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In Which Robert Is Persecuted


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Christians today are the most persecuted people on the planet... If you apply what you read in your bible you will be hated, persecuted and spoken ill of- with much worse possibilities to come. Satan will come after you- guns ablazing.

People calling you accurate mean names on the internet still isn't persecution, Bob. And I don't own any guns. :D

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Is there some kind of rating system? Because I'm pretty sure that the kind of persecution Christians face in, say, North Korea... is a lot more serious than being mocked by Free Jinger. So does that mean that they're way, way better Christians?

Well, Bob?

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Robert, being disagreed with does not constitute persecution. Being made fun of by a few people on the internet does not constitute persecution. Is there something else, something far more serious--threats of house-burning, say, or beheading--going on in your life that you're not telling us? Because that's the sort of thing some Christians in other countries have to deal with these days. Their very lives are in imminent danger. That's real persecution.

What you're experiencing is nothing more than slightly bruised ego. Trust me, that's not persecution, that's just having your manly little fee-fees hurt. :roll:

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If Free Jinger is Satan with his guns ablazing, well, he really isn't scary at all is he? :lol:

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People calling you accurate mean names on the internet still isn't persecution, Bob. And I don't own any guns. :D

It's so tiring when fundies drag out the persecution line. It scares the little kids and the uninformed women.

When Jesus was on earth his persecution came from the religious hypocrites. Even the Roman leaders had to be forced by the religious leaders to hurt him. He was a peaceful person and the common people, the mob of normal folks that fundies are so afraid of - even the whores and the guys cheating people out of money (tax collectors) were his friends, he cared about helping people; not about rules.

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Being made fun of by me has nothing to do with L. Ron's RELIGION. It has everything to do with his idiotic logic.

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I have a friend who I'll call Mr. Mahmoud. He is a practicing Christian who had to flee his homeland in Iraq because his fellow countrymen were threatening to execute him because he chose to embrace Christianity instead of Islam.

Robert, if you are ever in the same kind of danger that Mr. Mahmoud was in before he fled his country, then you can call yourself persecuted. Until then, no one is persecuting you for your faith. They might strongly disagree with how you practice certain aspects of your faith, but one of these things is clearly not like the other.

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I have a friend who I'll call Mr. Mahmoud. He is a practicing Christian who had to flee his homeland in Iraq because his fellow countrymen were threatening to execute him because he chose to embrace Christianity instead of Islam.

Robert, if you are ever in the same kind of danger that Mr. Mahmoud was in before he fled his country, then you can call yourself persecuted. Until then, no one is persecuting you for your faith. They might strongly disagree with how you practice certain aspects of your faith, but one of these things is clearly not like the other.

I'm sure the Yazidi people will be moved by his plight and arrange for some immediate intervention.

http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/15/world ... scape.html

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People calling you accurate mean names on the internet still isn't persecution, Bob. And I don't own any guns. :D

Of course, because there is no harsher or more terrible forms of persecution than being "hated" vaguely and spoken ill of. Forget people being murdered or denied basic human rights because of who they are, a Christian's feelings are hurt.

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People calling you accurate mean names on the internet still isn't persecution, Bob. And I don't own any guns. :D

Excuse me: "Spoken ill of" - that is his idea of persecution; because someone dared to disagree with fucking airhead.

No, Robert, that is not persecution.

I know of a man whose father and brothers were shot to the head, and when that was done, the squad killed his mother and three sisters.

They shot him, too, but the aim was off so that instead of passing into his brain, the bullet passed through his cheek and out the lower part of his jaw.

He testified at the ICTY - the only survivor from a family of 10. Why? Because he was Bosniak.

And then there the massacres with no living witnesses except the perpetrators, none of whom would testify against themselves.

Persecution! You whiny little fuck; you know nothing.

Have any of your family members been stabbed, shot, strangled, beaten to death with a metal bar (or what ever else was around), disarticulated, set on fire, or starved for being Christian? What's that? No? A barista wished you happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas and POOF persecution.


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Oooooooh does that mean when Ben Duggar or whatever his last name is said crap about Catholics I can say I am persecuted since I am Catholic?

How Fun!

By Boobie's logic I guess we are persecuted cuz Boob and Lori bash feminists.

How about kids whose moms work? You PERSECUTE them Boob! Same with my public school kids.

This is fun! Let's keep playing.

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Oh, wait; I just had the best idea in the history of humanity: Let's raise money for visa and airfare so manly Robert can help truly persecuted Christians in Sudan...

...or North Korea.

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......another thought. Hasn't Boob in the past put on his business web page the fact he is a Christian? Have you ever lost work because of that? In my expierence most people advertise their Christianity because they think people will like and trust them more. Most people who announce it, and constantly slip their faith into conversations end up being assholes. Like the guy who rented out townhouse and trashed it, and left owing two months rent. He always mentioned being a Christian. There is this other guy I know who was our personal trainer. He said the most malicious gossip I ever heard about people. Someone would walk past and he would say "that guy beats his wife!" Ask my wife she will tell you. So we ask her and she sais she never heard that. It was constant. I knew a lady who would talk about Jesus all the time and cry about not being able to pay rent or feed herself, and take advantage of a friend of mine who was wealthy but vulnerable. She always had these big over the top reasons she couldn't keep a job. It was never her fault. Those are the type of people who announce their Christianity.

Maybe your just an asshole and it has nothing to do with your faith at all.

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If Free Jinger is Satan with his guns ablazing, well, he really isn't scary at all is he? :lol:

You're still just hoping for that Devil of the Week, aren't you? ;)

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Robert, being disagreed with does not constitute persecution. Being made fun of by a few people on the internet does not constitute persecution.

exactly. i think that is a point that a lot of christians that i know and am familiar with miss the point on. people are allowed to think differently and disagree with you. that is not persecution. especially when you consider that america is a very christian-friendly nation. anyone who says there is not a religious bias in this country either doesn't practice a religion other than christianity (or don't practice anything at all, for the applicable agnostics and atheists out there) or they keep their head buried in the sand. but even so, as a practicing pagan living in a country that trends towards a christian bias, i would still say i'm not persecuted. nobody threatens my life or livelihood or property. and while there are things that exasperate me and frustrate me, again, that's not the same thing as persecution.

grow up the fuck up, boobert. you say you're tough but you come off like a whiny bitch. man the fuck up already if you're so fucking manly.

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Boobert... really.

"Persecuted" because those mean widdle people on the interwebz keep disagreeing with you?

To quote Inigo Montoya: you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

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Of course, because there is no harsher or more terrible forms of persecution than being "hated" vaguely and spoken ill of. Forget people being murdered or denied basic human rights because of who they are, a Christian's feelings are hurt.

He might think he's hated, but does anyone actually care enough about him to actually hate him? He's like a little bantam rooster strutting around the barnyard, the pompous self-righteous little windbag. Mountainous manly man my ass. He's pathetic and whiny and weak. And if he wasn't so entertaining and fun to mock, I wouldn't waste a minute of my time on him and certainly no energy *hating him.

As it is, good golly, he's good for a laugh.

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He might think he's hated, but does anyone actually care enough about him to actually hate him? He's like a little bantam rooster strutting around the barnyard, the pompous self-righteous little windbag. Mountainous manly man my ass. He's pathetic and whiny and weak. And if he wasn't so entertaining and fun to mock, I wouldn't waste a minute of my time on him and certainly no energy *hating him.

As it is, good golly, he's good for a laugh.


Boobert's adventures in bull-wranglin' are a great source of amusement but other than that, meh.

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Seriously, Bob? I am a Christian, and I don't feel persecuted at all. Nobody has beaten me, tortured me, thrown in jail, taken away my Bible and religious literature away, or stopped me from going to church. I seriously doubt you have experienced any of that either. People debating and disagreeing with stuff you post online is not persecution. You have no clue what the word means.

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I'm fangirling right now because there's a semi famous heavy weight oly lifter working out next to me. She's from my area and home for thanksgiving.

/random semi related interjection

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