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You guys... Robin Williams died.


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I wonder how many people around the globe watched a Robin Williams film tonight. (Good Will Hunting in our house. He was superb.)

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This was the first thing I saw on my newsfeed this morning and it's been a dark, hopeless fucking day - and not necessarily because I was a big fan, although I did love him (who didn't??). I just keep thinking that if someone so beloved, so talented, with access to the best care, just couldn't take it anymore...I don't know, it's just a reminder of how intractable mental illness and addiction can be, I guess. :cry: :cry: :cry:

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I am sad because his view of the future must have been so bleak. How else then does one make the decision to devastate family and friends? I'm not a believer but I hope there is a peace after death. :(

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I can't believe how much I am grieving Mr. Wiliams' death. It's just so sad. I've been aware of Mr. Williams' work and talent since I was a child, and "Mork and Mindy" was one of my "must-see tv shows." I even had some Mork-inspired rainbow suspenders.

Mr. Williams was an actor who could deftly handle both comedy and drama, and he truly left a body of impressive work-stand-up comedy, tv, stage, and of course, film. I think one of my favorite films of his is "Dead Poets Society."

We know of Robin Williams charitable work with Comic Relief, but from what I've read he was charitable in other, less showy ways, for instance, he helped pay for Jessica Chastain's acting classes.

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This was the first thing I saw on my newsfeed this morning and it's been a dark, hopeless fucking day - and not necessarily because I was a big fan, although I did love him (who didn't??). I just keep thinking that if someone so beloved, so talented, with access to the best care, just couldn't take it anymore...I don't know, it's just a reminder of how intractable mental illness and addiction can be, I guess. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I hear you. Depression is a fucking scourge.

I'm sorry he was in so much pain that this seemed like the best option.

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You know whats weird?

Not long before his death was announced, someone on twitter posted that he was dead from jumping off of a mountain during a shooting for a movie. The post was later redacted with an apology. Then, his real death was announced.

Someone told my aunt that it was a hoax, and my aunt replied that yes, there had been a hoax, but this one is the real deal.


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Both Charlie Chaplin and Jonathan Winters, both of whom were comedy legends, said something to the effect that great comedy came from great pain. That seems to be so true. Jonathan was a personal hero of Robin's, btw.

RIP, Robin.

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I remember watching Mork and Mindy as a teeny tiny child. I'm sure 95% of it went right over my head, but I just loved the show so much. He was such a uniquely talented, gifted man. A huge loss to the industry and his family.

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I got this information on a breaking news app on my phone and immediately went and told my mother, who stared at me in shock. It was about half an hour before most other news outlets had picked up the story and started broadcasting information about it, during which all I could find were claims that it was a hoax (probably from the past year or so), and I clung to that hope for as long as I could. But when CNN newsroom started reporting it I really felt that heartbreak... I'm so surprised at how upset I am about this, and since he was a celebrity (thus someone I don't see in my normal life) I keep having the thought that it can't be true. One of the great actors in his lifetime, I think. And I don't care whether it's drama or comedy one is looking at, he had a unique ability to touch people, a kind of magnetism that brings people into the story and doesn't let them go until it's over. He was in loads of the films I saw growing up and more than a few that I saw as an adult, and I'll really miss him in that regard. It's really the first time one of my childhood idols has died. But I guess you never really know what a person is thinking or feeling on the inside. At least now the pain he must have been experiencing is gone.

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Rest in peace, sweet Robin. :(

I literally burned my last bridge with a relative on FB yesterday when she used his death to opine about how selfish suicides are, we shouldn't give them the attention they want in death, no spiritual life, yada, yada, stupid bitch. I then un friended her.

Assholes, they never take a day off. Well, no one will remember what she said in a week, but the happiness Robin Williams brought to people will always be remembered.

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It is so tragic. He was such a great actor and comedian, but also a kind and decent person.

According to his wife, his sobriety was intact but he had recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Perhaps it was the final straw, but Parkinson's disease can also cause depression.

http://www.boston.com/entertainment/cel ... n-disease/

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This sucks beyond belief. I grew up on Mork & Mindy, and Robin Williams was always good for a healthy laugh.

I finally caught up on last week's newspapers, and am beyond pissed with the AP. Those details didn't need to be in the article, much less in the headline. He's dead, presumably self-inflicted, and I sure as hell don't think sharing all the gory (or not) details serves any real purpose. Same goes for whichever idiotic network thought a helicopter over his house with a live news feed was important after the fact. Ghouls. :wtf:

One of the cable/dish networks ran six hours of Mork and Mindy last night, and Disney is showing Aladdin tomorrow morning. I've never seen Aladdin, somehow, so I've got the DVR recording it along with Good Will Hunting. Surprising that none of the channels seems to be showing any of the other movies, I thought surely one of them would. I've got the urge to watch Dead Poets Society, and no joy on any of the channels I have. I realized last week, my son (age 8) has only seen RW in Mork & Mindy, so we'll watch some more along with Aladdin. And next time Mrs Doubtfire is one, we'll watch that too, although he won't get half the jokes (Drive-by fruiting!).

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My roommate and I have each watched The Birdcage at least three times in the past week. It's one of those movies that always makes me happy (though with a tinge of sad, now).

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the night the news broke, my fiance and i watched "jumanji" again. i had started watching "what dreams may come" but hadn't had a chance to finish it yet. i really want to now, but i feel it may be a little too much for me. he was such a huge part of my childhood, of a lot of people's childhood and adulthood.

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My roommate and I have each watched The Birdcage at least three times in the past week. It's one of those movies that always makes me happy (though with a tinge of sad, now).

I have been watching Aladdin nearly every day. :cry:

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Anyone else see the Billy Crystal tribute at the Emmys tonight? It was really very moving.

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i don't know if i could watch a tribute thing right now. i watched a couple of videos and i just don't think i can right now.

is it weird that i feel this way over someone i've never met?

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i don't know if i could watch a tribute thing right now. i watched a couple of videos and i just don't think i can right now.

is it weird that i feel this way over someone i've never met?

No. It's the true mark of losing a genuinely amazing human being. He didn't have to physically touch any of us... but he did just the same.

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