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School Bus Driver fired for "praying"


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Oh, that's one I forgot. There were controversies about which board games elementary kids could play on indoor recess days. Dice were an issue as well as some other things. There was conflict over trading cards of any type (football, baseball, Pokemon...anything) because a teacher realized that some are worth more than others and concluded that buying a pack of them is a form of gambling.

Then there was the scandal when I said the following sentence in my English classroom: "languages evolve over time". That ended up involving the school board as I had apparently with that one little sentence endorsed Darwin and denied God.

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I once sat through a staff meeting that lasted nearly three hours about "biblical" nail polish colors. One side (more hard core fundy, but not to the degree of KJV only or no pants on women) said only pastel pinks and peaches while the other side (mostly the Charismatic faction) said all manner of reds, pinks and oranges were okay. All agreed that blues and greens were probably not biblical and no one could decide about metallic or glitter. Bible verses were thrown around, but I have blocked out what they were.

I had, safely covered by shoes, blue toe nails at that meeting.

Let me get this straight. There are children going hungry, people without homes, people hurting each other, etc. and all these so-called Christians spent 3 hours discussing Biblical nail polish colors? :? That time could have been better spent organizing a food or clothing drive or some sort of fund raiser to help those in need. You know, things Jesus might actually have done. :roll:

As for the idiotic bus driver: Yes he is free to practice his faith. He is not, however, free to push it on other people's children. :pull-hair:

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Yes, BoomerLynn. And the sad thing is that a large number of those people were right outside the school doors as their building was in an inner city neighborhood (student body drove in from the suburbs and they were constantly looking for a suburban location but could never afford it). If they did spend any time encouraging students to serve or help others, though, it involved "mission trips" to convert Catholics in Mexico by doing "human videos" on the street. Many, many times, two other teachers and I pleaded with the admins that we take some time to figure out how to serve the needs of the immediate neighborhood, but that was not considered an option. Those people were considered bad and scary and their situation was considered their own fault.

And the "human video" is a nightmare creation of the Charismatics that I so wish I could forget. Ugh.

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