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Vicky Beeching (worship song writer) comes out


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Writer and singer of many worship songs, religious commentator and theologian Vicky Beeching has come out as gay.


(not breaking URL as it's a link to The Independent newspaper site)

She came out as a supporter of marriage equality some months ago (and consequently lost much conservative evangelical support), but I honestly just thought she was a straight ally - I am quite surprised!

For some background - Vicky has written a lot of worship songs used in many evangelical (using evangelical in the broad sense here, including charismatic evangelicals) churches both in the UK and US. Many fundies discussed here will have sung her songs. Though she lost a lot of support following her support of marrriage equality, she still identifies as an evangelical* and definitely a Christian. I see a lot of my own struggles in her story, though I spent much less time in evangelicalism and eventually left (I am queer/bi). I am still a Christian though, and met Vicky briefly last year at a Christian festival where she headed up a discussion on women in the church. She's lovely, and I'm so pleased that she can now be herself. I hope it gives other gay Christians hope, and shows church leaders that even conservative denominations have LGBT members - I think a lot see it as a 'liberal issue'.

*In the UK there is a burgeoning open/liberal evangelical movement, and I think there is a similar thing in the US with people like Rachel Held Evans and Rob Bell.

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I reported the other thread for you as a duplicate and it should be deleted soon. :) For future reference, if you look at the top right hand corner of your post there are 3 symbols: ! = report (follow instructions), Edit = obvious and X = delete, but you only have 15 minutes to edit or delete, and the quote symbol.

Back to topic, interesting story and thanks for posting it.

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