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Bates Wedding: 800 Invitations and Counting/Pirate MERGE


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Thank god you guys got pics. Erin is gorgeous & appears to have settled for the medium bump-it hair accessory. Good call. Am I seeing things or was Bill Gothard a fucking groomsman? Looks like the devil only made it as far as Tennessee this time, but Georgia's next. Seriously though, what a freak. He looks like Dracula.

Geek, Gil was looking smoking in that suit. I think I might have to rethink my short men theory. Come to mama! :dance:

Smugs looked & acted like a moron. Not only was he sans tie but Michael looked too casual for the occasion. I know he's a little kid but still. Jessa looked really good & stylish. I'm glad to see it as I think she's the prettiest of the Duggarlings & appears to be on the way to dressing Stylishly as she should. If I had her figure & looks, I'd be featured in an episode of Deadly Women.

I think Gothard probably gave the benediction, and then made his way around the side and sat next to Mullet (which still brings up the question of why Mullet was sitting by herself on the end when she's got toddlers to watch during a wedding). But anyway, even though Gothard haunts the place up every where he shows, it's not totally unexpected or inappropriate given Gil's relationship to ATI. And yes, Gil was looking juicy. I dunno even understand myself here, but I was digging it.

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Jessa looks to be a bit too close to that boy. Yes, I know, they're courting, blah, blah, blah. Given that, they have far too much physical contact going on in that picture.

Oh I hope they have far more closeness than that during their courtship. So much so that the wedding night will include merchandize from Lovers Lane (that they purchased together) and be all fireworks & no trauma. By that I mean both emotional & physical.

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Restaurant pic, middle table, towards the back, purple shirt. Is this a guy with long hair, a woman with a bald spot, or odd light effects?

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Now I have all sorts of inappropriate jokes going through my mind about an evangelical bringing you closer to God, theologygeek. ;)

I'm now reminded of church camp and the time we decided we should add "under the sheets" to the end of hymn names. "How Great Thou Art... under the sheets." "Be Thou My Vision.... under the sheets." :lol: :lol:

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I love how little Michael is refusing to look at the camera. Perhaps he is tired of being told to smile for the camera every five seconds. Maybe he doesn't want his life on reality TV, and this is the only way he knows how to say it.

I think Michael is beyond adorable, BTW. I watch the Duggars just for him.

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Michael is amazingly adorable, and I hope that by the time he's grown up his family has become sufficiently fundie lite that he can go to college, have a girlfriend, drink the occasional beer, choose any career he wants, and see women as his equals. Hey, I can dream, right?

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Restaurant pic, middle table, towards the back, purple shirt. Is this a guy with long hair, a woman with a bald spot, or odd light effects?

That's grandma Duggar!

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Don't knock it until you've tried it. I slept with an evangelical Baptist once. Good heavens.


Its those more serious or religious ones who can be surprisingly the ones to have a good romp with.

Not to get OT but one of my biggest regrets in life was not having done it with my rather serious college boyfriend. Looking back it would have been a screaming (no pun intended) good time.

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Dear goddess. I am not a Duggarfan (I just follow you guys!) but does Anna coordinate her clothes with Smuggar like Davila!? What is UP with the Kellers.

Sorry for the OT rant!

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Not only is Josh not wearing a tie, he's wearing JEANS at a wedding! I don't care if you had far to come; stop and change into more appropriate pants before you get there.

I see that doubleT posted much the same thing.

Maybe (I'm hoping???) he and Anna only went to the reception?? Since they were watching in the car, maybe they just went to the reception and they thought it was 'ok' to do that in jeans or casual dress etc. The Bates boy in jeans likely changed for the reception for some reason (Hey, as a mom of 3 boys, I"m all about keeping expensive things like suits clean, and I'd consider putting my boys in jeans and t shirts for a restaurant reception so they didn't get food on their good suits)

And whoever asked about Zach's wedding:: Dec 14th

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The Bates Fan page posted a 7 minute video of the wedding vows and the first kiss!!!

I'm not going to lie, that was actually really sweet. And I liked that they turned away when they kissed to make it a bit more private.

1. So Chad's real first name is Charles, or...?

2. Erin did not promise to obey in her vows. :pink-shock:

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The reception looks like a New Years Eve party at a Mexican restaurant.

I bet that was dinner. I'm sure the Duggars stayed for as long as filming required them, but I bet they were hungry. A usual, leghumpers abound.

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Masiespace had dinner at Cracker barrel with some ATI peeps. No Mexican dinner romance with John David :( did anyone see him in any pics, btw? I wonder how many potential courtships developed at the wedding

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Geek, Gil was looking smoking in that suit. I think I might have to rethink my short men theory. Come to mama! :dance:

Welcome to the dark side.

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I remember thinking Gil was hot when I first saw the Bateses. Would I want to have sex with him? Absolutely not, but I understand the attraction, even if I don't understand it at all!

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I remember thinking Gil was hot when I first saw the Bateses. Would I want to have sex with him? Absolutely not, but I understand the attraction, even if I don't understand it at all!

He's just so freaking cute with the baby face and dimples.

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He's just so freaking cute with the baby face and dimples.

I like his build, too. I'm not into super muscly or super skinny guys, so Gil... is just right... :lol:

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OMG, shouldn't Michelle or her granddaughters have helped her get ready?

Oooh, I've just had an interesting thought. Grandma and Bill Gothard - they're both single, into bright colored shirts, and have...hair. Yes, no, or :brain-bleach:?

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I watched the video posted on the Fb fan page. Although we all have our reservations about the wedding [for obvious reasons], there were some good points for sure. They 100% looked happy, sincere and in love, and physically comfortable with each other [nice kiss, long hug, tender hand-holding etc]. There was no mention of leaving their family size up to God [a la Josh and Anna] :dance: . Erin did not promise to obey him :dance: . The OMG! SEX! KISSES! FIRST TIME EVAAHHH! was kept to a minimum [one, corny but not icky, comment from the officiant]. I personally really liked the giving of the flowers to the families, I don't know if this is common where they live, but for me [experienced weddings in Australia and Peru] it was something new, and very sweet. I thought they both looked good, and overall the church/weddings was classily done [from the limited exposure I have... I strongly suspect things could have gone downhill fast at the reception... sherbet punch and slabs of cake for everyone!].

With this wedding being such a success, that I believe will translate well on TV, the Duggars will need to get there act together regarding courtships. Especially considering the upcoming nuptials of Zach and Whitney, and unofficial but may as well be courtship of John and Alyssa [not to mention any future relationships that are cooking as we speak]. Honestly, I see no reason why John-David and Joe can't be/haven't been pushed strongly towards courtship, I think nice, quiet, rural, no-name ATI girls would suit them well. I also think Jill could be won over by a future missionary... and her adjustment/missionary work would make legitimately interesting viewing and final exams/graduations etc. of her Spanish and Midwifery courses could be featured beforehand. It all depends on whether the parental unit is willing to relinquish control... :popcorn2:

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I thought the flowers for their mothers was siluch a sweet gesture. I swear Gil was crying and so were the bridesmaids.

Wish them the best!

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