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Steve is crying out to the Lord to end legalized abortion


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In the latest Dad's Corner, Steve Maxwell outlines his plan to end abortion;



"I expect most reading this article are like I am, and you hate abortion. You have voted to get people into office who will stand in the legislatures of our land against abortion. You probably give financially to groups that offer alternatives to abortion and seek to counsel away from abortion those who would consider it. Maybe you have stood on a street corner with other Christians carrying a sign crying out against abortion. There may be other ways you are involved in combatting abortion in our nation. I think those are all wonderful and necessary things for us to be doing to fight abortion.


I wonder, though, if we are using the most powerful and yet the simplest tool that we have available to every one of us to stop abortion. Let’s go back to the Old Testament and look at Israel when they were in bondage in Egypt. What did Israel do when they had a great need? They cried out to the Lord!"



He goes on to say he has added a plea to end abortion to each of his prayers. This includes his prayers before and after each session on the Maxwell traveling show, and when he prays for another person's needs.


I wonder how that will go over when he prays for wait staff in restaurants?


I've often wondered, and I'm not even snarking here, why an all powerful God would need prayer upon prayer, plea upon plea, to do something? Especially something he supposedly hates as much as abortion?


Is it kind of like when your kids try to wear you down by asking for something over and over?


Anyway, the entire Corner is here;



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Anyone who successfully ends abortion/birth control/insurance coverage for birth control gets me living with them during the first trimester of any accidental pregnancy. I'm REAL FUN during this time, y'all. I had to be hospitalized several times (and shitloads of ER trips for IV rehydration) for constant, unstoppable vomiting during my first pregnancy. This time, I get NO warning before I vomit, and I even vomited blood once! Look out, fundies, here I come!

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I fully encourage Steve Maxwell and his ilk to take their own advice and focus their energies on praying to end abortion and away from bugging the rest of us about it. More talking to God, less talking to other people.

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Hey I am all for just prayer. Because we s know if Christians don't pray for it god does bit of it. I can't figure it out his hates abortion but seems far less effective then humans to stop it.

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I expect most reading this article are like I am

Well, Steve, even your opening gambit is wrong.

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I've often wondered, and I'm not even snarking here, why an all powerful God would need prayer upon prayer, plea upon plea, to do something? Especially something he supposedly hates as much as abortion?

I've wondered that, too. What's the point? I mean, I get prayer as a form of meditation and communing with your diety of choice, but to think God is going to do something in response? Seems off.

Seems really, off, too, when people say "that's the power of prayer" when something good happens that some prayed over. Like there was coverage of a woman that survived a tornado and she found her dog and it was what she'd prayed for; I heard so many people say "See, prayer works!". Yet, there were people, including children, that died in that tornado that I am sure they were praying and their loved ones were praying for.

So, God answered a prayer about a dog but not a child? That doesn't make sense.

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I've often wondered, and I'm not even snarking here, why an all powerful God would need prayer upon prayer, plea upon plea, to do something? Especially something he supposedly hates as much as abortion?

As the official moral of the parable of the persistent widow has it, you have to pray and pray and pray and never give up.

Upon careful reading you realize that if you're the widow, that means God is the unjust judge, who doesn't fear God (well, duh) or love justice. He only helps the widow because she bugs him and bugs him and bugs him about it.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of ... just_Judge

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He seems so concerned for the "Unborn" yet, millions of people are suffering. Starving, Genocide, Dying from War, Cancer, yada yada. It just baffles me that so much of their effort is put towards ending abortion... I guess once you are born your rights aren't as important, because you NEVER see them posting about all the bad things that are happening to people that already born.

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He seems so concerned for the "Unborn" yet, millions of people are suffering. Starving, Genocide, Dying from War, Cancer, yada yada. It just baffles me that so much of their effort is put towards ending abortion... I guess once you are born your rights aren't as important, because you NEVER see them posting about all the bad things that are happening to people that already born.

What can you do? Pro-life is trendy. Look back a few decades and it wasn't half the Thing it is now.

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Hey I hate abortion just like Stevie. But I pray for easier access to birth control and a booming job market so people have the means to support a child and can choose when they want to start a family. Then abortion will go away.

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What can you do? Pro-life is trendy. Look back a few decades and it wasn't half the Thing it is now.

Plus, if they really truly cared, they'd stop trying to outlaw abortion and start working towards preventing it, which does not include standing on corners shaming people or supporting those awful crisis centers. They'd support places like PP, they'd get off their high horses about birth control, and they'd support government aid in the form of SNAP, WIC, Head Start, etc.

I've come to the conclusion that anti-choicers don't really want to end abortion. They want a cause to make themselves feel morally superior (even the pro-lifers who've had abortions, and there are plenty of 'em) to others without actually putting forth a real effort in any way that would actually be productive towards stopping it.

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I've always thought, for the reasons listed above, that being anti-choice has very little to do with caring for "murdered babies" and is more about controlling women and especially women's sexuality. Combined with the lobbying for abstinence-only education, the hatred of contraception, and the contempt for any kind of government assistance for single mothers, or for poor families (or hell, even anything that makes it easier for women to have children without having to sacrifice their careers) it's pretty clear that the agenda is not about the potential babies. It's about confining women to the home and their sexuality to the marriage bed and making sure that the women who don't submit to the rules of patriarchy are punished and shamed.

If they truly wanted to lower abortion rates (abortion is never going to go away completely, legal or not) they'd lobby for comprehensive sex ed in schools, free contraception (at least for teens and young adults), subsidized quality day-care and at least a year of full-pay parental leave. You know, all the things that those evil feminists have argued for for the past century.

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Maybe Steve should cry out to The Lord to end Sarah's season of singleness. That's something that could actually be accomplished. Maybe.

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Maybe Steve should cry out to the Lord for the wisdom to know when to mind his own damned business, and the ability to discern when he's devoting waaaaaay too much mental bandwidth to controlling other people's lives.:evil:

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Maybe Steve should cry out to the Lord for the wisdom to know when to mind his own damned business, and the ability to discern when he's devoting waaaaaay too much mental bandwidth to controlling other people's lives.:evil:

This is a little/lot off-topic, but I'm watching Game 4 of the NLCS and actually feeling sorry for Steve, Chris and Nate that they can't enjoy the competition along with millions of fans. It's just good baseball, and the Cards' manager is a straight-up boyscout conservative Christian who just is (doesn't overflaunt it) and Steve would - if Steve had not decided to wall his family off from The World - find it pretty enjoyable.

Quoted the eminently quotable MtL because I am purposing to pray for the Maxwells, that they'll come out of their dreary exile and enjoy God's world. Honestly, no-snarkly.

(Also doing so because it chilled me to read the one father's fan letter, reporting that the TV is gone after having attended a Conwell. I'm all for parents lovingly engaging with their kids from birth on up. I'm against doing it Maxwell-style.)

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This is a little/lot off-topic, but I'm watching Game 4 of the NLCS and actually feeling sorry for Steve, Chris and Nate that they can't enjoy the competition along with millions of fans. It's just good baseball, and the Cards' manager is a straight-up boyscout conservative Christian who just is (doesn't overflaunt it) and Steve would - if Steve had not decided to wall his family off from The World - find it pretty enjoyable.

Yeah, but Matheny's in debt up to his eyeballs (I'm a Cards fan, though!). Stevus would be having none of that. :naughty:

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Hey I hate abortion just like Stevie. But I pray for easier access to birth control and a booming job market so people have the means to support a child and can choose when they want to start a family. Then abortion will go away.

Also, no more rape or incest. No more sex workers getting pregnant with "trick babies." No more young teens having sex at an age where they should still be playing soccer and watching the Disney Channel.

And not only should there be better access to birth control, but people should actually remember to use it!

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I don't have any interest in arguing the straw-man points for not ending abortion (rape, incest), so I'll leave that to people stronger than I.

All I'll say is that I hope all these people do is pray to their god that he ends abortion, and I can say that I'm 99.999% certain that that alone isn't gonna do jack shit and I'm happy about it.

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Hey I hate abortion just like Stevie. But I pray for easier access to birth control and a booming job market so people have the means to support a child and can choose when they want to start a family. Then abortion will go away.


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Personally I would never have an abortion, unless I had been raped or my life was in danger. But I would never tell another woman what to do regarding her pregnancy cuz its her business, not mine, and certainly not Steve Maxwell's. I hate the fact that abortion has to exist because of an injust society and people like him. And I don't see the Steve Maxwells of the world offering to adopt any babies that may be aborted.

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Also, no more rape or incest. No more sex workers getting pregnant with "trick babies." No more young teens having sex at an age where they should still be playing soccer and watching the Disney Channel.

And not only should there be better access to birth control, but people should actually remember to use it!

Better access to Plan B for when people do forget, or when condoms break. People of all ages being trusted to know whether they're ready for an IUD. Teaching masturbation and "outercourse" as safe® alternatives to PIV sex. More forms of birth control that are easy to use (seriously, taking a pill at the same time every day was a no-go for me, and I can't be the only one). Free and accessible abortions so that, when all of this does fail, no one has to wait until the 2nd trimester while they raise money and arrange a road trip.

You can't make abortion go away. People like me, who don't want kids, will always exist. Even if it becomes possible to predict all birth defects through genetic testing (which is unlikely in itself given that many are simply spontaneous), I doubt we'll get to a point where everyone wants their whole genome sequenced. But we could cut abortion rates by a whole lot, if certain people decided preventing abortions was more important than slut-shaming, fiscal conservatism, denying science, religious indoctrination, and the fantasy that outlawing abortion will make it go away.

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Personally I would never have an abortion, unless I had been raped or my life was in danger. But I would never tell another woman what to do regarding her pregnancy cuz its her business, not mine, and certainly not Steve Maxwell's. I hate the fact that abortion has to exist because of an injust society and people like him. And I don't see the Steve Maxwells of the world offering to adopt any babies that may be aborted.

With you, SPHASH. I've often wanted a bumpersticker that says, "I support your right to choose & I hope you'll choose life." But it's too long and it'd get me the one-finger wave from drivers on both sides, wouldn't it? ;)

Shout-out to Marian: Mr. Matheny's deep in debt? Is this something newsworthy or just the fact of having bought a huge house as part of the usual MO when a person has a big income and needs IRS deductions? Just curious. Also ... GO CARDS! :D

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Minerva, you said it well. I had an unplanned pregnancy, and it was MY choice to do what the hell I wanted to do, and I consider myself lucky I had that in my life (and especially since I was barely out of my teens).

Now looking back, I do wonder why the hell I was so embarrassed to go to the PP clinic, even after Severus offered to come with me. Stupid Fundie-lite shame, but I don't regret the end result-- it gave us something we might not have had eventually (Sev and I agreed when the baby was 9 months old, upon his diagnosis, that we would have no more biological children).

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In the latest Dad's Corner, Steve Maxwell outlines his plan to end abortion;

"I expect most reading this article are like I am, and you hate abortion. You have voted to get people into office who will stand in the legislatures of our land against abortion. You probably give financially to groups that offer alternatives to abortion and seek to counsel away from abortion those who would consider it. Maybe you have stood on a street corner with other Christians carrying a sign crying out against abortion. There may be other ways you are involved in combatting abortion in our nation. I think those are all wonderful and necessary things for us to be doing to fight abortion.

I wonder, though, if we are using the most powerful and yet the simplest tool that we have available to every one of us to stop abortion. Let’s go back to the Old Testament and look at Israel when they were in bondage in Egypt. What did Israel do when they had a great need? They cried out to the Lord!"

He goes on to say he has added a plea to end abortion to each of his prayers. This includes his prayers before and after each session on the Maxwell traveling show, and when he prays for another person's needs.

I wonder how that will go over when he prays for wait staff in restaurants?

I've often wondered, and I'm not even snarking here, why an all powerful God would need prayer upon prayer, plea upon plea, to do something? Especially something he supposedly hates as much as abortion?

Is it kind of like when your kids try to wear you down by asking for something over and over?

Anyway, the entire Corner is here;


Wow, johnny come lately, isn't he? I lived in Wichita during the "summer of mercy" and amazingly, people were being asked to pray as well as as lock themselves together in waiting rooms, take pictures and mail them to people's neighbors and pay for defense attornies for people who bombed or shot up clinics....

I know people who have added prayers to stop abortion to every prayer since at least the early 90s-- but Steve is just not coming to this party? I'm guessing so they can have a book and a sermon to add to the traveling show, possibly to expand their market potential....

God has heard these prayers and yet abortion still is legal... perhaps GOd is less concerned about it that you are, Steve....

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