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Guest Anonymous
I think spouses dropping from heaven into Steve's "time with the Lord" would be a decent guess. However she better be clothed in a full burka deal or he'd toss her right back up there. If it was a husband for Srarah he better not arrive with a parachute. That would demonstrate his appetite for fun. Nope - back you go! And back to prayer... "Oh Lord please send me APPROPRIATE spouses. You just don't have it right yet. I'll wait. I KNOW you, so I know you can do better."

Parachuting in would also demonstrate the suitor's reluctance to put all his faith (and survival) in God's hands.

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Thanks, Mama J! And great finds! Could they have wanted him to help evaluate his colleagues and choose who's laid off, like the Bobs in Office Space or George Clooney in Up in the Air? Nobody would be happy being asked to do that.

I don't know. I would think something like that would make Stevie very happy. It would give him permission to judge others and the illusion of having power/control.

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Are the Bates's Maxwell followers? That would explain Erin's terrible piano technique, at least. She's actually pretty good for being self-taught.

I think fundies like being self taught or teaching their kids to play instruments to avoid outside influences. Erin is probably the one who does the best. The Duggars kids' violin skills seem pretty awful and never they sound halfway decent. Another loony fundie who was teaching her kids how to play instruments was Jessica. I remember there was picture of her daughter playing the piano and someone here said that the little girl's hands weren't positioned well or something.

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For me, the WTF moment was when I read about Mary and her painful palate expander. Teri took her to the orthodontist who asked MARY how she would like to proceed in view of the pain. Mary meekly replied, "Whatever Mommy wants" or words to that effect. Steve's corner that month dealt with this issue, how the parents should have total control, and said something about Teri not taking the time during that appointment to educate the orthodontist about the Bible's stand on parental control.

WTF! The kid's in pain, there are two ways to proceed. She was at least 7 or 8 at that time. Surely she should have a say in whether they proceed slow and easy or more quickly and painfully. But, oh no, not in the Maxwell residence. Mom's word is law...unless Dad's around or there is time to pray fervently about it.

Just took the time to go back to find it:


Mary was having such discomfort from her teeth that she was only eating soft food due to the new palette separator that had recently been "installed" across the roof of her mouth. The orthodontist told us that it would not hurt her at all, and so we decided she ought to be taken back to have it checked.

The orthodontist affirmed that the appliance appeared normal. One option offered was to remove the palette separator for a while and then reinstall it. The other option would be to stop turning it for a week and then slow down the daily adjustments from a full turn to a ½ turn. Teri thought about the choices. She said she preferred the break from turning and trying to adjust it more slowly than to go through the removal and reinstallation of the appliance.

It's PALATE, Steve. :roll:

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It's PALATE, Steve. :roll:

Both of my older kids had this done(the girl still has hers in)and they did complain. However, you are supposed to do it right before bed and give them some Ibuprofen the first couple days or so if it hurts bad(mine didn't need it past the first day). You only have to turn 1 time per night for at most 3 weeks. After the first few days its not as bad because its all new growth you are breaking. My son needed 21 days and my daughter 16. Both just wanted it done,I cannot imagine them dragging it out.

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Mama J, this paragraph in their August 1997 Mom's Corner, "Who is the Maxwell Family?" answers several of your questions:

So Teri was Teri Frazer. The Maxwells moved to KS in 1990 to be near her folks. Steve didn't move to KS for a job at Boeing, though he might have worked there in OR. I know they lived in Florida somewhere in there too (can you just imagine young Teri and Steve partying it up at Florida State or something?). I wonder if Wilcox Electric in Kansas is the job Steve took his moral stand from, whatever that was all about. I don't recall them ever mentioning him switching jobs until the Lord Brought Him Home so it could be. In this same Corner, they call Communications Concepts their "fledgling business" which employed Christopher to design websites, so they must have just started it around this time. Mr. and Mrs. Frazer probably went to church on the base because he's a veteran. I think we just recently learned that when the Maxwells made Memorial Day all about praying for the souls of aborted fetuses, and when people told them that was gross Steve said, "No it's not, I asked my father in law who was in the army and he said it's fne!"

I get the impression Steve's men's prayer group was in Kansas too. They had a normalish (still really fundie, but normal compared to how they are now) thing going on: church with an actual pastor, social lives, prayer groups, jobs outside the home, etc. They walked away from all of it. Gradually, but still.

I do have to say, I don't blame them for buying the house next door where it came up for sale. We bought the house across the street from my husband's parents when my son was a newborn and I am really glad we did. And I can see the older adult children wanting the same thing if they liked how it worked out.

For all the craziness from the Maxwell's the compound bothers me the least, if only because of my personal experience of having a similar situation.

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My abuelita & one of her daughters lived next-door in downloads that were so close they kept a light weight metall rod between the windows that faced each other over the 3'-wide "breezeway" between the buildings.

When one wanted to talk to the other, she picked up her end of the rod and rattled the other end on the window frame opposite.

The children of that aunt were the second-most well adjusted (IMHO) after we Junebugs.

Yes, being w the older generation can be wonderful. What will forever bother me about the Frazer-Maxwell sitch is the most recent family portrait. Steve & Teri stand amidst their kids & grandkids while M/M Frazer are dived off to the side in their armchairs.

It's skillfully done, really: when the F's pass on, the M's can just trim 'em off the photo and have a perfectly suitable group portrait.


So much for their devotion to The Elderly...

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