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Shraders in Zambia - Welcome to Poisonwood, Stephen- Part 3

happy atheist

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Per facebook John has parted ways with his previous church and now his "sending church" is his dad's church in Katy...

...so basically his own church got tired of handing him money that never saw the light of day, and this church is a last-ditch resort to get funding for his "missions." Wonder what will happen when they get tired of his BS and drop him like hot cakes? Because you know they will.

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Per facebook John has parted ways with his previous church and now his "sending church" is his dad's church in Katy...

This is falling apart way faster than I expected. There must be a whole lot more stuff going on in the shadows that John is not letting his FB followers know. I bet his dad begged and pleaded for his church to take on John and I also bet it won't last long. In all my years in IFB churches I have never seen a missionary dropped this fast by so many churches. Usually churches try to finish their commitments and then vote to no longer support the missionary.

I am worried about the children. John has been living in what has seemed to be a manic high for some time now. I don't know what he is going to do now that it is all crashing down on his head. Even if they make it back to America, can you imagine him holding down a real job after two years of people just giving him whatever his heart desires?

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John will never hold down a job. He's just that type of guy. I have to wonder if Esther will eventually be encouraged to divorce him and marry another, better fundie headship. In any case, Pa Keller really dropped the ball with that one. For all we say about Josh, he takes care of Anna properly, and always has.

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I would love the hear the church's side to this story. I bet it involves money and how so much of it has seemed to disappear.

I don't know what Esther will do when this inevitably all comes crashing down and they end up back here in America. There is a chance she could be pregnant again by the time that happens and she has all these small children to care for. Churches aren't going to support them anymore especially since it appears John is burning bridges left and right. ExGay Greg is more likely to get a job than John. Esther's siblings and parents would probably try to help out, but that is only a short term solution. I do not know what is going to happen to them.

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I would give money for Esther and the kids airfare home, but John can just sit and rot in Zambia. I think John-Boys only option left is a GoFundme account.

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It says a lot that other missionaries and aid workers over there haven't reached out and made John part of their groups. (assuming they haven't)

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John will never hold down a job. He's just that type of guy. I have to wonder if Esther will eventually be encouraged to divorce him and marry another, better fundie headship. In any case, Pa Keller really dropped the ball with that one. For all we say about Josh, he takes care of Anna properly, and always has.

I see John as pretty much unhireable. As another poster pointed out, he's probably even less hireable than XGG.

But completely agree that Pa Keller really missed the mark when it came to vetting John as a husband/headship. At least both Anna and Pris have husbands who do take care of their wives and kids (yep, I have to give credit in that area even if it's Josh and Pecan).

But I am wondering one thing that maybe someone can answer here. If John completely loses his funding and support, what happens as far as traveling back to the US? When churches decide to no longer support a missionary, would they at least support return airfare for the family if there's no other funding rather than leave them high and dry? Just curious.

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I see John as pretty much unhireable. As another poster pointed out, he's probably even less hireable than XGG.

But completely agree that Pa Keller really missed the mark when it came to vetting John as a husband/headship. At least both Anna and Pris have husbands who do take care of their wives and kids (yep, I have to give credit in that area even if it's Josh and Pecan).

But I am wondering one thing that maybe someone can answer here. If John completely loses his funding and support, what happens as far as traveling back to the US? When churches decide to no longer support a missionary, would they at least support return airfare for the family if there's no other funding rather than leave them high and dry? Just curious.

Since his dad more or less owns the church that is his new sponsor, I suspect they would find a ride home....

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Since his dad more or less owns the church that is his new sponsor, I suspect they would find a ride home....

Yeah, that's probably the one safety valve John and Esther have. His dad will make sure they can get back. Wonder if that's part of the reason Daddy's church is the new sponsor though. Maybe John Boy has really burned his bridges.

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Yeah, that's probably the one safety valve John and Esther have. His dad will make sure they can get back. Wonder if that's part of the reason Daddy's church is the new sponsor though. Maybe John Boy has really burned his bridges.

I think so. I also think his father is doing John a huge disservice. By getting his church to sponsor his son, he is not only risking being ousted from his own church, but enabling his son as well. What he should have done was say "I won't get my church to sponsor you, but I will pay for your family's airfare back to the US." Although...I have to wonder if John will never be persuaded to return, and his father knows this, so does what he can for the sake of the kids.

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I am worried about the children. John has been living in what has seemed to be a manic high for some time now. I don't know what he is going to do now that it is all crashing down on his head. Even if they make it back to America, can you imagine him holding down a real job after two years of people just giving him whatever his heart desi

I think you nailed it right there. A manic high is exactly what it seems like.

Does anyone know his history? Has he always been like this -- or was he maybe relatively stable, and just very ..umm...enthusiastic, as a young man ?

I wonder if there's a real un diagnosed serious mental health issue going on?

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This is falling apart way faster than I expected. There must be a whole lot more stuff going on in the shadows that John is not letting his FB followers know. I bet his dad begged and pleaded for his church to take on John and I also bet it won't last long. In all my years in IFB churches I have never seen a missionary dropped this fast by so many churches. Usually churches try to finish their commitments and then vote to no longer support the missionary.

I am worried about the children. John has been living in what has seemed to be a manic high for some time now. I don't know what he is going to do now that it is all crashing down on his head. Even if they make it back to America, can you imagine him holding down a real job after two years of people just giving him whatever his heart desires?

Wow. Only seven months and not just some contributing churches but his Sending Church dropped him. Doesn't that imply that he has gone totally off the rails theologically as far as that church/pastor is concerned? I noticed on Monday that TeamZambia.com was down -- and today it is back up with just the Rea family and Cindy Stacy featured. All references to John have been deleted as if he never existed. So I was correct in suspecting that there was a Shrader/Rea rift.

I agree that his father is doing John absolutely no favors in taking over as the Sending Church. If we at FJ have noticed his mood swings and apparent manic episodes over the last few years then perhaps his family has noticed them too. Surely they are extreme even for a so-called "Visionary Man."

For those worried about the family: If there is a real emergency in Zambia (and/or Esther comes to what remains of her senses and wants to get the family out of there with or without John) then technically the USA Consulate can advance them the money to fly back to the US. John and family won't be hard to track down in Kafue even if he hasn't registered with the Consulate. John/Dad's church/Esther's family will have to repay any money the Consulate spends to bring them home though.

As far as John being unemployable back in the US: he can go back to the lawn service, cabinet making (yes, really!), and real estate/used car sales jobs he has boasted about in the past. Or, now he can fly a plane, crop dusting?

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I can totally see john flying a crop duster. Biggles style goggles over an old leather flying helmet and scarf waving in the breeze. :lol:

I hope Esther and the children are still ok. Johns father will hopefully make sure enough money is sent to feed them at least.

John can sell the troupie to fund tickets and expenses to get them home.

The safari lodges use similar vehicles and would very probably would snap it up.

It appears to be a good strong vehicle. Also the import taxes have

(Hopefully) been paid, so as long as John has looked after it reasonably well it should sell.

Has John written a newsletter for January yet?

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I agree that the dad is enabling John but it looks like there's some serious problems for this to fall apart so fast. Maybe the family has noticed some issues with John but all they can do is to help with sponsoring for the sake of the kids or help John save face or both.

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Per facebook John has parted ways with his previous church and now his "sending church" is his dad's church in Katy...

What Facebook page was that on? Does he have one other than the John Esther Shrader page? I didn't see that post, but I'm not a friend so maybe it's private or has been deleted?

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I see him showing up as the assistant minister at his dad's church, and maybe taking it over / inheriting it if/when his dad retires or dies. (Sort of a low rent version of Joel Olsteen?)

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What Facebook page was that on? Does he have one other than the John Esther Shrader page? I didn't see that post, but I'm not a friend so maybe it's private or has been deleted?

It is in the first comment after his post this morning about "Why Religion is a Scam" - by Missionary John Shrader

The second comment is also from him, and posts the newsletter they sent out making the announcement.

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I think you nailed it right there. A manic high is exactly what it seems like.

Does anyone know his history? Has he always been like this -- or was he maybe relatively stable, and just very ..umm...enthusiastic, as a young man ?

I wonder if there's a real un diagnosed serious mental health issue going on?

I really do feel like he might have some sort of a mental health problem. It is hard to tell how he has been. He seems to have jumped from job to job since his 20's. His family paid off his house, paid his bills and bought him a van before he decided to sell it all and go on the road to raise money as a missionary. I have seen and been around a lot of IFB missionaries and John, at least in my experience, does not behave like a typical one. He has had no real plans, just lots of talking about these big dreams, most of which did not seem realistic. Just his constant need for more money and more stuff for a new idea that popped into his head should have been a red flag for churches. As soon as he would get the funds and supplies for one project he would toss it to the side for the next one.

I suspect that this isn't a problem with doctrine that caused him to lose support, it is a problem with money and it perhaps disappearing or not being used like it was supposed to be used. There has been a hell of a lot of money(and stuff) given to John and even good fundie Christians are going to start wondering after seven months what happened to all of it. I wonder if his father is trying to reign him in and try and get him back on track. Hopefully his father can help bring them all back to America.

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The American embassy in Zambia might check on them, if embassy staff know where they are.

Not necessary - American embassy only pays for the flight home if war breaks out, medical outbreak, dangerous situation in the country or illness that can not be treated in country at that point if it is a minor then one parent is allowed to go with the minor. If they are get stranded in the country due to their actions then embassy will arrange for a flight home however they have to sign a promissory note for the cost, which has to paid with 1 yr of return. Embassy only does wellness checks on US citizens that has not communicated with family or friends for a certain amount of time.

I don't know about the rules to get a work visa in Zambia but in Tanazinia for an ex-pat to get a work visa for mission work they must either have a non refundable plane ticket home or escrow account with the supporting organization equal to a return ticket, every year to renew your work visa you must present proof of funds to get your visa renewed.

All I can say is - John's big adventure fell apart sooner than I thought, I figured they would last a year before losing all their support.

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I'm going to have to get out my copy of The Poisionwood Bible to see what happens after the Price's sending church pulled their support so I will know what happens next! The parallels are just incredible.

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It is in the first comment after his post this morning about "Why Religion is a Scam" - by Missionary John Shrader

The second comment is also from him, and posts the newsletter they sent out making the announcement.

Any chance of a screen shot of the latest newsletter? I think the mods have approved that previously.

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