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Election Results 2016, Part 3


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You are completely entitled to your opinion from which you draw the experience of your family. I am drawing upon my own.

I am sorry that you feel fear about war. But that is how the Russian people felt when Hillary almost became president.

 You value NATO, other Serbs may feel differently. They may feel stronger ties to Russia as Russia is also a Slavic country.

You speculate that choosing Russia over NATO means Serbia will go to war. That is speculation.I can speculate that because South Korea has US military bases, they will go to war against North Korea. 

Finally, Serbia has the right to reject NATO. Technically the agreement between Reagan and Gorbachev was that NATO would not expand beyond Germany. NATO broke it's promise, and Russia is left surrounded by NATO bases. Imagine if Russia surrounded the US in Canada and Mexico.

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Regardless, I will be celebrating with my students that due to Hilary's failure, the likelyhood of continued regime change, invasions, drone strikes, and civilian deaths has just lessened.

Until some other country's president says "Fuck you!" But this time with a big red button.

Russia isn't the only one who could easily be pissed off -even on a whim- who has these things. 

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Just now, Lilichka said:

You are completely entitled to your opinion from which you draw the experience of your family. I am drawing upon my o

I am sorry that you feel fear about war. But that is how the Russian people felt when Hillary almost became president.

 You value NATO, other Serbs may feel differently. They may feel stronger ties to Russia as Russia is also a Slavic country.

You speculate that choosing Russia over NATO means Serbia will go to war. That is speculation.I can speculate that because South Korea has US military bases, they will go to war against North Korea. 

Finally, Serbia has the right to reject NATO. Technically the agreement between Reagan and Gorbachev was that NATO would not expand beyond Germany. NATO broke it's promise, and Russia is left surrounded by NATO bases. Imagine if Russia surrounded the US in Canada and Mexico.

I'm sorry, but this is not speculation - this is based on the rhetoric of current Serbian politicians, what they say, and what they do. I am not ignorant to history. History is deemed to repeat itself if we do not stop it. I'm not basing anything on opinion, but on what actually is happening and has happened.

And again, I don't care about Russia. They aide my enemy.

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12 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

Saturday Night Live did this tonight. It made me cry. It also gave me an earworm, as far as earworms go this is not the worst.


Annnnnd here come the tears again.

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Just wanted to apologize for monopolizing the thread, never thought I'd be arguing about, well, what I argued about.

Let's get back to figuring out how to ship the pumpkin to another galaxy.

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7 minutes ago, JoyfulSel said:

Just wanted to apologize for monopolizing the thread, never thought I'd be arguing about, well, what I argued about.

Let's get back to figuring out how to ship the pumpkin to another galaxy.

First president in outer space! :-D

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I guess Lilichka got banned for being a sock puppet and if she's who I think she is, well she just can't resist the urge to come here to educate us on Reich wing politics. It's a pity that she got banned before I could have a chance to reply but it's for the better I guess (if she's who I think she is) there's no point in engaging with her.

Anyway I think that probably Trump will strike a deal with Russia that will end the war in Syria, but I think it would be foolish to think that this won't open the way to other conflicts and first in line for troubles are probably Ukraine and Balkans. Not to mention that a Trump-Putin alliance means probable troubles with the EU. Personally I'd love to see the end of conflicting relationship with Russia (my country had big economic ties with Russia and we lost billions of euro of trade since the EU and US chose economic sanctions against them) but I don't think it will happen with a Putin on a power trip. 

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So, I missed the Russia talk? 
Dammit, I had things to say. My country has spend last few years trying to figure out how not to become the next Ukraine. 

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If Trump makes peace with Russia it will come at a very, very high price. There is a reason Russia worked hard to push the election in the direction of Trump winning, and it wasn't out of the kindness of their heart or because they were worried about innocent people dying. 

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2 hours ago, formergothardite said:

If Trump makes peace with Russia it will come at a very, very high price. There is a reason Russia worked hard to push the election in the direction of Trump winning, and it wasn't out of the kindness of their heart or because they were worried about innocent people dying. 

Here's an article a friend shared recently. It was written by a British historian back in July and is actually a fairly interesting read regarding how cyclical human violence and destruction is and how connected seemingly separate world events can be:


@JoyfulSelI'm sorry about your family. :hug: 

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47 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

Here's an article a friend shared recently. It was written by a British historian back in July and is actually a fairly interesting read regarding how cyclical human violence and destruction is and how connected seemingly separate world events can be:


@JoyfulSelI'm sorry about your family. :hug: 

Thanks for sharing that article, @VelociRapture That was a really good (if slightly terrifying) read.

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48 minutes ago, alba said:

Thanks for sharing that article, @VelociRapture That was a really good (if slightly terrifying) read.

Is it weird that I found it oddly reassuring in a way? The fact that humans have survived through horrible situations and world events in the past does calm me the tiniest bit. I have no doubt that this is likely to get very rough in many ways - but I am hopeful that so many people being so vocal in their opposition to hate can help minimize some of the fallout.

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6 hours ago, laPapessaGiovanna said:

I guess Lilichka got banned for being a sock puppet and if she's who I think she is, well she just can't resist the urge to come here to educate us on Reich wing politics. It's a pity that she got banned before I could have a chance to reply but it's for the better I guess (if she's who I think she is) there's no point in engaging with her.

Anyway I think that probably Trump will strike a deal with Russia that will end the war in Syria, but I think it would be foolish to think that this won't open the way to other conflicts and first in line for troubles are probably Ukraine and Balkans. Not to mention that a Trump-Putin alliance means probable troubles with the EU. Personally I'd love to see the end of conflicting relationship with Russia (my country had big economic ties with Russia and we lost billions of euro of trade since the EU and US chose economic sanctions against them) but I don't think it will happen with a Putin on a power trip. 

I was actually wondering if Lilichka was one of those Russian trolls who are paid to spout pro-Putin/pro-Trump rhetoric across the Internet. Her single-minded focus on Trump's position towards Russia, something that almost no American Trump supporters care about, was also a red flag.

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20 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

Is it weird that I found it oddly reassuring in a way? The fact that humans have survived through horrible situations and world events in the past does calm me the tiniest bit. I have no doubt that this is likely to get very rough in many ways - but I am hopeful that so many people being so vocal in their opposition to hate can help minimize some of the fallout.

And also might be healthy for Trump's huge ego. 
He is not the biggest guy in playground. Not everyone loves and agrees with him. Same goes for his supporters.

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2 minutes ago, Cleopatra7 said:

I was actually wondering if Lilichka was one of those Russian trolls who are paid to spout pro-Putin/pro-Trump rhetoric across the Internet. Her single-minded focus on Trump's position towards Russia, something that almost no American Trump supporters care about, was also a red flag.

I didn't ask any admin so this is just a wild guess of mine, the only reason for banning someone who didn't go around breaking rules (afaik) is for being a sock and guess which banned member was obsessed with right wing idiocy? This same former member already made a sock months ago to tell us how horrid Clinton was.

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I knew exactly who that poster was because her stupid ass gives her away every time. I guess she got bored at Freed Jinger and the stagnant moaning about us on GOMI drove her back here...AGAIN. Glad we could spice up her life for a minute or two. 

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1 hour ago, AlwaysExcited said:

And also might be healthy for Trump's huge ego. 
He is not the biggest guy in playground. Not everyone loves and agrees with him. Same goes for his supporters.

Absolutely! I don't agree with protestors turning violent or damaging property at all - but I do fully support those who are protesting peacefully. Yes, it may be an inconvenience at times for others trying to go about their day, but protecting our freedom to assemble and protest is so incredibly important. It's one of the best and most effective ways in which to make our voices and beliefs heard loud and clear.

I won't be participating in protests. I'm way pregnant and my husband is concerned what could happen if things turn badly (and so am I to be honest - baby has to come first). But I plan to continue doing my part in annoying my State and Federal Congressional Reps to fight hard for my beliefs and views.

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So I'm back from my mini hiatus. I can't bring myself to read through the other thread. 

It's day five and I still can't believe this is real life. I've had nothing but texts/calls from concerned (white) friends and horror stories and tears from my fellow POC friends. Everyone I know is scrambling to get new licenses/passports/birth certificates so they can get the hell out of dodge quickly if needed. There are talks of underground communities, "survival skills"- I just can't believe this is my life now. 

It may not be much (and may have already been posted) but there are a few petitions on whitehouse.gov asking President Obama to appoint Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court since congress has refused to do it's job. If you're a US citizen please consider signing these. 




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I feel like the media is really failing us all again. They should be reporting every single day on the violence and bullying that's occurring in our country right now. And they should be calling Trump out for it every day - not only for sparking the bullying in the first place, but for not telling his supporters to stop the violence and bullying. Saying "we need unity" during an acceptance speech accomplishes nothing if he's never going to address his supporters and tell them to knock it off. The media should also be calling out his supporters and saying "if you didn't vote for him for his bigotry, then speak up now against the horrible violence and bullying that's going on." But instead, they're doing fluff pieces and telling us all we need to give Trump a chance. 


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I don't even understand what giving Trump a chance means... He already has a chance to do whatever the damn he pleases.  It's not like any of the protesters can stop him (*deep snark from the abyss speaking* unless some of the Second Amendment people have some ideas huh...)

It just sounds like they're saying that not only does Trump has the power to wreck your life, but you also have to like it and suck his presidential ass while he's doing it.

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40 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

I feel like the media is really failing us all again. They should be reporting every single day on the violence and bullying that's occurring in our country right now. And they should be calling Trump out for it every day - not only for sparking the bullying in the first place, but for not telling his supporters to stop the violence and bullying. Saying "we need unity" during an acceptance speech accomplishes nothing if he's never going to address his supporters and tell them to knock it off. The media should also be calling out his supporters and saying "if you didn't vote for him for his bigotry, then speak up now against the horrible violence and bullying that's going on." But instead, they're doing fluff pieces and telling us all we need to give Trump a chance. 


Isn't it odd that the same people that are remaining silent during all this targeting against minorities are the very people that demand Muslim speak out against extremism? 



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