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Kirk Cameron Christmas Movie - MERGE


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A non-movie post from yesterday (gotta give credit where credit is due -- sometimes he posts something that's not about the movie), that goes to a C&P of somebody else's blog post:


It's basically about how, no matter how bad things are, Jesus is next to you.

Today's post:

Did you know the 12 Days of Christmas have nothing to do with birds, golden rings, or drummers drumming? And did you know the 12 days actually begin on Christmas day? Historian and author William Federer shares his knowledge in this video interview with me.


Why, yes, Kirk, I did know that the 12 days start on Christmas. I thought it was common knowledge, but maybe that's because I grew up with Catholic and Greek Orthodox friends, and worked in an Episcopal church.

Maybe I had an advantage you didn't, but it is weird to see your "Way cool!" reaction to some of this stuff. You seem to be just discovering the wide world of Christian history, Kirk, and you seem astonished that Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions exist, and that even some Protestants do things differently from you.

As for the hidden meanings (which are not even discussed in the video, so I don't know why you brought it up), that seems to be a pretty recent idea, and not everybody takes it as (you should pardon the expression) gospel:

http://www.snopes.com/holidays/christma ... 12days.asp

Not much that's fun in the comments, but one guy has come up with what he thinks is a marvelous analogy for people celebrating Christmas and Easter, and posted a link to his blog:


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From Christian News Network, at the end of an article discussing the sources of Cameron's ideas:

But some are expressing concern over Cameron’s lack of distinction between Roman Catholicism and Christianity. Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries in Plano, Texas told Christian News Network that the interview should have been eye-opening for Cameron.

“Clearly, Cameron chooses to embrace Roman Catholicism as a valid expression of Christianity instead of embracing the exclusivity of God’s gospel,†he said.

“It was clear during the interview that Kirk was more interested in promoting his movie than contending for the faith of the apostles,†Gendron continued. “When Federer cited the pope building a cathedral for the remains of St. Nicholas, Cameron had an open door to expose Catholicism’s unfruitful deeds of darkness (Eph. 5:11). He could have asked Federer why Catholic popes steal titles given to the triune God such as Holy Father, Head of the Church and Vicar of Christ. When Federer mentioned Martin Luther, Cameron could have asked about Luther’s commitment to the gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone according to Scripture alone for the glory of God alone.â€

The former Roman Catholic-turned-evangelist who trains others how to witness to Catholics said that Cameron may not understand that he is being pulled into seeing Roman Catholicism as just another branch of Christianity—and is influencing others to think likewise.

“The Vatican’s strategy for world dominion is to use influential people like Cameron to bring separated brethren back home to Rome,†Gendron stated. “His compromise of the gospel and his unwillingness to expose Catholicism as an apostate religion reveals his unfaithfulness to God and His word. The Bible is our only safeguard against fatal error. ( Acts 17: 11; I John 4: 1)â€

:roll: Poor Kirk -- he doesn't know he is just being used as a tool of the Papist Whore of Babylon.


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Nothing says you are keeping Christ in Christmas by acting like a condescending asshole to a stranger that was only trying to be nice in the first place. That commenter must be really fun at holiday parties.  :? 

Seriously though, how freaking uptight and rude can a person be when someone is trying to simply be nice? I would have gave that commenter a season's greeting they would never forget.  :lol:

This makes me doubly glad that I saw a sign on a sub shop in Asheville this afternoon that said "Happy Saturnalia". I also saw a house apparently decorated for Hannukah. They had blue and white lights including a lighted dreidel. I loved it!

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I was raised fundie and even I knew about the 12 days of Christmas starting on Christmas day. :? Poor Kirk, he is not only acting like he has discovered super secret information that is actually pretty common knowledge, he has offended fundies who don't believe in Santa, fundies who don't believe in Christmas, fundies who don't believe in the Catholic church, normal Christians who think the focus of Christmas should be about helping others, not materialism and gluttony and normal Christians who have good taste in movies.

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Last year I was at a small holiday potluck gathering. I have been acquainted with most of the people there for years. One lady came in and as she was greeting everyone said, "merry Christmas! I guess we're allowed to say that, right?" She is fundie-light, in that she drinks wine and buys scratcher tickets, etc. Because she wasn't been rude about it, I just smiled and said, "Absolutely. I love all the greetings we have for the holidays, and I'm just happy when someone wishes me happy holidays or season's greetings, or merry Christmas, or anything besides a poke in the eye."

But if some stranger tried to "correct" my seasonal greeting, that would lead to a very pointed and un-cheerful response.

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His dear pals Duggars can't even see this movie because all that dancing will stir up desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled. What's his demographic for this?

I love your name. Donovan fan? As for demographics, I don't even know anymore.

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Guys -- special one-night showing!!!!!



What was special about it? Was there a schwag giveaway - a huge ass cross? A pr0n free computer?

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What was special about it? Was there a schwag giveaway - a huge ass cross? A pr0n free computer?

Its special because with each ticket comes enough weed to get you through it...I guess watching it stoned would make it bearable. :lol:

Or because it is a special FJ viewing with a snarky commentary?

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I think the serious answer is that the special showing was in some towns that hadn't been showing it.


edited for riffle

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So how long till this comes out on video? I'm assuming that next Christmas my children will be coming home from school with flyers inviting them to see it at all the local churches. Yeah! :roll:

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Its special because with each ticket comes enough weed to get you through it...I guess watching it stoned would make it bearable. :lol:

Or because it is a special FJ viewing with a snarky commentary?

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I was raised fundie and even I knew about the 12 days of Christmas starting on Christmas day. :? Poor Kirk, he is not only acting like he has discovered super secret information that is actually pretty common knowledge, he has offended fundies who don't believe in Santa, fundies who don't believe in Christmas, fundies who don't believe in the Catholic church, normal Christians who think the focus of Christmas should be about helping others, not materialism and gluttony and normal Christians who have good taste in movies.
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Oh, FFS, Kirk. WTF is so difficult about saying "Merry Christmas" to people you know celebrate Christmas, and "have a nice day" or "thank you for shopping at _______" or whatever you would usually say to total strangers?

Do you wish strangers a Happy Birthday on the off chance that theirs might be coming up soon?


If you feel like proclaiming “Merry Christmas,†you’re not alone.

In recent years, a popular campaign to promote traditional Christmas greetings has shamed those who proclaim “Happy Holidays†or “Season’s Greetings.â€

“It turns out a majority of Americans support the Christmas comeback trend,†reports Husna Haq in the Christian Science Monitor. Among them are Texas state legislators, who passed a special law declaring that schoolteachers may declare “Merry Christmas†without fear.

“When asked whether they prefer stores and businesses to greet their customers by saying ‘Merry Christmas,’ or less religious terms such as ‘Happy Holidays’ and ‘Season’s Greetings,’ 57 percent of Americans picked ‘Merry Christmas,'†according to a Pew Research Center survey. Only 27 percent picked less religious terms.

For years, “Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has publicly and frequently railed against what he calls the ‘War on Christmas,'†notes Haq, calling for an end to the “Happy Holidays Syndrome,†which O’Reilly calls “an insult to Christian America.†In 2013, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin published a book on the subject, Happy Holiday IS a Merry Christmas.

And, of course, this year, TV and movie star Kirk Cameron has packed theaters with his surprise cinematic hit “Saving Christmas,†which extols the merits of celebrating Christ’s birthday without apology. The movie was scheduled for a limited, two-week run around Thanksgiving, but has been held over nationwide and extended into new theaters.

For more than a decade, the American Family Association has chided major retailers who omit the word “Christmas†from their December advertising, encouraging supporters to boycott stores on the “Companies Against Christmas†list.

This year, reports Haq, Lowe’s, Walmart, and Hobby Lobby received the organization’s 5-star rating for “promoting and celebrating Christmas on an exceptional basis.†On the other hand, Barnes & Noble, Family Dollar and Pet Smart landed on the “naughty†list for using neutral language supposedly unoffensive to America’s religious minorities.

“The organization’s campaign has worked,†notes Haq. “In the past five years, the group has seen the percentage of retailers recognizing Christmas in their advertising rise from 20 percent to 80 percent, according to Randy Sharp, director of special projects at the American Family Association. One clothing retailer that changed its policies – thanks in part to the organization’s campaign – was Gap Inc., which sent a letter to the AFA explaining its new policy.

“Starting today, every Gap Outlet window will have signs that say “Merry Christmas†along with Christmas trees and wreaths throughout their stores,†Bill Chandler, Gap Inc.’s vice-president for global corporate affairs, said in a personal letter to Buddy Smith, executive vice president of the AFA.

In Texas, “Merry Christmas†has special protection.

“Texas lawmakers sent notices to schools,†writes Jim Forsyth for Reuters, the British news agency, “informing them that new legislation allows students and teachers to dress in festive garb and say ‘Merry Christmas’ all they want without fear.â€

“Legislators in Oklahoma and Louisiana have proposed similar bills,†observes Haq.

The “Merry Christmas Law'†passed nearly unanimously, reports Forsyth, backed by lawmakers “who feel that seasonal religious festivities have come under attack because of political correctness. It also covers the Jewish celebration of Hanukah.â€

“We hope to see fewer school districts being naughty and more districts being nice,†the president of a group called Texas Values, Jonathan Saenz, told Reuters.

“That allows parents, teachers, students and school administrators to celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah in public schools without fear of censorship, litigation or persecution,†the co-author of the bill, State Rep. Dwayne Bohac told a local Austin ABC affiliate.

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Oh, FFS, Kirk. WTF is so difficult about saying "Merry Christmas" to people you know celebrate Christmas, and "have a nice day" or "thank you for shopping at _______" or whatever you would usually say to total strangers?

Do you wish strangers a Happy Birthday on the off chance that theirs might be coming up soon?


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So - can someone give me the link to watch this atrocity? Is (was...sad face) it on piratebay? Dailymotion? Youtube? Thanks!


It's Only In Theaters, don'tcha know.

Here's a taste, though, if you didn't see it further up in this thread -- scary St. Nick:

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I'm hoping it will be on some religious channel next year so that I can watch it. While I drink wine, of course. I'm not sure I could take it with no wine.

I'm pretty sure this movie is so god-awful that people don't even want to pirate it.

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St Nicholas. A "real man" rumored to have defended his interpretation of Christ's divinity with his fists. Excellent role model for all. I wonder if the movie got into that.

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St Nicholas. A "real man" rumored to have defended his interpretation of Christ's divinity with his fists. Excellentrole model for all. I wonder if the movie got into that.

It did -- his decking Arius is in the film.

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