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Lori Alexander 28: Not Liking Children

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There is a man who frequently comments on her facebook page named Thomas Ackerman.  In one of his comments yesterday, he mentioned his website: http://www.holinessofthebride.com/  It's an interesting piece of work regarding his religious philosophies.  He wants us to be covered from neck to ankle, among other things.  He also mentioned that he was asked to leave his job - sounds very Maxwellian...

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8 hours ago, Petronella said:
18 hours ago, molecule said:

Yes, really. Someone will ask me what I've been up to recently, and I'll tell them. It really does just develop naturally. It is NOT how a conversation would start, and I would never go up to someone and just ask them about their marriage as Lori does. But once people find out what I do, it's surprising how much they will tell me.

Just checking: Do you mean that you will mention that you are in marriage ministry, and the person will say in response: "I am submissive to my husband!" Because that sounds really, really weird to me. Even if they are in fact submissive to their husbands, it seems that there would be a lot of other things one would say first before a conversation leads to that statement.

I guess if one lives in a place where marital submission is a hot topic? Are there such places?? Glad I don't live in one!

No. A conversation will develop naturally. The other person might ask me what kinds of issues I deal with, and I'll tell them (submission is NOT on my  list). Sometimes they will let me know if something I mention is something they've had to deal with in their own marriage. So I can see the possibility of Lori having a conversation where she says that she writes about submission in marriage. And I can see how an older woman might respond with "I am submissive to my husband." It could happen naturally. What you describe sounds weird to me, too.

However, I doubt that it happens that way with Lori. She probably does ask women outright whether they submitted. Or, perhaps they just volunteer the information to shut her up. :)

The reason I brought it up is that some folks in this thread were criticizing Lori for having conversations about marriage with strangers. I only wanted to point out that this in itself is not just a Lori thing. My marriage ministry colleagues all have experienced the same thing. It's natural to have conversations about the work that you do. 




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On ‎9‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 2:24 PM, Emilycharlotte said:

No, that doesn't sound normal, and I absolutely don't believe the conversation happened as Lori describes it.

My first thought was, if it really happened like that, she was snarking on Lori and her obsession with submission. 

I've been aware of FJ since the early days, but it was Lori who drove me to create an account here.  She blocked me for suggesting that we all should show grace to each other.   I am deeply disturbed by what she says to women who are struggling.

I once had a woman advise me with zero kindness or empathy to read a submissive-wife book, after I told her that my husband (now-ex) was constantly critical.   She and Lori have exactly the same look -- like they have put themselves in this tiny, tightly-controlled box and their only method of survival is to judge other women and try to put them in the box. 

Thank you all for making me laugh and restoring my faith in humanity when I got sucked into the pit of Lori and women like her.




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Welcome @LizzieDawn!!!

i was thinking about the older woman who supposedly told Lori she was a submissive wife. 

What if it went something like this:

Lori: What was your marriage like?

Older Woman:  That man was a controlling son of a bitch who thought he was my boss and master!! I was supposed to do everything he said and he never took no for an answer. What a miserable 52 years. Bossy son of a bitch, he was!! 

Lori heard "SUBMISSIVE!!"  

Sorry, I could not resist. 

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5 hours ago, crawfishgirl said:

There is a man who frequently comments on her facebook page named Thomas Ackerman.  In one of his comments yesterday, he mentioned his website: http://www.holinessofthebride.com/  It's an interesting piece of work regarding his religious philosophies.  He wants us to be covered from neck to ankle, among other things.  He also mentioned that he was asked to leave his job - sounds very Maxwellian...

Mr Ackerman also thinks a Christian uniform is a good idea. From the guidelines appendix item 4, "In the end, it may be more convenient to simply come up with a uniform..." It goes on from there but you get the idea.

I for one support uniforms for Mr. Ackerman and his ilk. It will make them easier to spot and easier to avoid. I enjoyed his chosen selection of photos, very soothing. You can hardly feel the noose of his extreme views tightening.

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43 minutes ago, SuperNova said:

Mr Ackerman also thinks a Christian uniform is a good idea. From the guidelines appendix item 4, "In the end, it may be more convenient to simply come up with a uniform..." It goes on from there but you get the idea.

I for one support uniforms for Mr. Ackerman and his ilk. It will make them easier to spot and easier to avoid. I enjoyed his chosen selection of photos, very soothing. You can hardly feel the noose of his extreme views tightening.

I glanced at his blog for a minute. It's not mobile friendly so I didn't go in depth, but I think this dude needs his own discussion! It looks like it'll be a rabbit hole.

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I read his blog...he's a half-assed messianic Jew (hated by both Jews and gentiles for their religious and cultural appropriation of what doesn't belong to them). He's fkn nuts. 

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1 minute ago, desertvixen said:

@feministxtian - the newer Explorers are nice.  I have a 2014 Sport and I love it.

You do? I test drove a Limited...want that dual front/back AC here in the desert. LOVED It! Not as high up as hubby's 4WD Expedition but high enough...the driver's seat had a bazillion adjustment points...perfect for my fkd up back. Here's hoping the settlement comes SOON and is enough...We're HOPING to be able to buy a house and a truck for me. 

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Can someone tell her that L. M. Alcott was a gasp feminist, that she worked, often outside the home, her whole life and that she believed women needed an education and should pursue their dreams? She even believed women can be awesome doctors and can lead fulfilling lives working and never marrying. She also never married and couldn't give a shit about being a homemaker lori-style.

And her mother Abby May Alcott, that she admired, in addition to being a feminist, was one of the first licensed social workers of Massachusetts, working, you guessed it outside the home in 19th century, as Lori can't admit that often happened.

Listen Lori, you picked the wrong person. Because, you know, it's not just because a woman wrote books in ye olden days that she was the embodiment of your twisted fantasies. Louisa May Alcott was as far from your mindset as possible, as you'd probably know if you had read and understood her books.

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If you enjoy driving (and using your gas pedal), check out the Sport.  It's a little pricey, but does have the dual front/back AC, the driver's seat adjustment is lovely, the heated seats are a godsend when it's chilly and you just need a little warmth.   The Limited does have the power folding back seat which I liked.

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1 minute ago, desertvixen said:

If you enjoy driving (and using your gas pedal), check out the Sport.  It's a little pricey, but does have the dual front/back AC, the driver's seat adjustment is lovely, the heated seats are a godsend when it's chilly and you just need a little warmth.   The Limited does have the power folding back seat which I liked.

I don't need heated seats...the 3 days a year it's almost chilly here just don't justify the expense. The dual A/C is a necessity here in the desert. We'll see what we can see...by the time this is all settled, I'll probably be able to get a helluva deal on a left over 2017. I'm making myself nuts right now though...

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1 minute ago, desertvixen said:

After our weather being up and down, I'm looking forward to being home in Vegas in October for a few days.

Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllll......gonna PM you my digits...let's meet up!

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Oh chinga esta puta....her latest bullshit is about "married to angry men" and essentially her advice is to submit and pray. 

Screed coming soon

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3 hours ago, feministxtian said:

You do? I test drove a Limited...want that dual front/back AC here in the desert. LOVED It! Not as high up as hubby's 4WD Expedition but high enough...the driver's seat had a bazillion adjustment points...perfect for my fkd up back. Here's hoping the settlement comes SOON and is enough...We're HOPING to be able to buy a house and a truck for me. 

I would be happy with a 1992 honda hatchback if it meant ANY a.c. at all. Adjustment points for seats? What are those? My every day driver is a 1960 with a horsehair bench seat and our newest car is a 1979. I wish I was kidding but I'm not.

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22 hours ago, Khan said:

@onemama I hope your washer can be fixed like mine was: $15 part and an hour of swearing at the machine.

This time, it looks like we're going to have to replace the machine.  Hubby found a used one in the classifieds and is going to pick it up today.  

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11 hours ago, SuperNova said:

Mr Ackerman also thinks a Christian uniform is a good idea. From the guidelines appendix item 4, "In the end, it may be more convenient to simply come up with a uniform..." It goes on from there but you get the idea.

I for one support uniforms for Mr. Ackerman and his ilk. It will make them easier to spot and easier to avoid. I enjoyed his chosen selection of photos, very soothing. You can hardly feel the noose of his extreme views tightening.

I agree. Those photos were very deceiving indeed. This man is establishing himself as a leader of a very controlling cult.  Christianity is not about controlling how people dress, whether their marriages last a lifetime or whether they use birth control or not.  That is none of any leader's business!   

He's right that the Church is not shining very brightly, but I think it has less to do with the length of the clothes we wear and more to do with our individualistic lifestyle and the little love we show for one another.  Christian communities usually start out with good intentions: we are going to be the real Church. We are going to live the way Jesus would have us live, love one another, share our belongings, help each other, protect our children from the scary world outside, work with our hands, be independent... all instructions given to the Church at some point.  And it's not a bad thing to want to live a less isolated life where we care about each other, and not just on Sunday, but I haven't heard of one such community that is healthy.  Control is not healthy.  

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@laPapessaGiovanna Somehow, I get the feeling that most of Lori's followers don't even know who Louisa May Alcott was. :? If they do, I'd be willing to bet they only know her as the author of Little Women and know nothing of her personal life or the life of her mother. 

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11 hours ago, feministxtian said:

I don't need heated seats...the 3 days a year it's almost chilly here just don't justify the expense. The dual A/C is a necessity here in the desert. We'll see what we can see...by the time this is all settled, I'll probably be able to get a helluva deal on a left over 2017. I'm making myself nuts right now though...

Oh, I'm feeling the wah-wah-wahs now--my chariot is a 2000 with non-working a/c and slowly leaking oil seals.  Dh and I agreed that the last substantial investment in said car would be the very last one.  I'm too short to drive dh's truck, and our credit rating is perilously close to the toilet.

Thanks for letting me cry!!!

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My mother and I were just discussing that someone needs to just comment "Matthew 23" on her posts. If you aren't familiar, check it out.

I can't because I'm blocked.

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2 hours ago, louisa05 said:

someone needs to just comment "Matthew 23" on her posts

Yes, especially verse 4: 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

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