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What the Duggars Did on Valentine's Day


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I hope people finally, finally start to realize Derick is pure Duggar material...he is not going to whisk Jilly muffin into the world of nursing school and BC and privacy for his children and certainly never going to tell daddy to fuck off. JB knew what he was doing when he approved the Courtship.

maybe he is in to the kool aide as well which means she will pregnant by June - !!!

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Anyone else see the Bible on Derick's post and think about that one line Ouiser says at Annelle's baby shower on Steel Magnolias?

After Annelle open's Ousier's gift of lingerie:

"I figured (Annelle's husband) Sammy wouldn't mind you reading the Bible in bed as long as you were wearing something inspirational."


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I hope people finally, finally start to realize Derick is pure Duggar material...he is not going to whisk Jilly muffin into the world of nursing school and BC and privacy for his children and certainly never going to tell daddy to fuck off. JB knew what he was doing when he approved the Courtship.

I realize it now. JB was looking for yes men rather than true fundie royalty for his pretty princesses. I think he wants nice fundie women for his sons.

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I realize it now. JB was looking for yes men rather than true fundie royalty for his pretty princesses. I think he wants nice fundie women for his sons.

and Ben and Derick are certainly yes men :D

Jessa has to take down that video of Ben using the spoon and the chocolate :D that to me was more personal than Derick's disturbing post :D

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do they chomp and smack on lifesaver gummies before, during, or after? lol

it's creepy to wonder about but hey they brought these questions upon themselves by posting a ridiculously private tableau. :lol:

I posted this in the Duggar Memes thread, but I feel it's also suited as a reaction picture :p


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Bingo. He will never approve anyone neither male or female who does not just toe his line but becomes a perfect Duggar themselves. True fundie royalty sons ( their sisters have fathers looking for better than Duggar sons I bet) are used to dominating, dictating and have some clout in circles and will want to move his daughter to their own patriarchies...JB is to controlling and insecure to be challenged like that.

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I really enjoy reading nearly all of the posts here, but this one has to be my all time favorite. Thank you nst. Wasn't sure which to go with, this :lol: this :embarrassed: this :brain-bleach: or this :worship:.

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I am very rabidly anti social media. One reason is because everyone seems to share every single detail of their lives from the most mundane to the most personal. This seemed right up there with the utter crap I expect from people who regularly post to social media.

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Eh, the Dillard photo didn't really bother me. Nothing unusual there to me. It was a romantic setting for V Day, lots of people do that and maybe since Derick is a tad more mainstream, I give them a pass.

Why Jessa and Ben spent their first married Valentine's Day with her parents, I don't know. At least Jill and Derick spent it alone.

Also, I read somewhere, not sure where, that Joe had flowers delivered to the house for Jana, Grandma and one or two of the other older girls to show his appreciation for all they do? I wish I could remember where I saw that. Anyone else read this?

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Did the 2 couples go on a double date, or did they both eat at the same restaurant, at some point, on Saturday? If they went together, is there a photo of such?

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Enough with the Marketplace Grill, Duggars! I assume they are getting some sort of comps/discounts at this point, since they go so often & make a big deal on Social Media.

I just looked at Trip Advisor--its ranked #3 out of 119 restaurants in Springdale. #1 is a home-cooking breakfast place; #2 is a pizza/pasta.

I agree with other posters who are disgusted with the Dillards' bedtime tableau. Stop sexualizing everything, fundies!

PS The post about Joe sending flowers is on the Duggar Family Instagram. Good move, Joe. That is the type of thing that makes fundy maidens hearts a-flutter. : )

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I realize it now. JB was looking for yes men rather than true fundie royalty for his pretty princesses. I think he wants nice fundie women for his sons.

I don't get this. Haven't we accused fundie royalty of being "yes men" ? Fundie royalty is a stupid concept. I would choose Derick over most "fundie royalty".

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1. Joseph is adorable for sending them flowers.

2. No judgement from me on Blessa spending the night with her parents. She probably has never had a ton of time without her siblings around and if Blessa both wanted to spend time with them then its a win-win to me.

3. It is weird that they seem to mention that restaurant so much.

4. The picture Derick posted was odd. It isn't something that I would do myself, but it is something that some people my age or younger might post. Is it possible that Derick didn't mean for it to come across as being a sexualized photo - maybe he posted it because he was trying to be sweet by making his very pregnant wife comfortable with some of the things she likes? Some people post things without realizing it can be taken in a very different direction.

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Jessa and Ben never said they went with her parents on Valentines, why the hell would they do that :D

they want to be alone for Ben to defraud the sundae and for Jessa to videotape it

and there are not pictures of them with the folks on valentines unless sthey are somehere on the net and I can't find them :D

:cracking-up: :cracking-up:

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Jessa and Ben never said they went with her parents on Valentines, why the hell would they do that :D

they want to be alone for Ben to defraud the sundae and for Jessa to videotape it

and there are not pictures of them with the folks on valentines unless sthey are somehere on the net and I can't find them :D

:cracking-up: :cracking-up:

I also assumed that both couples enjoyed a meal at that establishment on 2/14, but not necessarily together.

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not to mention who is going to believe that a woman who is nearly 9 months pregnant will be having sex :D (I could be wrong and I have never been pregnant )

My cousin was told to go home and have sex to bring on labor when she was a few days over due. She did and it brought on labor. Not something I needed to know about her or anyone else.

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Also, I read somewhere, not sure where, that Joe had flowers delivered to the house for Jana, Grandma and one or two of the other older girls to show his appreciation for all they do? I wish I could remember where I saw that. Anyone else read this?

If this is true, good on you Joe, at least someone appreciates all the work they do!

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What is the significance of the page in the Bible they left open?

It is a love story between a man & a women. Basically their dating, marrying, maturing.

Some interpret as a highly erotic story, full of sexual imagery.

Some interrupt it as a love story between God and the nation of Israel.

Still others interrupt it as a love story between God and the Christian church.

Others believe all three interpretations are valid.

It is full of symbolism and reference's to flora & fauna that existed at the time of the writing.

Both the Jewish faith and the Christian faith accept it into their respective Cannon of scripture.

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I think that picture was taken for 3 reasons. 1.) "haha look how funny and adorbale we are" 2.) " we can have sex now and unlike you no good heathens were sober, married (look at our cute pillow), and reading the bible"3.) Jill thinks this is a good picture and because she's gives me sex then I'll post it.

Also not to be a bates leghumpers but Zach and Whit tried to keep it discreet when they basically saying they had sex to start labor.

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Also not to be a bates leghumpers but Zach and Whit tried to keep it discreet when they basically saying they had sex to start labor.

where did you read that ? link lol

and I again say why the hell would Ben and Jessa have dinner with her parents ugh

to me it looks like old duggars went the night before

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