt to service us.  Resistance is futile." 

For non-trekkies:



Can you picture this voice coming out of Steve's mouth :pensive:

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As some of you may know, I enjoy playing Sims 4, and I just downloaded Seasons. It comes with certain holidays, such as Love Day, HarvestFest and WinterFest. Each holiday comes with various traditions. You can also create your own holiday, and add your own traditions. One tradition you can pick is Fasting! There are also such traditions as Cleaning and "Thankful Spirit". The Fasting one in particular sounds very Maxwellian. I'm half tempted to create a fundie-type family and instigate an Honouring God Day and choosing Fasting, Cleaning and Thankful Spirit for the traditions. 

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On 7/13/2018 at 7:15 PM, Markie said:

I’m not sure which ABC girl most recently was baptized. In whose pool was she baptized? Was it a family pool or a friend’s pool?

It was Christina, and that was last year. It was a pool, but they didn't say whose it was. It looks like an apartment complex-type pool.

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It is probably a hotel. They are weird enough for that.

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I just saw an episode of Mama’s Family where Mama bit into a sandwich and realized someone left the plastic on the cheese. I immediately thought of the Maxwells, although I am sure Teri was nowhere near as funny as Mama. 

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14 hours ago, mango_fandango said:

As some of you may know, I enjoy playing Sims 4, and I just downloaded Seasons. It comes with certain holidays, such as Love Day, HarvestFest and WinterFest. Each holiday comes with various traditions. You can also create your own holiday, and add your own traditions. One tradition you can pick is Fasting! There are also such traditions as Cleaning and "Thankful Spirit". The Fasting one in particular sounds very Maxwellian. I'm half tempted to create a fundie-type family and instigate an Honouring God Day and choosing Fasting, Cleaning and Thankful Spirit for the traditions. 

Please please do!  And post LP videos on YouTube. Sims was my secret passion for years but when Sims 4 came out I went through sudden withdrawal. I was addicted and it was time to detox. Now I get my fix watching Sims 4 vids on YT. Vixella is a particular favorite...girl makes me laugh!

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