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Fundies Writing Badly: Spelling and Grammar Blunders Thread

Lady Elaine

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I thought I'd create a place to post about some of the worst spelling and grammar mistakes from our favorite fundies. I'm not just talking about simple typos, but mistakes that make it obvious just how uneducated, uniformed, poorly read and sheltered some of these people are. Such as Kristina's "soak and wet baby girl" from earlier this summer and this line - ""Awe your too sweet dear Jade" someone just found in Homemaker by Choice's "creative" writing.

Here's a couple I just found today. Rather Unusual Rebecca wrote on her new blog: "We tried a unique white cake. It was very yummi!"

Well, that was cutesy.

Kori Wissman talked about the weather today: "We rode in the engine of an old train that ran off of hot coals. It was amazing to see how it worked. And it felt good to be up there on a chili day! ;)"

They had chili?

Maybe this is all petty, but sometimes their lousy writing really gets on my nerves.

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"Loved how Fox and Google made this debate a very interactive one with the populous."

From the Staddon family blog, post about the debate, comments section. Plenty of other fodder for this thread in the same post...

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It's called hyperbole and sarcasm. A sense of humor is helpful in detecting these things.- Duh, we know it was a joke, it's sick and not funny! I guess Christians aren't used to the vile sense of humor the world has, Glad we aren't! And making pictures of the Duggar children have pornographic meanings is so low. Lave kids alone at least. Oh and you think "fundies" (which you don't understand the meaning of that word.) are going to come to your site and be "converted" to your way of thinking! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Your site was sick, vile, and stupid. Pretty much you show your ignorance about a lot of things, and your hate, which I see the most of.

Here's a comment that twin2 found on Zsuzsu's blog. I am impressed that he/she knew the difference between its and it's. I think she's got 2 sentences in this paragraph that don't have obvious spelling/punctuation errors, and even those two are awkwardly worded. I do understand not really paying attention or caring that much when you're writing a blog comment, but I think I would have to actively try to get that many errors in one paragraph.

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One of my favorites from the VF interns:

Vision Forum Ministries and the Christian Boys' and Men's Titanic Society is preparing for a whopper of a celebration for next year's 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Sinking of the Titanic and the continued importance of the doctrine of "women and children first."

Hey interns, word order is very important.

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Guest Anonymous

Hmmmm. Well, everything on scarletthreadmidwifery.com, pretty much. I can't read that blog anymore because my face is palmed the entire time.

From her last post: "I am so sorry that I have not updated my blog in like forever! Things have been quite busy here! I have cought 15 babies so far! ...I only have 12 more days until I fly home! I am very excied about that! I can not wait to see my family again. I have made a few friends that I will be sad to leave behinde but with the power of the internet I will be able to keep in contact. One friend in particular I will miss she is juts a little crazy as am I so we can cook up all sorts of things!"

She really likes to cought babies!!! It makes her juts soooo exied!

Oh, and she sometimes ends her posts with " I better go before my brains start running out of my ears", which I love because I get that feeling from her posts too.

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I just read an old, old post where "chemo" was spelled "Keemo" repeatedly.

Other good ones from my private archive:

"self exteme"


"putting under wire back into my braziers."

"Please excuse my grammar, typos, and spelling errors. As you know, time is a rare comodoty around here right now"

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I thought I'd create a place to post about some of the worst spelling and grammar mistakes from our favorite fundies. I'm not just talking about simple typos, but mistakes that make it obvious just how uneducated, uniformed, poorly read and sheltered some of these people are. Such as Kristina's "soak and wet baby girl" from earlier this summer and this line - ""Awe your too sweet dear Jade" someone just found in Homemaker by Choice's "creative" writing.

I feel special because I brought both of these mistakes to the attention of FJ. :)

I'm excited for this thread.

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Hmmmm. Well, everything on scarletthreadmidwifery.com, pretty much. I can't read that blog anymore because my face is palmed the entire time.

From her last post: "I am so sorry that I have not updated my blog in like forever! Things have been quite busy here! I have cought 15 babies so far! ...I only have 12 more days until I fly home! I am very excied about that! I can not wait to see my family again. I have made a few friends that I will be sad to leave behinde but with the power of the internet I will be able to keep in contact. One friend in particular I will miss she is juts a little crazy as am I so we can cook up all sorts of things!"

She really likes to cought babies!!! It makes her juts soooo exied!

Oh, and she sometimes ends her posts with " I better go before my brains start running out of my ears", which I love because I get that feeling from her posts too.

Some of these are pretty obvious (Keemo, really?) but this example looks like a lot of what my posts look like before I go back and edit them just becaue I typle really fast. I can get paragraphs out in seconds if I know what I'm gonig to say, and it usually looks like the above. (barring the obvious misspellings (cought, because its the same way over and over a gain). Here, see, I'll leave this post unedited so you can see how I type before I edit. If I didn't always read over my posts to make sure I didn't leave anything out and just hit "post", it'd look like that.

I only see three besides my mentions of Keemo and cought, but generally it's close to six. in a paragraph that size.

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Jason Cormier, whose bad writing is made all the worse because he claims to be a writer:

Due to some life type stuff I am going to have to differ to the greatest of all time.

For the love of all that's holy, it's defer. Good Lord!

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Someone tried to point out all of the grammar issues with the Scarlet Thread blog in the comments and someone else (Mommy Enola?) commented back that all of the negative comments might make the little Rhodes Scholar stop writing all together. I used to be a journalism teacher and all I could think was "oh yeah, just let the crappy writing continue. There's no need to improve or correct."

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