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Of Fundies & Wine

0 kids n not countin

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Whenever I hear or read the evangelical explanation of the Cana wine actually being grape juice, I can't decide whether to shit or go blind.

They also forget that Paul instructed Timothy to "have some wine for thy stomach, and for thy other ailments..."

I've heard fundies say that this still meant grape juice because there is some study(not sure if it is real) that shows grape juice prevents stomach viruses therefore Paul was telling people to drink grape juice.

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Seventh day adventists hold the same view; that one sip will kill a bunch of brain cells, and that every single person who drinks is addicted.

Because of this, I spent a good 2-3 years thinking I was an alcoholic.

Actually, no; I was a 19-21 year old still learning how to drink. I was a little obsessed because I was excited about it and I couldn't get it often, and it was another FU religion moment.

But I grew out of that phase and realized that this is relatively normal for people who start drinking, and learned that I am not an alcoholic.

It's been so freeing, you have no idea.

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