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My mom was only smart for a woman


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On what seems to be a foreign dating site, there's a forum talking about intelligence differences between different races :shock: Anyway a mixed Asian/Jewish person came in, who is apparently pretty smart. Someone told him that if he wanted smart kids he should marry a smart Jewish American lady (since Jews appearently have the highest IQ) and cause intelligence is supposedly passed down from the mom in certain situations :P


His mom is only smart for a woman though. And a fucking feminazi :roll:


Okay looking at the internet is seems like while male and females have similar IQ averages, theres more variation in the male bell curve? So more male idiots and geniuses while women have more average-intelligenced people :think: I'm not sure how valid IQ tests are towards actual intelligence, though.





That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid though. It's what my dad did. It made me smart, but she was a lousy wife and mother. I don't want to marry some American, liberal feminist just because she's smart. Besides, I think my mother's only smart by female standards. Yes, that was a sexist statement. She can't hold up intellectually against the best men (and I do think there is a minority women who can). Anyway, I'm on happier abroad because educated women here suck. Would I be willing to sacrifice intelligence on finding a woman? Maybe. But my ideal is a women who's smart and not a Feminazi.
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Another forum:

Honestly what's up with the "ameriskanks' and 'American women suck' memes going around? :(


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