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Have Any of You Gone to the TLC Forum About the Duggars?


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I usually peek at Duggars Without Pity (not often though) and yesterday I saw the TLC/Discovery Health forum about the Duggars. Have any of you ever posted there before? I wouldn't myself because those forums seem much more pro-Duggar than others. Plus, some posters defend the Duggars to the point of attacking other posters who disagree with their views. Freejinger is the best!

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It looks like the TLC forum has a few posters that will defend the Duggars to no end. If you dare have a different opinion than they do you get slammed. There are a few posters there that are absolutely annoying.

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I read there sometimes but I don't comment, for the reasons you mentioned. I find if you leave a snarky comment on YouTube even, a bunch of Duggar fanboys/fangirls emerge from the woodwork and tell you not to be "negative" etc.

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I sometimes look at the pro-Duggar sites because sometimes the fanboys and fangirls will make really dumb excuses for some of the things the Duggars do. I remember there was a poster on the TLC forums who was arguing that the reason the Duggar kids don't have a lot of friends is because Boob and Mullet are teaching them they have to serve the Lord all the time. I remember other posters fought with that guy and said, "Sure you can be Christian and serve the Lord, but you can still have hobbies and friends too." Somebody also told the guy about how Jesus had friends.

Also a lot of the Duggar lovers are always crying that the family is persecuted because they are Christians. The Duggars have haters in some Christian circles and there are plenty of mainstream Christians and fundie lites who will say that Boob and company are too extreme.

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There used to be more posters who were not Duggar apologists. I think that most of them have left and so there really isn't as much of a counter to the Duggar suck ups.

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I like FJ because our discussions are diverse. We do talk about the Duggars, but we also talk about other things (not always fundie related). I don't care enough about the Duggars to frequent a forum that is all them all the time. They just aren't interesting enough to spend that much time on.

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No, I've never been to that forum. I've never seen a whole episode of the Duggars, and to be honest, they bore the hell out of me. I don't get the fascination, so I just avoid topics having to do with Duggars for the most part, even on FJ. *yawn*

In general, I much prefer the issues-related discussions we have here. I don't care about any of these families and don't find them at all interesting or intriguing as a stand-alone topic of discussion.

But to each their own. FJ is a "big tent" and clearly, many people enjoy following them closely.

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I have checked out those sites, but never posted. Not out of fear of being attacked, but that I didn't want to "shit on their rug.". That charming phrase always makes me laugh, but I totally get it.

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I usually peek at Duggars Without Pity (not often though) and yesterday I saw the TLC/Discovery Health forum about the Duggars. Have any of you ever posted there before? I wouldn't myself because those forums seem much more pro-Duggar than others. Plus, some posters defend the Duggars to the point of attacking other posters who disagree with their views. Freejinger is the best!

Confession time. I have only seen a couple of Duggar episodes. I read about them sometimes and know three of the kids names by sight. My ip was banned from the Duggar website when I commented on Michelle's blog though.

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I have been tempted to register for an account just to post to the major Duggar defenders. There is one poster on there who must think that she owns the board and will argue and attack anyone who posts. :twisted:

she may be on Duggarswithoutpity too.

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I used to post on there but stopped earlier this year. Anytime any critics, like myself, posted something on the forum, the fans would go ape shit on you and jump down your throat, coming up with any possible excuse for them. They put them on a pedestal so much, it was near impossible for them to believe that they have any sort of flaws. There was one poster in particular who defended them for anything and everything as if they were a perfect family with no issues whatsoever. She irked the crap out of me and I just learned to keep my mouth shut after that.

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Yes. I believe the poster I saw was chrislukas. She was like a pit bull going after steak. It was almost as if she owned the board herself. Sorry, I would not want to be on a board where one person got to do as they pleased and everyone else was treated like you know what.

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Yes. I believe the poster I saw was chrislukas. She was like a pit bull going after steak. It was almost as if she owned the board herself. Sorry, I would not want to be on a board where one person got to do as they pleased and everyone else was treated like you know what.

Yep, that was her. She definitely would jump down your throat if you said anything about the Duggars that was kind of negative but then would get defensive if someone argued back with her saying how she has the right to voice her opinions as well. Well, so do the critics.

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Exactly. The way that she acts is like a spoiled little toddler brat on red bull. She attacked everyone for every little thing. The mods appear to be behind her too. It would be awesome if all of us at F.J. posted a topic about her there such as "why do you feel your opinions are more valid than everyone else's" and keep pressing the attack...or maybe not. I'll stick to this forum where everyone is equal.

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Oh the mods are annoying! I posted a thread about how the Duggars support groups that are considered "hate groups" and after a few days it mysteriously disappeared. Apparently, finding flaws in these people are considered a big "no no" on the TLC/Discovery Health Forums. More like, speaking the truth is, especially the hate groups they support, like Focus on the Family.

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I have been tempted to register for an account just to post to the major Duggar defenders. There is one poster on there who must think that she owns the board and will argue and attack anyone who posts. :twisted:

she may be on Duggarswithoutpity too.

Suzanne or Cyn? Suzanne lasted about 5 minutes on TWOP a few years back. At least Cyn will do some research and now even admits she's been wrong or failed to look at all sides of an issue. Not so with Suzanne who is an unabashed apologist who pulls out the "Persecution!" straw man when getting her butt handed to her in a debate. DWOP has its fangirls, but I'd say that it's about 80/20 in favor of the snark.

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I've read on the TLC site but never posted. It seems to be mostly fans and people that think they're great. I figured TLC is probably deleting any negative posts.

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A while back I posted once on DWoP..I stopped posting and lurking for the most part because for a place that is supposed to welcome all views, it seemed more pro-Duggar than anything. Another reason why is because Sharla is too nit-picky as to what can and can't be discussed..for example, the "dead horse" topic and not allowing nicknames for Jim Bob and Michelle on DWoP , yet with Gosselins Without Pity (which is run by Sharla I believe), anything short of death threats towards Kate Gosselin is allowed. Don't get me wrong, I'm definately not a Kate fan, but it's a little weird for two different blogs, both started and run by the same person, to be run so differently from one another. Finally, that SuzanneDeAZ..that's one person who really needs to get her head out of Jim Bob and Michelle's butts :obscene-buttmoon: , or at least out of Michelle's hoo-ha.

Which brings me to the TLC board and that chrislukas person. I've lurked on there and I don't know if chrislukas is a man or woman, but that is one super-duper, uber thundercunt posting on there :angry-cussingblack: . I've read some of the stuff he/she has posted and she really needs to take the stick out of her ass. Between her and SuzanneDeAZ I don't know who is more condescending and holier-than-thou.

Thank God for Free Jinger..I feel at home here :romance-grouphug:

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I've lurked there and in other Duggar type forums. The one on TLC is far too pro-Duggar for me, but some of the excuses people make for the Duggars kind of make me laugh. I've never felt comfortable posting anywhere but free jinger though. Other forums make me feel like there are so many rules I can't say what I really think for fear of saying something wrong. Here I like, because I feel like I can say anything without fear of breaking the rules.

I love you guys! :romance-grouphug:

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Yep, that was her. She definitely would jump down your throat if you said anything about the Duggars that was kind of negative but then would get defensive if someone argued back with her saying how she has the right to voice her opinions as well. Well, so do the critics.

I know Chris Lucas has similar beliefs to the Duggars but yea she defends everything they do. She is worse then Cyn and Suzanne. I wonder if the defenders on DWOP or TLC watch the show.

But note the comments used to number in the 400's and up in free discussion on DWOP. Now it is well below 200 and not even 100.

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I only lurk on DWOP but ugh, SuzanneDeAZ is something else. TLC could put out an episode where Smugger runs over a little old lady in a wheel chair with his hummer while checking his hair in the rear view mirror, the howler monkeys toss a bag of puppies into the river, Dimbulb and J'chelle declare that the J'slaves will never marry since they must finish raising the kids and then take care of them and cousin Oliver launches into a racist homophobic rant and she would still find a way to defend them! Probably something along the lines of "well I'm sure he didn't mean to and she was at the end of her life anyway, boys will be boys, the girls don't care they were happy and smiling after the announcement and oh she is just young and naive."

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