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Will Jessa Ever Be impregnated!? Part 4

happy atheist

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Hi everyone, first post here. I feel strange to have spent this much time thinking about Jessa and her fertility, but once you've been immersed in all the fun that is infertility, it kind of permeates all aspects of your life. Even your favorite show to hate-watch.

I'm having trouble thinking of anything that could cause Jessa to have trouble conceiving that she would have known about prior to getting married.

Possible reasons for infertility would be PCOS, endometriosis, structural issues with the ovaries, tubes, or uterus, egg quality/quantity issues, or "unexplained".

Obviously if Jessa has "unexplained" infertility, they wouldn't have known beforehand.

PCOS she might have known about from irregular periods; endometriosis from painful and/or heavy periods. But she would only know for sure she had either condition if she went to a doctor, and one that can do transvaginal ultrasounds. Your regular family medicine doctor isn't going to cut it.

Now, I don't know for sure, but if I had to guess, I doubt the Duggar girls are seeing gynecologists before they're married. If Jessa was having some issue with her periods, it would probably have to be pretty severe for her parents to ok a trip to the gyno. I'd be more inclined to believe any painful periods would be attributed to sin and treated with time in the prayer closet.

Structural issues, such has missing ovaries, blocked tubes, missing or misshaped uterus would not be diagnosed without, again, a trip to the doctor. She wouldn't even have reason to suspect an issue here UNLESS she's never had a period.

Egg quality/quantity isn't something that would be looked at until she saw a fertility specialist, who she'd have no reason to see prior to unsuccessful months of trying to conceive.

So really the only things that could make Jessa and her family think, prior to her marriage, that she might have trouble convincing would be irregular, painful, or absent periods. And honestly, unless it's the never had a period situation, I don't think the Duggars would see irregular or painful periods as anything other than something to pray away.

All of this is to say, I doubt Jessa or her family knew about any kind of infertility before her marriage. I honestly don't think she is infertile at all. The reason doctors tell you to try 12 months before worrying is because in a healthy woman, only about 1 in 10 eggs will actually make a baby. 9 of those months, you're going to "shoot blanks", essentially. If she was ovulating on her wedding night, at max they've only had 6-7 cycles to try. There would be no cause for concern yet.

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I don't remember - did Jessa and Benjermin vow to leave their family size up to the Lord?

They've been married for about 5 1/2 months, so it's possible she's pregnant and waiting to announce or could become pregnant soon. I prefer to think that they're using birth control, told Jim Bob and he's seething, but they've agreed to keep quiet to maintain appearances. :lol:

No. Their vows were quite different from Josh and Anna's.

In any event, though, not everyone who doesn't use birth control will end up with a honeymoon baby. At her age, they wouldn't investigate anything until she had been actively trying for a year.

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he's fine

Has he had a semen analysis? If he hasn't there is no way to know if he is fine or not. Everything can seem perfectly normal but the little swimmers my not be there or up to the job.

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No. Their vows were quite different from Josh and Anna's.

In any event, though, not everyone who doesn't use birth control will end up with a honeymoon baby. At her age, they wouldn't investigate anything until she had been actively trying for a year.

I'm pretty sure we didn't see the entire ceremony. Same with the Dillard nuptials. Some of that "trusting God with the number and spacing of our children" stuff could have been in there. David and Priscilla's wedding was over an hour long and I think Josh and Anna's was long too. No reason to think the Seewald and Dillard weddings were only 10 minutes (or less) long because that's all that was shown on TV.

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I think it's crazy too. But they seem to be staying in a house, she has lots and lots of help and, if she intends to spend half her life pregnant, she probably has the mindset that nothing about pregnancy/birth/nursing really prevents her from living her life.

Unfortunately, she already blew that theory completely out of the water by not being able to cook for the entire 1st trimester, being very scarce on many of the episodes last season (think all the wedding prep and engagement shows) and her entire labor and delivery of Baby Dilly- maybe she feels she must rock PP????

I do agree, all of her help is in TX, so she probably figured it's easier to be in TX-

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Many seasons back, wasn't it revealed that one of the kids was born with some sort of irregularity? Am I dreaming this? For some reason I seem to remember this conversation and people speculating that it might have been JD-

Anyone else remember this????

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I remember a TH once when Jessa was asked (well before either girl's courtship) something about how many children she would have and she said "well, I doubt I could have as many as my mom"

Just the way she said it made me wonder if there was something medical.

But that's reading a lot into one comment, I know...

I think all of the older kids have been asked that when they were younger and they did kinda give the same, Oh shit turning a vagina into a revolving door seems too hard to believe that it can be repeated. They at some point in their lives understood that this was a lot of kids, but maybe now that some are actually in the position to, JB & Michelle have told them to STFU and get with the party line of letting God sort it for them.

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Um, you guys, no one's having fertility issues. Jessa's pregnant. Look at the pictures.

The thing is we are acting like we'd get a pregnancy announcement in real time. As if Ben and Jessa have failed to conceive for 6 months. When in reality, if she waits until twelve weeks to announce we have a 3 month delay. So the fact that we havent gotten an announcement yet could mean they failed to get pregnant in the first 3 months of marriage which isn't abnormal or concerning at all.

Secondly, as Raco said, She's looking mighty pregnant these days.

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Or as was said to me when going through fertility treatment....'Is he sticking it in the right place' :pink-shock:

People are the absolute worst to IF people. The drivel that comes out of their mouths....

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No opinion on the state of her uterus, but Jessa is such a troll that she'll be walking around with a 7 month belly, denying that she's pregnant. :lol:

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Again, I think tonight's episode will provide at least a temporary answer.

1. If Jessa IS preggers, JB isn't about to let that news pass without some TLC money-roll pomp and circumstance (It definitely wouldn't be announced informally because there's no money to be paid out that way.)

2. If she's not pregnant (or if she's only VERY recently pregnant), we'll hear some other "spacial" news announcement tonight. See #3.

3. If she's only VERY (very!) recently pregnant, that's a money roll for another episode so we won't be allowed to know, yet.

4. But, is this a big clue about tonight's announcement? The teaser for tonight's episode, "And the Duggars have some 'spacial' news", shows the clip of Dim-Bulb doing his little goofus snicker giggle when Jill announced her pregnancy. Is that coincidence? An attempt to fool us into thinking Jessa's pregnancy will be announced when it won't? A hint at the actual announcement? This, I know; TLC used that particular clip to stir interest.

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The thing is we are acting like we'd get a pregnancy announcement in real time. As if Ben and Jessa have failed to conceive for 6 months. When in reality, if she waits until twelve weeks to announce we have a 3 month delay. So the fact that we havent gotten an announcement yet could mean they failed to get pregnant in the first 3 months of marriage which isn't abnormal or concerning at all.

Secondly, as Raco said, She's looking mighty pregnant these days.

Yes, this. If they haven't announced by nine months, then I'll start seriously considering the idea that they are using NFP and, past that point, I will slowly start to give credence to the possibility that they are struggling with fertility issues.

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Some of those Duggars have had some bad acne issues, I know one of my nieces went on a medicine and she had to take bc pills because if she had gotten pregnant is would have been bad news, she was not sexually active at the time and it did not matter, they would not give it to her unless she did the bc pills. Would Jessa have taken this so her wedding pics would not be full of her pimples?

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Um, you guys, no one's having fertility issues. Jessa's pregnant. Look at the pictures.

If I were a beting woman, I would bet on pregnant. But it's interesting to think about other scenarios, too. If Jessa had had cervical cancer (there's no way we wouldn't know about it if she had), for instance. Deanna Coghlan's exhusband Tyler was sterile, wasn't he? And very young. *off to search*

FU Dickles speculation is fun :nenner:

xposted w iheartjnames: I don't think Jessa's skin is clear enough to suggest that she's had a course of Accutane. Plus, it requires two forms of birth control and monthly pg tests. It's five months of therapy, iirc.

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You're thinking of Accutane--they won't prescribe it to women unless they're on birth control. They also warn against pregnancy for topical retinoids like Retin-A, but you can get those without proof of birth control.

They've gotten more and more strict with who they'll prescribe Accutane to, though, and Jessa's acne was never bad enough to qualify. Plus, the side effects suck...it's not something you'd want to be on for your wedding day. There are pictures of me when I was on it and my face was beet red and so dry you could almost describe it as scaly.

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Many seasons back, wasn't it revealed that one of the kids was born with some sort of irregularity? Am I dreaming this? For some reason I seem to remember this conversation and people speculating that it might have been JD-

Anyone else remember this????

It was Josiah.

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I'm tying to think o a medical condition that would completely rule out childbirth in an apparently healthy young woman. Ther are some, like birth defect affectingly the reproductive system but those are very rare and often require surgery as a child. With her life so public it's hard to see how that would be possible. Irregular cycles or infrequent cycles can be addressed medically. Some women have defects in heir eggs that make fertilization difficult but that usually isn't discovered until pregnancy is attempted. That can also often be addressed with ICSI during IVF.

As for Benjermin shooting blanks, is semen testing part of the possible courted part of JB's approval process? It's hard to see but would be hilarious if true. Again, he is an apparetly healthy man so unless he has no testicles there are techniques that a lab can use to harvest sperm for IVF. Someone more clever than I can make a joke about that.

Perhaps one of them is known to be subfertile, TLC would see a gold mine in that, you could build a whole season plus on Benessa's fertility treatments. Thst did it with the Little Couple, not that they are anything like Benessa. We were actually cheering Bill and Jen along.

As far as male infertility, I have a relative who had undescended testicles and when he was a couple years old he had to have something done for that (not sure the details on the procedure though.) As an adult, he had some tests run and found out there was basically ZERO chance of him having kids because of all the years his junk was up inside. So, you never know if someone could have a known issue like that unless they tell you. (Though I am not at all saying this is what is going on with Ben and Jessa. If they aren't expecting yet, that's perfectly normal even for healthy couples.)

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The fact that we don't know what the announcement is already is suspicious. I don't know if that's what they're going to announce tonight, but based on the pictures, I say pregnant.

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Some of those Duggars have had some bad acne issues, I know one of my nieces went on a medicine and she had to take bc pills because if she had gotten pregnant is would have been bad news, she was not sexually active at the time and it did not matter, they would not give it to her unless she did the bc pills. Would Jessa have taken this so her wedding pics would not be full of her pimples?

I think it would be really really off and out of character if her parents let her go on two types of birth control (which you have to with accutane) for acne instead of like, one of the many other medications that treat acne? Like birth control of all things? I don't know why people always go to that.

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The fact that we don't know what the announcement is already is suspicious. I don't know if that's what they're going to announce tonight, but based on the pictures, I say pregnant.

I think it's M4. TLC has played up boring announcements many times in the past. So stupid. Why release a truly surprising announcement (Josiah+Marjorie) one week, making an 'old news' announcement like M4 even more boring. As false as the show is, they really need to work on their storytelling skills.

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