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"Women are best when they are quiet." So STFU Kendal


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I must admit, I'm doing a bit of fundie baiting in the comments. Her judgmental attitude irritates me so much. She seems to be posting my comments so far. I'm far from a biblical scholar, though I have a pretty good basis of knowledge, coming from a Catholic university. If anyone has any tips or ammunition, please let me know

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Both of you are better women than I am. Any sympathy I was capable of harboring towards Kendal bit the dust after her infamous blog in which she claimed that her husband took the day off from work so they could spend the day "disciplining" their daughter. Then expected the kid to thank her father for the training. Grr.

That was appalling,but still sometimes she sounds like a real person and I feel just a hint of compassion with her, not for long though.

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Well, first of all Kendal is NOT a fundie. She attends a Pasadena Reformed-Charismatic church that not listed under the BB-church board, and is not looked upon fondly by either the FIC or John MacArthur or Jack Hughes' churches (the fundie-lite churches of the Los Angeles) area. Kendal's church is not forcing anything upon her.

Kendal really wants to be fundie, most likely because it has infused her life with a great deal of purpose.

Secondly, Kendal is NOT miserable...yet. She's actually very happy because she has the aforementioned newfound purpose, which is why she can't stop preaching or blogging about it. She's a new "anti-feminist" convert. She hasn't lived in the lifestyle long enough. She's at the very beginning stages of homeschooling and hasn't even had a chance to see the trade-offs yet. These people never understand that silence is the first sign of a mature belief.

Lastly, some FJ-ers are having trouble understanding why fundies berate working mothers, career women, etc. What about widows or single mothers and such?

Widows and single moms, divorcees etc. are shadows in fundieville. They are a crack in the ideal, so they are generally not addressed, but the problem is this:

If "Plan A" represents the ideal, which is an efficient and prolific homemaker, and "Plan B" represents a woman who receives an education first and then plans to marry...often PLAN B prevents PLAN A from ever happening.

Fundie women know this. Plan B is too risky. It's distracting. They know that their youth and fertility are selling points, not their wit. Plan B can often trick them into extended education, student loans, and other things which the community does not appreciate--things that can make them look tough and unmarriagable.

Sorry if I sound like a know-it-all. I grew up in a strange fundie movement and am currently married to fundie (mostly lite)...and homeschooling as well. And I also apologize because I will not be proofreading this post :shifty:. .

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Wow this:

Kendal said: Usually a very negative attitude towards our lifestyle is the result of some past hurt that then turns into resentment and bitterness. Bitterness towards some male or even a father. Usually there is a need for the woman to feel strong and dependent. She feels powerless to depend on anyone much less a man.
Okay, some people have life experience and therefore realize that they need to depend on themselves. Just one reason of many why women want to be independent. I do not understand why a woman shouldn't be independent.

I think Kendal has a cinderella complex (fear of independence).

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Wow this: Okay, some people have life experience and therefore realize that they need to depend on themselves. Just one reason of many why women want to be independent. I do not understand why a woman shouldn't be independent.

I think Kendal has a cinderella complex (fear of independence).

Oh really, and I assume she came to this conclusion while completing her master's thesis in sociology, wonder where she published her findings?

Why am I an independent woman. Maybe because quite often my dad would say "Twin1 and twin2 come here, I want to show you this (this being change a tire, use a powertool, ect) because no damn daughter of mine is going to be dependent on man to do these things." Why am I an evil working women? Because I have a talent for science and can use that for the betterment of society. Would it not be selfish of me not to use my talents for all of society instead of just for my family? If and when I decide to have a family, I intend on doing both.

ETA: Another example. My mom is an outstanding teacher. Because she decided to work, not only does she have three kids who benefited from her gift, she has legions of children whose lives are better because of her. If that is selfish, I want to be selfish!

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Kendal suffers greatly from the sin of pride she will never, ever, ever admit she is wrong. I am greatly amused that instead of directing people to read the Bible to find out more about Deborah, she directs them to an article written by men. So much for the Bible is all you need. LOL. I have studied the book of Judges and there is nowhere in there that even implies that Deborah sat in her yard under a palm tree or that the only reason she was a leader was because God was punishing the country for the lack of strong men. That has only been added by men who can't stand reading about strong women in the Bible.

And then there is the whole line about women following Jesus being an "old, dead argument". Has she read the Bible lately?

1And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,

2And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils,

3And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance.

Basically a bunch of women, one of whom appeared to leave her husband at home because it doesn't mention Chuza coming, travel around with Jesus and use their own money to support Jesus as he travels. So if it is a sin for women to leave home, then Jesus caused people to sin. Or the more logical thing to say is that perhaps the Bible doesn't say that all women have to stay at home.

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There is some very interesting comments going on on her recent post. I love that there are people challenging her thinking.

I was the one who wrote 'If you think women should be silent, then why aren't you silent? female creature'

Those last words I didn't mean any offense, just telling her exactly what she said.

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Basically a bunch of women, one of whom appeared to leave her husband at home because it doesn't mention Chuza coming, travel around with Jesus and use their own money to support Jesus as he travels. So if it is a sin for women to leave home, then Jesus caused people to sin. Or the more logical thing to say is that perhaps the Bible doesn't say that all women have to stay at home.

Sometimes I get the distinct feeling that those who claim to live the Bible so much (Kendal) aren't really as familiar with it as they should be. :think:

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I think they are only familiar with certain parts of it. I know it wasn't until I had left fundiedom and read the Bible on my own with no study guide or person to tell me what to read or what it supposedly said that I found that passage and realized the all the stuff being taught about Deborah wasn't true. Jesus obviously didn't give a crap if women stayed home with their kids serving their husbands, especially since he called women to leave home and follow him. I bet that passage isn't preached on a lot in patriarchy churches.

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