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Sarah Palin launches online subscription channel


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10.00 a month to listen to this dimbulb? it is worse then paying the dentist.

https://ca.news.yahoo.com/sarah-palin-l ... 23777.html

http://www.alternet.org/media/15-funnie ... tv-channel

NEW YORK, N.Y. - Sarah Palin has started her own subscription-based online network.

The Sarah Palin Channel, which went live on Sunday, bills itself as a "direct connection" for the former Alaska governor and GOP vice-presidential candidate with her supporters, with "no need to please the powers-that-be," Palin says in a video mission statement on her channel's home page.

"Are you tired of the media filters?" she asks. "Well, I am. I always have been. So we're gonna do something about it."

"We'll talk about the issues that the mainstream media won't talk about," she adds.

Palin says she oversees all content posted to the channel. This will include her own political commentary. Other features for subscribers include the ability to submit questions to Palin and participate with her in online video chats.

Membership is set at $9.95 per month or $99.95 for a year

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My guess is that she isn't going to pretend to run for president again (too much like work) and so this way people can just give her money directly instead of by way of campaign donations. Plus she has probably taken note of Glen Beck's gold rush-- the guy is making millions of dollars with his subscription service-- and decided that people like her as much, if not more than, Beck so why not have them fork over the bucks. She was always more interested in fame and money than she was in governing.

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Online video chats with Sarah Palin? That just seems so......sleazy. The people who want to video chat with her would probably remind you of the bar scene from Star Wars.

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For only $9.99, you can watch me rambling on about world affairs, and my neighbours' cats! If you pay $15, you get to see me, watering the Aloe Vera plant I'm trying to keep alive (there's a riveting backstory, but you'll have to pay another $5 to hear it).

Open your wallets hearts, people!

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Reminds me when conservative groups were asking for donations to get Howard Stern off the radio. He told them that they should send the money directly to him - if it was enough, he'd leave voluntarily.

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I can think of so many other places I could give that $10 a month to--food bank, animal shelter, Planned Parenthood. I'd sooner blow my nose on a $10 bill and flush it down the toilet than give it to the Palin family.

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I'd rather watch my cat barf up a hairball than watch Sarah Palin.

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You should read some of the comments on her FB page. Whining about $10/month.

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There was a diary on DailyKos about how Sarah has appeared drunk or high at a couple recent speaking engagements. It's much easier to appear straight (as in not-high) if you have some editing control over the content. She apparently was hanging onto the podium and slurring words. She was not getting many cheers at a speech she gave over the weekend in Colorado because she was so much like a bad Foster Brooks imitation.

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I'd rather watch my cat barf up a hairball than watch Sarah Palin.

I don't even know your cat and I'd rather watch your cat barf up a hairball than watch Sarah Palin.

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There was a diary on DailyKos about how Sarah has appeared drunk or high at a couple recent speaking engagements. It's much easier to appear straight (as in not-high) if you have some editing control over the content. She apparently was hanging onto the podium and slurring words. She was not getting many cheers at a speech she gave over the weekend in Colorado because she was so much like a bad Foster Brooks imitation.

Wow, maybe she's been hanging out with Rush Limbaugh.

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My guess is that she isn't going to pretend to run for president again (too much like work) and so this way people can just give her money directly instead of by way of campaign donations. Plus she has probably taken note of Glen Beck's gold rush-- the guy is making millions of dollars with his subscription service-- and decided that people like her as much, if not more than, Beck so why not have them fork over the bucks. She was always more interested in fame and money than she was in governing.

Yeah, there's no way in hell she'll run for office again, unless it's a publicity stunt only. She's published books, quit her last government position to pimp her family out on TLC, and now has an expensive subscription channel. Why bother with pesky things like accounting for campaign donations and setting a good public example when it's way more lucrative to be famous for doing nothing?

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Oh, I really want her to run, if only for the entertainment value, such as the remote possibility of a Clinton-Palin debate. Now that is something worth paying for.

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Does Sarah, the half governor, really think that watching her channel is worth more than Netflix?

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