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Fundies that allow their children to go to public school?


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Those apostolic hairdo videos are something else. I find it interesting that women aren't allowed to wear makeup, but apparently spending huge amounts of time and product on the perfect updo is ok. Hm. One of the comments on one of the youtube videos was something like "we don't cut our hair because we believe it is our glory and our crown" which makes sense - except that St. Paul specifically said something against elaborate hairdos (well, depending on your interpretation, of course).

I find the different interpretations of "modest" endlessly fascinating :)

Well, I know how I will be spending the rest of my evening ,thanks for mentioning them. :)

You know, when left on its own, my curly hair only grows to the bra line of my back,no longer. I cannot have long hair if I wanted it. Must be only us heathens who can't grow long hair.

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Well, I know how I will be spending the rest of my evening ,thanks for mentioning them. :)

You know, when left on its own, my curly hair only grows to the bra line of my back,no longer. I cannot have long hair if I wanted it. Must be only us heathens who can't grow long hair.

I think I'm fairly heathen and if I didn't trim it for split ends, my hair would be down to my butt. As it is, I keep it right at elbow length. I also dye it on a regular basis (what, you thought that red was natural--maybe on my grandma, but me, I got the mouse brown hair, so of course I am going to keep Garnier in business).

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There was a family with maybe 7 kids who attended public school in my area and I was in high school with three of them. The girls wore pants and they all participated in school activities like show choir, but there were some things I learned from talking to them that sounded like fundie-type behavior. For example, one of the daughters got punished for getting her ears pierced. Her sisters told me that their father wouldn't allow the girls to get their ears pierced until they got married and asked their husbands for permission. When that daughter died of meningitis her senior year of high school, the father went batshit crazy at the memorial service held for students. He screamed that his daughter died a sinner because she was jealous of her best friend (who he called by name, with her in attendance) for having a better singing voice, and ranted about how all non-Christians were going to Hell (didn't go over well with an audience that included a large Jewish minority and many other religious minorities.)

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The kids at Westboro Baptist all go to public schools, to be a "light to all the heathens" or some shit like that. They dress mostly normal, though. I am glad I do not go to those public schools. I went to public school in coastal NC, were there either aren't any fundies or they're just not visible.

Funny, that. I figured with all their kiddies, they'd be avid home-schoolers. Supposedly, Shirley Phelps-Rogers has 11 kids, so she could start her own school with her own family! Maybe the reason the Phelpses' send their kids to public schools is to keep an eye peeled for issues with the system they could file lawsuits over? Also, if their kids go to regular schools, I guess they don't try and prostheltize on school property?

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When that daughter died of meningitis her senior year of high school, the father went batshit crazy at the memorial service held for students. He screamed that his daughter died a sinner because she was jealous of her best friend (who he called by name, with her in attendance) for having a better singing voice, and ranted about how all non-Christians were going to Hell (didn't go over well with an audience that included a large Jewish minority and many other religious minorities.)


I know of a woman (from another board) who is QF, with 13 kids, and all of them have attended public school. (A few are grown now; all of those have attended college, and one has traveled extensively.) They dress normally. BUT. This woman stays in a terrible marriage because "God hates divorce" (and, I'm sure, because there are about 10 kids still to care for). They don't do Halloween or sex ed in school. Opinion on teh gheys: immoral, not born that way. They seem to practice some moderate form of courtship, but it's hard to say for sure; only one daughter is married so far.

From what I can tell, most of the fundie crap was her husband's idea first.

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Funny, that. I figured with all their kiddies, they'd be avid home-schoolers. Supposedly, Shirley Phelps-Rogers has 11 kids, so she could start her own school with her own family! Maybe the reason the Phelpses' send their kids to public schools is to keep an eye peeled for issues with the system they could file lawsuits over? Also, if their kids go to regular schools, I guess they don't try and prostheltize on school property?

Actually, Freddie actually wanted his kids in public school, and considering he's running a family cult, I doubt he'd allow his kids to homeschool their kids. IIRC he explicitly said he wanted his kids to try to evangelize.

The potential for a lawsuit is just a bonus.

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It doesn't stop him from counting the gelt.

I think he laughs his ass all the way to the bank. . . with great glee at the ignorance of his sheeple followers.

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This thread just reminded me of a story from my high school days (early 90's). There wasn't really any one dominant religion that I knew of in my public high school, and people's different religions were never a factor from what I could tell. There was an after-school Bible study group that would meet once a week, though. I don't know it was an official club with an academic adviser, or just a group of kids who met once a week in an empty classroom after the school day was over, since I never went. But, one of my friends was a regular attendee, because she had a HUGE crush on one of the guys who was in this group. Thinking back, this guy kind of looked like a Ken doll, with the plastered, 1950's haircut, and he wore glasses, and dressed in nice khakis and long-sleeved dress shirts with pull-over sweater vests. After high school, my friend who had the crush ended up becoming a pagan, so this was never going to work out anyway, but I digress....

One Saturday night, he invited my friend and the rest of our little group to his house for a party. We already had plans to see a movie, but it was a midnight showing, so we told her sure, we'd stop by his house first. We got there - and it was some sort of Christian youth group "party" with the youth pastor talking about how - I don't even remember what he was talking about, insert whatever Christian youth group leaders who are trying to convert people to be "saved" talk about. In our little group, we had three Catholics, one Lutheran, and my friend with the crush was from a "we're Christian but haven't gone to church since Christmas of 1988" family. So needless to say, we were horrified, and as soon as we could, we made our polite excuses and headed out to our movie. There was no saving us, anyway - the movie we were going to see was The Rocky Horror Picture show, and we'd already all seen it countless times before.

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