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SCOTUS: Christian prayers before town meetings OK


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From the [link=http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/06/nyregion/supreme-court-allows-prayers-at-town-meetings.html?_r=0]NY Times[/link]: (not broken because news source):

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that a town in upstate New York did not violate the Constitution by starting its public meetings with a prayer from a “chaplain of the month†who was almost always Christian.

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, writing for the majority in a 5-to-4 decision that divided the court’s more conservative members from its liberal ones, said the prayers were merely ceremonial. They were neither unduly sectarian nor likely to make members of other faiths feel unwelcome.

Apparently Christian prayers are merely 'ceremonial' and have no evangelical purpose. Coulda fooled me.

Also, what gives? I hear the news and I rush to FJ hoping to find a loud nuanced discussion already in place. I guess this is a "You know you read FJ too much when..." moment.

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I was livid when I heard the decision. I can almost guarantee if the meeting opened up with a Muslim prayer SCOTUS would've been singing a different tune.

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They SO ruled for Hobby Lobby in that religious beliefs can decide whether or not they pay for birth control. If thy did, I am going to laugh when a Jehovah's Witness boss says he doesn't have to cover blood transfusions or organ donation surgeries. And then again when Christian Scientists say they don't have to pay for immunizations or antibiotics, but they will cover a broken arm.

All of those would also need to be approved, since IF they ruled a private employer has the right to determine what insurance will and won't pay for based on their own personal religion....all of those are also acceptable.

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I was livid when I heard the decision. I can almost guarantee if the meeting opened up with a Muslim prayer SCOTUS would've been singing a different tune.

It popped up on my phone while I was driving. I snuck a peak at the next red light. I'm sure I put on quite a show, pounding on the steering wheel as I was.

It made me sick, even worse than the nauseousness I feel when every NASCAR race starts with an invocation. "Heavenly Father..." Gag. If they have to say something, why don't they offer 30 seconds for silent communication with your Higher Power, or to plan your dinner menu. Whatever. My husband is so tired of hearing me rant at the start of every NASCAR race that I now just say "Ditto" to keep the peace.

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That person shrieking, "OH, FFS!!!" that you all heard around 6 PM EDT yesterday? That was me in my car driving home from work.

Seriously--do people EVER learn? Separation of church and state, my @$$.

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From the [link=http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/06/nyregion/supreme-court-allows-prayers-at-town-meetings.html?_r=0]NY Times[/link]: (not broken because news source):

Apparently Christian prayers are merely 'ceremonial' and have no evangelical purpose. Coulda fooled me.

Also, what gives? I hear the news and I rush to FJ hoping to find a loud nuanced discussion already in place. I guess this is a "You know you read FJ too much when..." moment.

And the "In God we trust" in the dollar... ?

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Oh, fuck that noise. What about the people who don't want to pray at all? This is such a blatant violation of people's rights and I am extremely disappointed in SCOTUS.

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This opens the doors for government-led prayer in schools.

In this instance, "ceremonial" is another way of saying "traditional." It was traditional to keep black people like animals, and to deny women autonomy and the right to vote. Traditions, in the legal sense, MUST change when they are found to infer special privilege. This new ruling it unconstitutional.

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This opens the doors for government-led prayer in schools.

In this instance, "ceremonial" is another way of saying "traditional." It was traditional to keep black people like animals, and to deny women autonomy and the right to vote. Traditions, in the legal sense, MUST change when they are found to infer special privilege. This new ruling it unconstitutional.

+1-- there are a lot of things that were once "traditional" in this society that we are better off without.

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Female circumcision is "ceremonial" in many parts of the world, doesn't make it right....ugh.

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I have no problem with a moment of silence at the start of a meeting. Pray, work on your grocery list, contemplate your navel....as long as it is done in silence, I'm fine. As for me, if I attend a meeting at which a Christian prayer is given, I intend to walk out until the prayer is over. Hopefully, others will do the same.

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I have no problem with a moment of silence at the start of a meeting. Pray, work on your grocery list, contemplate your navel....as long as it is done in silence, I'm fine. As for me, if I attend a meeting at which a Christian prayer is given, I intend to walk out until the prayer is over. Hopefully, others will do the same.

A minute of silence is a perfect compromise. Those who want to pray can pray, and those who want to just collect their thoughts, or write down last minute notes, can do that.

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