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It's not Voddie as in "body" --


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It's Voddie as in "roadie"!

Or, harking back to Winchester Cathedral, "A-voddie-oh-doh, a voddie-oh-doh..." (give it up for The New Vaudeville Band,


I don't know why, finding that out just tickles me beyond all belief.

That is all! (Fpr now.)

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He should change the spelling. :cracking-up:

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I share your surprise, MJB! Only learned the correct pronunciation after seeing a video interview a couple of months ago.

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I've never watched a clip with his name pronounced. This is mind boggling. Thanks for pointing this out!

But, he will probably still always be Voddie, like body, to me. Phonics!

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Do you think it pains the Robotkinettes that Jasmine B. is engaged to be married and they have absolutely no prospects in sight? It is my secret hope that Jasmine asks the Robotkinettes to serve food at her wedding.

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I've never watched a clip with his name pronounced. This is mind boggling. Thanks for pointing this out!

But, he will probably still always be Voddie, like body, to me. Phonics!

Here ya go - he's being interviewed about one of his books: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.ph ... 9637534700

Note: unless you're really, really into patriarchal bullshit, you only need to listen to about the first 30-45 seconds in order to hear how Voddie's name is pronounced.

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Do you think it pains the Robotkinettes that Jasmine B. is engaged to be married and they have absolutely no prospects in sight? It is my secret hope that Jasmine asks the Robotkinettes to serve food at her wedding.

I bet a LOT pains Anna Sophia & Elizabeth Botkin these days.

Love the mental image of them serving food. Of course, it wouldn't be a fundie patriarse wedding without a harp duet or two from les Robotkinettes.

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That's so weird, because I forgot that I had known this. I saw him speak at a homeschool conference about 5-6 years ago and remember hearing it pronounced this way and wondering how they managed to get it out of that spelling.

The guy is a masterfully charismatic speaker. It was a large conference center, he was the keynote speaker, and he had no trouble filling the entire place with his presence. I was a bit more, ahem, naive in those days, and thought he made a lot of sense. :whistle:

Although I never got into the whole patriarchy thing, and didn't even fully understand what they were/still are selling, I remember wishing I could afford more of his materials. Thanking God I couldn't...

(Also, in my defense, I didn't know anything about the more extreme ideas of the VF types until the last 6-7 months, and what I did know, I did not implement).

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I had no idea that the general FJ population was pronouncing it wrong in their heads :-). I think I heard it before I saw it, but now I can totally see why it would be thought of that way.

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It's Voddie as in "roadie"!

Or, harking back to Winchester Cathedral, "A-voddie-oh-doh, a voddie-oh-doh..." (give it up for The New Vaudeville Band,


The Robotkins sing:

Oh, Miss Jasmine Baucham,

You're bringing us down.

We’ll cry as we watch you

In your wedding gown.

Will we find our headships?

We certainly try.

But Geoff won’t approve of

Just any old guy.

To find the right dude, this whole world we’re willing to roam.

But you needn’t go far away,

Because your dad brought Phil Holmes to your home!

Oh, Miss Jasmine Baucham,

Do you just have luck?

Or is it that your dad

Is less of a schmuck?

Did Voddie do well? Oh, Voddie, do tell!

Can Voddie find fellas for us?

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Thanks, MJB. But really, as soon as you mentioned Winchester Cathedral, my mind just went there . . .

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I shall continue to pronounce phonetically correctly in my head.

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This is how I've always pronounced it. Now I'm puzzled. Doesn't the double consonant lengthen the vowel in other areas? Maybe that's just the way we speak in my area.

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He should change the spelling. :cracking-up:

It's like John Bohner insisting his name is pronounced "Bay-ner." Dude, there is no "a" in your name. It's "boner."

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I have ALWAYS pronounced it "VAH-dee" in my head but have never been sure that was right. Heck, I didn't even know how to pronounce his *last* name until I watched the first ten seconds of that FB video.

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I have never said his name aloud, but I always read it as rhyming with roadie. I didn't realize most people thought it rhymed with body.

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I have never said his name aloud, but I always read it as rhyming with roadie. I didn't realize most people thought it rhymed with body.

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I have never said his name aloud, but I always read it as rhyming with roadie. I didn't realize most people thought it rhymed with body.

In my experience with spoken English, a vowel followed by double consonants is usually pronounced with a short sound.

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I have ALWAYS pronounced it "VAH-dee" in my head but have never been sure that was right. Heck, I didn't even know how to pronounce his *last* name until I watched the first ten seconds of that FB video.

Me too! I've been totally mispronouncing his whole name. I've always thought the ch in his last name would be pronounced "ch" instead of "k". Who knew.

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Do you think it pains the Robotkinettes that Jasmine B. is engaged to be married and they have absolutely no prospects in sight? It is my secret hope that Jasmine asks the Robotkinettes to serve food at her wedding.

Or ask them to handle the child care.

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Me too! I've been totally mispronouncing his whole name. I've always thought the ch in his last name would be pronounced "ch" instead of "k". Who knew.

Yep -- since both names are ones I'd never heard before, I thought it was VAH-dee Baw-ch'm, based on the spelling.

This whole thread reminds me of a story I read many years ago, about the wags of the Algonquin Round Table talking about Somerset Maugham, before they met him.

One of them said something about this new author, whose name was spelled M-A-U-G-H-A-M and pronounced 'Mawm'."

Another asked "How does he pronounce his first name -- 'Smet'?"

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It's Voddie as in "roadie"!

I'd prefer to think of it as "Toadie".

Maugham makes sense if you think about the way that you pronounce Vaughan. And I figured out that the 'ch' in Bauchaum was a 'k' sound. I never learnt proper English phonics rules though.

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This is how I've always pronounced it. Now I'm puzzled. Doesn't the double consonant lengthen the vowel in other areas? Maybe that's just the way we speak in my area.

No, I think it normally means a short vowel. Like toddy, hobby, lobby, Tammy, Sammy, crammed, spammed etc.

I like the sound of Hoabby Loabby though. lol

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