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Christians shouldn't entertain!!!


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Apparently Jesus was never entertaining. Nevermind the fact that the parables he told were in story form...

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Guess she must not be ATI, or else she would be directly criticizing Gothard's skits on the mission trips to Asia. How dare they teach children Biblical principles with SKITS?

What a dreary place her church must be - I imagine it to be a lot like "Aunt Polly's" church in Pollyanna (before Pollyanna changes everyone's heart to "gladness," of course). Remember the preacher (Karl Malden) thundering out the doom and gloom message of hell?

Yeah, bet that wins over a lot of people...

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Oh, it's Her Ladyship of the Pretzel Bag Salt! She's a whackadoo.

Yeah, I guess she missed that whole thing that Jesus used, called storytelling and metaphor. Also, the wine-creating at the wedding (which would have been a place with entertainment) and the psalms with all their talk of making joyful music unto the Lord. Yep, pretty sure all he wants is some dude yelling at us from a pulpit. Don't you dare enjoy yourself! Jesus' life totally sucked, the whole time. HE NEVER HAD FUN.

I am so glad I do not see what she sees. I don't think my sanity could take it. Oh, wait...

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While whackadoo, her blog is also one of the the saddest things I've ever read. It must be hard to live such a joyless existence.

Also, anyone else scroll down and read the "Blessed be your poor in GPA"? :roll:

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God is serious business! We surely can not have any FUN as far as church/ christianity/ Jesus is concerned!

If we teach our kids a song like Father Abraham, they might get the crazy notion that God is kindof a cool dude instead of this supreme being that will send you to hell if you blink wrong!

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She'd hate my cousin - he is currently attending seminary to become a minister (Lutheran) (already has a master's degree), and is a higher-up with the Salvation Army. He leads a kids program, working with alot of homeless/at risk kids of all ages. He uses magic tricks, juggling, and jokes to break the ice and befriend his kids. He has also "guest" preached in places all over the country since he was a teenager and has used some of these things from the pulpit. He's also tattooed almost from head to toe. I think he's great and have listened to his sermons even though I'm an athiest.

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Re: "Blessed be your poor in GPA" - I will *never* understand the fundie aversion to education. Just. do. not. get. it.

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church services that need a 'producer' are to this day lambasted by my family. truth be told, i don't understand the need for 'entertainment' in a service. i don't understand myself how such a practice could be anything but distracting from the worship and study of the Word that's supposed to be taking place.

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Re: "Blessed be your poor in GPA" - I will *never* understand the fundie aversion to education. Just. do. not. get. it.

Educated people ask questions. Questions are BAD. :naughty:

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She'd hate my cousin - he is currently attending seminary to become a minister (Lutheran) (already has a master's degree), and is a higher-up with the Salvation Army. He leads a kids program, working with alot of homeless/at risk kids of all ages. He uses magic tricks, juggling, and jokes to break the ice and befriend his kids. He has also "guest" preached in places all over the country since he was a teenager and has used some of these things from the pulpit. He's also tattooed almost from head to toe. I think he's great and have listened to his sermons even though I'm an athiest.

I'm a bit confused.. The Salvation Army is a denomination in itself so if your cousin is a"higher up" (officer, the equivalent of a minister) how is he also lutheran? Those denominations differ pretty widely.

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I've been lurking here for awhile but I made an account today just to respond to this post.

Well it's really sad. It seems like she doesn't enjoy anything! I read back pages and pages of the blog and it just seemed like this woman is miserable. There is so much bad in the world why always focus on that? I hope that in her real life she's happier than she portrays herself on her blog.

Anyway, glad I joined today! Hope everyone has a wonderful day :D

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While whackadoo, her blog is also one of the the saddest things I've ever read. It must be hard to live such a joyless existence.

Also, anyone else scroll down and read the "Blessed be your poor in GPA"? :roll:

WTF?? Anyone see their church sign? I will never understand that viewpoint, ever. :naughty:

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WTF?? Anyone see their church sign? I will never understand that viewpoint, ever. :naughty:

Oh yeah, the church sign. WOMEN TALKING IS SIN! (Another case of "Well then, STFU.")

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I'm a bit confused.. The Salvation Army is a denomination in itself so if your cousin is a"higher up" (officer, the equivalent of a minister) how is he also lutheran? Those denominations differ pretty widely

Thanks for pointing that out - I didn't know that at all, I had always just thought that the Salvation Army was an organization. I assumed he was Lutheran because we were raised Lutheran and his parents, my mom, the rest of my family still are. So I guess I'm not sure, except that he's been working for the SA for quite awhile now, he was in New Orleans and was displaced by Katrina, moved to Florida, and just recently they moved him again to Atlanta. I'll have to ask him about the denomination stuff next time I see him on Facebook.

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I thought this was going to be one of those "church try too hard to be hip!" but this lady doesn't want anyone to have fun in church. I've seen boring churches. Everyone fell asleep or spaced out, and when they popped back in they'd yell "Amen!" out of bloody nowhere.

Such is life in an 8am Southern Baptist 'contemporary' service.

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Given that enjoying anything other than worship is idolatry, and we can only do stuff that is explicitly ordered in the Bible (avoiding sin that's expressly forbidden is not enough), I Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus.

Sorry y'all, I've decided that any other word than "Jesus" is unnecessary. Jesus is all we need. As such, I'm sure you will be able to understand the rest of my explanation of this idea, because Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus.

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She would probably approve of the Puritian church services with no music, hours long sermons and being bopped on the head if one happened to doze off.

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From her other blog. To sum it up she says that if you find bugs in your food, just pick them out and eat it anyway since people in Africa are so hungry that they have to do that. First of all, just put your flour and food in sealed containers, wouldn't that keep out most of the bugs? I've never had bugs get into anything unless I left it sitting out unsealed. Secondly, I'm pretty sure those people in Africa would choose the bug free food if they could. She does use fresh food when cooking for her church since people there are grossed out by her bug food.

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From her other blog. To sum it up she says that if you find bugs in your food, just pick them out and eat it anyway since people in Africa are so hungry that they have to do that. First of all, just put your flour and food in sealed containers, wouldn't that keep out most of the bugs? I've never had bugs get into anything unless I left it sitting out unsealed. Secondly, I'm pretty sure those people in Africa would choose the bug free food if they could. She does use fresh food when cooking for her church since people there are grossed out by her bug food.

Actually a not inconsiderable amount of flour sold in this county is contaminated with bugs. Stolen shamelessly from another blog:

The little bugs found in flour are a type of tiny beetle called a weevil. They’re not picky and like anything from flour, to cereal, nuts and coffee.

Scarily, these evil blighters are already in the flour when you buy it. Their eggs are present in the wheat and survive milling, and hatch if the flour has been hanging around for too long, or sitting in warm or humid conditions.

Many people don’t seem at all bothered about eating them as they’re perfectly harmless to humans and killed when they are cooked. Yuk.

To make it even more fun, the little gits infest anything else they can get their hands on such as boxes of cereal, packets of pasta, etc, and can even gnaw tiny holes in the packets. Oh, and they learn to fly as they get older!

You can get rid of them by freezing your flour for a day before putting it in your pantry. Make sure you keep your flour/cereal/pasta in sealed containers so it can't get secondarily infected. I've been through this. Had to throw out everything in my pantry. I now freeze and seal!

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She was talking about roaches. If I open a bag and see it crawling full of roaches and larva, I am not using it.

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She was talking about roaches. If I open a bag and see it crawling full of roaches and larva, I am not using it.

....the fuck???! :puke-front:

Docmom, thanks for the tip about freezing. I've never had a problem with flour before but on a few occasions have had rice or dried beans infested, and that was from stuff taken straight from the package into a sealed container. Yuck!

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This is why nothing stays in its orignal package. Everything in a bag/box/ package is put immediately into an air tight container and the packages taken straight to the outside trash/ recycle bins.

weevils. *shudder*

I never thought of freezing things, though. I might start!

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