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Terra Nova MERGED


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fox has a new television show scheduled for fall called terra nova. there is a dapper bearded man who is leading an expedition- i thin they are looking for anaconda in the amazon or some such dribble.

has anyone seen this? the leader looks like dougie!

or do all bearded men loo like dougie to me now?

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Aaa! Aaa! Aaa! I KNEW that guy reminded me of someone and you're right -- it's totally Dougie! Aaa! I was planning to watch that show and now I'm traumatized!

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  • 2 months later...

Anyone watch this last night? What did you think? Contrary to all the online reviews, I enjoyed it very much. I just hope they can keep up the momentum and keep the show interesting and fast paced.

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I like it, but I hope they don't turn it into another Lost. I would love them to focus on the day to day stuff/challenges, rather than "mysteries".

Fingers crossed it gets better and improves!

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I enjoyed it. I thought the CGI was well done, but they need to do something about that whiny son. I'd like more back story on the colony. I will dvr it and keep watching.

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I liked it too. I saw it yesterday, which must have been a repeat of the pilot? Anything with dinosaurs or big monsters=I'm in!

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I liked it alright, but I'm not going to get invested. It's on FOX so it will probably be cancelled after the first 13 episodes. If they even show all 13 episodes that they ordered.

I also thought the post-apocalyptic world that they escaped was more interesting than the alternative universe world they traveled through the stargate for.

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I liked it but I have set design problems (just watched tonight's ep). Tiny colony, hostile planet, megafauna...single family homes set far apart, no bars on the windows, GIANT windows, flimsy interior doors, no apparent neighbor-to-neighbor or mass-announcement communications systems? No storm sirens or storm shelters in public areas?

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I liked it but I have set design problems (just watched tonight's ep). Tiny colony, hostile planet, megafauna...single family homes set far apart, no bars on the windows, GIANT windows, flimsy interior doors, no apparent neighbor-to-neighbor or mass-announcement communications systems? No storm sirens or storm shelters in public areas?

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Awfully nice digs for such a rough place - and they certainly didnt bring those hardwoods with them from the future!

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if I had a small child and we lived in a world with giant predators, she'd be in the room next to ours, preferably one toward the interior of the house. You know?

Also if I lived in that world and heard a loud scary noise from the yard I'd at least put on a shirt before I went outside to look. Maybe carry that gun he has, too. Especially if there had been mysterious deaths by unknown animal that very morning.

Not that I didn't appreciate the mancandy.

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I liked it but I have set design problems (just watched tonight's ep). Tiny colony, hostile planet, megafauna...single family homes set far apart, no bars on the windows, GIANT windows, flimsy interior doors, no apparent neighbor-to-neighbor or mass-announcement communications systems? No storm sirens or storm shelters in public areas?

And HUGE FREAKING BUGS. I just shriveled up in my chair seeing that.


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And HUGE FREAKING BUGS. I just shriveled up in my chair seeing that.


I saw a documentary on the amazon and I vividly remember that one bee was the size of the researcher's hand - my worst nightmare!

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Maybe the size of the bugs explains the slats with no screens on the windows, at least.

Oh who am I kidding. This is why so many sf fans hate TV! Despite the design stuff I did like the show & we're going to keep watching. Cross time portal romantic dramaz!

Actually the timing of this show (right at the time I should be putting my son to bed) is pushing me to get serious about getting a DVR thingy set up.

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I am officially avoiding judgement until next week. The first episode seemed really trying to make sure that we knew about the oh so mysterious mysteries to the point of being annoying. Then it was monster of the week. Looks like the next episode will be back to meta plot. So far, it's entertaining, but not super awesome.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am disappointed that this series hasn't chosen a way to make this society an utopia. I am disappointed that this world appears to be governed by a dictator.

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