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MSU offers free online course on Laura Ingalls Wilder


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MSU offers free online course on Laura Ingalls Wilder

Mods, I'm not sure this is the right place for this. If not, I'm sorry and can you move it? I rarely read anyplace other than Quiver Full of Snark, and I have seen Laura Ingalls Wilder mentioned many times.

So, any fans of hers, this might be an interesting class.


Pamela Smith Hill, English faculty at Missouri State University, will begin a free online course "Laura Ingalls Wilder: Her Work and Writing Life" on Sept. 22, and she will offer another course on Wilder's later works in early 2015, according to a release from the university.

MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. These courses are offered for free, but at this time there is no credit associated with the MOOCs. When you click on the links below, you will be asked to create a free account with our partner Canvas.net in order to enroll in the course. Each week, new material will be available – readings, lectures, and discussion.

Enroll in Ozarks History: Examining An American Culture

Enroll in Laura Ingalls Wilder: Exploring Her Work and Writing Life – The Early Years

Link below


Again, Sorry if this is the wrong place

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Thank you for letting everyone know. That sounds so interesting. i'm putting it on my wishlist of things to do, going to try to make it happen! Any excuse to read the Little House books. :D Might read them aloud with my littles if they have the patience.

This is also required reading:


That course looks fascinating. Her life was during the time when everything completely changed and became modern. I have a cookbook from the 1930's that i like to think she might have had a copy of too. And as spunky as Laura was i bet she LOVED rock n roll and Elvis. :lol: 8-) (she lived til 1957) Going to be fun to find out more of her story.

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Thank you for letting everyone know. That sounds so interesting. i'm putting it on my wishlist of things to do, going to try to make it happen! Any excuse to read the Little House books. :D Might read them aloud with my littles if they have the patience.

This is also required reading:


That course looks fascinating. Her life was during the time when everything completely changed and became modern. I have a cookbook from the 1930's that i like to think she might have had a copy of too. And as spunky as Laura was i bet she LOVED rock n roll and Elvis. :lol: 8-) (she lived til 1957) Going to be fun to find out more of her story.

I went ahead and signed up for it last night. It is free, and online, and I can do it from on the road, so why not.

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News of this course keeps popping up on my FB feed and elsewhere, and now here...I think maybe it's a sign I'm supposed to take this class! :lol:

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Oh, awesome. I just enrolled. It'll be weird to know, if we have discussion boards or something, that I could be chatting with an FJer and not even know it.

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I've signed up as well, we should develop a code to slip into our forum writings to identify ourselves as FJers. :lol:

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Does anyone know if courses with MOOC get repeated later, or if video presentations get posted online? As a young girl I was obsessed with Laura, often exclusively wearing bonnets and long dresses and calling my parents Ma and Pa. (Probably looked like a fundie to concerned people.) I'd definitely love to take this course, but I am starting college as an English major in the fall and will probably have a lot of reading. It would be so nice to be able to do something like this in the summer months....

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It would be great if they had the lectures and other info available later. I'm in a Master's program right now that is hardly "part-time" based on Spring's workload (1.3 years down, 1.3 to go!). I love LIW but I just can't devote time to anything else right now, free or not!

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often exclusively wearing bonnets and long dresses and calling my parents Ma and Pa. (

I did this as well! I still have my dress and bonnet--it was green calico with pink flowers. The neighbors probably thought I was a very strange child indeed.

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I did this as well! I still have my dress and bonnet--it was green calico with pink flowers. The neighbors probably thought I was a very strange child indeed.

I was also that girl who wore calico dresses and had a bonnet as I absolutely loved those books. I'm looking forward to sharing LIW with my niece when she's old enough to read them.

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I also convinced my mother to sew calico dresses for my Barbies. Other little girls were driving their dolls around in their pink convertibles...and I was pushing mine around in a shoe box converted into a covered wagon. :lol:

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Add me to the list of those signing up! (And to the ones who wore bonnets and prairie dresses as a little girl. lol I've got a picture of me and my neighbor dressed up in our garb with one of my dolls tied up from an "Indian attack".)

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I was also that girl who wore calico dresses and had a bonnet as I absolutely loved those books. I'm looking forward to sharing LIW with my niece when she's old enough to read them.

Glad to know I am not the only one who was a strange child. I wore my bonnet constantly and a ratty calico dress whenever my Ma would let me.

Right now, I am reading the LH books aloud to my girls. I am hoping to take them to see some LH sites at some point in the future.

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I haven't signed up yet, but I did buy the book linked earlier for my Kindle. It delves in to some of the differences between the books and what actually happened to Laura, and how they managed to get the series published.There is also a focus on the relationship between Laura and Rose when it came to editing the Little House series. I checked Pamela Smith Hill's other books and she is planning on releasing an annotated version of Pioneer Girl (Laura's autobiography and original manuscript) this fall:

http://www.amazon.com/Pioneer-Girl-Laur ... obiography

I'm strongly considering buying it, but it may be something I ask for as a Christmas gift based on that pricetag. ;)

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Ooh, thanks for posting! I've attempted and dropped out of a couple of these types of courses before but this one I'm actually interested in, rather than feeling like it's something I "should" be doing (like the philosophy class I tried last time, which was interesting but I just don't have the attention span for that kind of reading and writing the way I did in college. Thanks, internet.)

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I signed up. I am very excited about this and have passed the info along to several IRL friends.

I actually graduated from Missouri State (used to be called Southwest MO State).

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