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Boy in basement testifies: 'I tried to commit suicide'


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http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/l ... /26506389/

The 13-year-old Detroit boy who was found in the basement of his family's home after an 11-day search testified Tuesday to a lonely life of intense exercise, punishment and an attempted suicide during a hearing for his father and stepmother, who are charged with child abuse and torture.

There's nothing in the article about religion or the Pearls, but the part about the PVC pipe sent up some huge red flags.

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The defense attorney's overt hostility towards the boy - I'm not talking about claims of inconsistency, but rather about his reference to the child as a "liar" - actually reflects poorly on his clients.

It is odd the child was hiding in the basement during investigators' other searches if his sole motive were to live with his mother. Why the food items and the blanket down there?

Why not step out and flatly claim abuse instead of hiding among boxes?

The hospital worker confirmed the boy had been abused. Strike marks that leave open slashes would likely leave scars, especially over time, and so too would the boy's alleged attempt to cut his wrists. If medical staffers see those things on the boy, it will be pretty damned obvious who the real liar is in the case.

The behaviour Ducker described, and what he claims to have seen of the basement, suggests this might be true - especially since the boy was "homeschooled" while his younger brother was not. I understand his brother was autistic, but that doesn't explain why one would be in school while the other, who had been in until the fifth grade, was pulled out for two years.

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I have not posted much because this whole story is too upsetting. It sickens me, breaks my heart, and I feel so powerless hearing about these situations.

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I'm a longtime lurker here and I finally made an account several days ago.

It's absolutely sickening that the defense is villainizing this boy. As a survivor of abuse, I can't imagine what this boy is going through.

And about the PVC piping: I think it's really unlikely that the parents were fundies. They may have justified their abuse using the Bible, but fundamentalism isn't popular in SE Michigan, as far as I can tell. It gets fundie-lite in the suburbs at worst, but even that's uncommon.

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What is nearly as sad is that it took the police 11 days to figure out that they should search the home to see if the child could be locaed within same. I am hoping that not only are the parents on trial for child abuse but hopefully for several other crimes such as lying to police, resources used in attempting to find a kid who was hid in the basement, etc. etc. Anything that puts the parents behind bars longer. I certainly hope that Charlie finds the peace and love he needs in his life as that is a lot to bare for an 11 year old.

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I googled the story and it's even worse than hearing about it here. I'm glad he is being honest about what they did and not too afraid or ashamed to talk.

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I'm a longtime lurker here and I finally made an account several days ago.

It's absolutely sickening that the defense is villainizing this boy. As a survivor of abuse, I can't imagine what this boy is going through.

And about the PVC piping: I think it's really unlikely that the parents were fundies. They may have justified their abuse using the Bible, but fundamentalism isn't popular in SE Michigan, as far as I can tell. It gets fundie-lite in the suburbs at worst, but even that's uncommon.

This family lived in a hip, middle-class condo community near downtown Detroit. There are some rather strict Baptist, Pentecostal, and Holiness churches in the city but they aren't part of the fundie culture we discuss here. For one thing, their members are nearly all black while the Duggars' and Pearls' brand of fundie is a mostly white phenomenon. Since Charlie was homeschooled, my guess is that his father might have stumbled upon the Pearls' teachings via the online homeschooling community even if he himself is not religious. In other words, there might be a ripple effect where these twisted ideas are catching on beyond their original target market.

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Requested that this post may be better in the wide word of snark.

I think is a case of progressive abuse and absolute control. The parents targarted Charlie for their victim. They homeschooled him to keep him out of the public eye. They knew they were doing something illegal so they did everything in their power to limit his contact with the outside world. I don't know if there is an actual link to the Perals. It may have just been a sad case where the adults actually enjoyed hurting a child.

It makes me so sad. Charlie is going to face many terrible things in counseling. He will have to inorder to process what has happened to him. He will spend a lifetime recovering. I am recovering from an abusive childhood. It's hard to handle life with PTSD.

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I'm struggling to find a way to put into words what I want to do to those "parents," but can't. And the defense is evil and I wish there was hell so he could go to it forever.

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Dark Ants didn't you have ankle surgery? How did it go?

Do we know why he went to live with his mom? I know he saw her on weekends and was afraid to tell her about the abuse. So he did have a relationship with her.

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This family lived in a hip, middle-class condo community near downtown Detroit. There are some rather strict Baptist, Pentecostal, and Holiness churches in the city but they aren't part of the fundie culture we discuss here. For one thing, their members are nearly all black while the Duggars' and Pearls' brand of fundie is a mostly white phenomenon. Since Charlie was homeschooled, my guess is that his father might have stumbled upon the Pearls' teachings via the online homeschooling community even if he himself is not religious. In other words, there might be a ripple effect where these twisted ideas are catching on beyond their original target market.

That's what I was thinking. I hope that's not the case, because not only is Michael Pearl scum, it would mean that his terrible ideas are leaking into the mainstream.

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Dark Ants didn't you have ankle surgery? How did it go?

Do we know why he went to live with his mom? I know he saw her on weekends and was afraid to tell her about the abuse. So he did have a relationship with her.

The surgery went well, thank you for asking. Its going to be 8 weeks before I can put any weight on the foot. I am so use to being independent. It's hard having to ask for help but, I am lucky to have so many wonderful people around to help me.

I love your username. Are you a Harry Dresden fan?

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I'm struggling to find a way to put into words what I want to do to those "parents," but can't. And the defense is evil and I wish there was hell so he could go to it forever.


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The surgery went well, thank you for asking. Its going to be 8 weeks before I can put any weight on the foot. I am so use to being independent. It's hard having to ask for help but, I am lucky to have so many wonderful people around to help me.

I love your username. Are you a Harry Dresden fan?

Glad it went well! I never heard of Harry Dresdan so I looked him up. They look like the kind of books I like to read. I may even download one onto my kindle tonight...so thanks for that!

I chose my user name because it was my word of the day from a dictionary app the day I joined. It means an old evil looking female cat. I thought it was pretty awesome.

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