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Fundie miscarriages


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A little while ago I was watching the Duggar/Bates remodelling episodes and, at one point, Michelle oh-so-casually explained that Kelly had had a miscarriage but she was pregnant again. Which got me thinking about the fundie response to miscarriages. Jim Bob and Michelle obviously believed that they were at fault for their miscarriage due to having used the Pill (and thus ensued the crazy) but how about Kelly's miscarriages or Anna's? Do fundies tend to be Judgy McJudgersons about miscarriages and look for sin?

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I think Mullet's "the pill caused my miscarriage" part of the narrative is something they conjured up, an epiphany from God, to get other people to co-sign onto their procreational proclivities. It is easy to blame teh ebil birth control, especially when preaching to their particular choir.

So, no, I don't think fundies generally blame miscarriage on sin, but OTOH, the basic premise of the whole QF/fundie/extremist belief system is that ultimately, women are responsible for everything bad.

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I have often wondered if Michelle is secretly glad that Kelly keeps having miscarriages. I also wonder if she has finally realized that miscarriages are just a bad thing that happens but she can't really change her tune now that she's had 18 kids since then. She'll probably just claim they're God testing Anna and Kelly's faith or something like that. Or maybe she really is suspicious that those two brought it onto themselves through some kind of sin.

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I have never seen or experienced any judgement about miscarriages from the fundie side of things. Neither for doing something wrong, nor for being a woman in general. Have recieved a lot of sympathy and comfort. The only person who even said that horrible "Well, it must be God's will" line was a totally non-Fundie Catholic who was clearly just looking for *something* to say and flubbed it majorly. I didn't hit him but I hope he went home and smacked himself in the forehead.

I think the Duggar/Pill thing was not so much about miscarriage as about contraception. They felt in their particular situation they had done something that may have caused the miscarriage. Unless I missed it, they have not applied that to other people's miscarriages, just warned about the percieved danger of the Pill.

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