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Scottish Independence part 2: Electric Boogaloo


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So, today the Scottish Parliament voted to, once again, hold a referendum on leaving the UK.

Given that all their promises last time round (guaranteed EU membership, more devolution etc) have been proven to be a load of bollocks most people could see this coming. Of course Westminster is going to try and delay this with the usual crap arguments. They want to keep us in as long as they can, so have been stalling the Scottish politicians but really I think they will fail. Given that several members of the Tories are on record saying they want to undo devolution completely, that Scotland voted to stay in the EU and that there seems to be an exponential rise in fascist nutters coming from the South I think that more people will be involved this time.

Watching the news coverage just now is interesting. The UK government set a precedent with the EU referendum which was supposed to be an "advisory" poll but not a binding vote and have now taken it and run a million miles with it. They can try and say that we shouldn't have a vote but really we can just have another "advisory" vote and do exactly what they did with Brexit. To be honest listening to a lot of the absolute cockwombles who caused Brexit over the last few weeks I can't see how anyone doesn't want to distance themselves from all this. I guess I live in interesting times.

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