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Steve is crying out to the Lord to end legalized abortion


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Does anyone actually love abortion? It isn't like people are running around screaming "Yeah let's go have an abortion because they are so much fun."(except in Miss Raquel's fictionals) I want women to make the choice that is best for them even if it isn't a choice I personally would make. I also don't want them to feel pressured into a choice. They don't need to feel like they have to have an abortion they don't want or feel like they have to continue a pregnancy that they don't want to continue.

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One of these days, I'll have to try the idea of standing next to the antis holding mangled fetus pictures, but with a giant picture of open heart surgery, and a caption that says "Surgery is gross."

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A couple of weekends ago, I decided to approach the anti-choicers who periodically demonstrate on the major thoroughfare in front of the big local mall. I wasn't being confrontational; I really did want to talk to a few of them to try to find out what brought them to their beliefs (I was exceedingly polite and trust me, it wasn't easy the longer the "conversation" went on.)

Not a single person would stay on point--that point being a woman's right to bodily autonomy. Instead, they kept rambling on about life, life, life, how life begins at conception, which I repeatedly said I didn't disagree with (although I believe the POTENTIAL for life begins at conception). Anyway, before I gave up, I learned the following amazing facts:

Women who are pro-choice (or anti-life as they call it) only feel that way because they're guilty. Guilty of what? Of having an abortion. And if you haven't HAD one, you're guilty because you WANT to have one. Therefore you're still guilty and protesting against the anti-choicers is your way of assuaging your guilt (does this make ANY sense to you, because it sure doesn't to me :? )

Women who are pro-choice hate the children they already have and that's the only reason they don't want more. If they could, they'd probably kill their existing kids because they're so inconvenient. (Two people said this to me.)

I was told flat-out that once a woman becomes pregnant she gives up all rights concerning her body. The main woman I was speaking to (I think she appointed herself my warden, just in case I acted up) told me that the fetus had full rights beginning at conception and ITS rights trumped the woman's in every respect. If the woman's life was in danger, all measures should be taken to protect the fetus. The mother was secondary. She also believed that women should be prosecuted for every single thing they do, including taking lifesaving medication, if it could cause potential harm to the fetus.

I was also told flat-out by one of the men on the line the banning abortion would force women to conform to morality. As defined by whom? In this case, the Catholic church (although when I said this, the response was "Who said we're Catholics?" Uh, maybe the big, honkin' posters of the Virgin Mary and all the Catholic literature gave me a clue.) It doesn't matter if you're not Catholic or if you don't believe in god. You must follow their standards of morality.

I don't know why I even tried because I pretty much knew what I was going to get, so once the dog pile started with all of them blathering at me at once, I said thank you and walked away. But not before I was approached by an older woman, clutching her rosary and sobbing "Why are you harassing us? Why don't you leave us alone?" Say WHAT?!? Lady, you're standing on one of the busiest roads in front of one of the busiest malls in the county, protesting a controversial subject, handing out inflammatory material, holding up signs of (supposedly) aborted fetuses, carrying signs that say "abortion is murder" and you're accusing ME of harrassment? What I was doing was far from it, but actually you're pretty much putting out the welcome mat for people with dissenting opinions. Don't put yourself out in public if you can't handle it.

Steve and the rest of the anti-choicers can go cry themselves a river for all I care.

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A couple of weekends ago, I decided to approach the anti-choicers who periodically demonstrate on the major thoroughfare in front of the big local mall. I wasn't being confrontational; I really did want to talk to a few of them to try to find out what brought them to their beliefs (I was exceedingly polite and trust me, it wasn't easy the longer the "conversation" went on.)

Not a single person would stay on point--that point being a woman's right to bodily autonomy. Instead, they kept rambling on about life, life, life, how life begins at conception, which I repeatedly said I didn't disagree with (although I believe the POTENTIAL for life begins at conception). Anyway, before I gave up, I learned the following amazing facts:

Women who are pro-choice (or anti-life as they call it) only feel that way because they're guilty. Guilty of what? Of having an abortion. And if you haven't HAD one, you're guilty because you WANT to have one. Therefore you're still guilty and protesting against the anti-choicers is your way of assuaging your guilt (does this make ANY sense to you, because it sure doesn't to me :? )

Women who are pro-choice hate the children they already have and that's the only reason they don't want more. If they could, they'd probably kill their existing kids because they're so inconvenient. (Two people said this to me.)

I was told flat-out that once a woman becomes pregnant she gives up all rights concerning her body. The main woman I was speaking to (I think she appointed herself my warden, just in case I acted up) told me that the fetus had full rights beginning at conception and ITS rights trumped the woman's in every respect. If the woman's life was in danger, all measures should be taken to protect the fetus. The mother was secondary. She also believed that women should be prosecuted for every single thing they do, including taking lifesaving medication, if it could cause potential harm to the fetus.

I was also told flat-out by one of the men on the line the banning abortion would force women to conform to morality. As defined by whom? In this case, the Catholic church (although when I said this, the response was "Who said we're Catholics?" Uh, maybe the big, honkin' posters of the Virgin Mary and all the Catholic literature gave me a clue.) It doesn't matter if you're not Catholic or if you don't believe in god. You must follow their standards of morality.

I don't know why I even tried because I pretty much knew what I was going to get, so once the dog pile started with all of them blathering at me at once, I said thank you and walked away. But not before I was approached by an older woman, clutching her rosary and sobbing "Why are you harassing us? Why don't you leave us alone?" Say WHAT?!? Lady, you're standing on one of the busiest roads in front of one of the busiest malls in the county, protesting a controversial subject, handing out inflammatory material, holding up signs of (supposedly) aborted fetuses, carrying signs that say "abortion is murder" and you're accusing ME of harrassment? What I was doing was far from it, but actually you're pretty much putting out the welcome mat for people with dissenting opinions. Don't put yourself out in public if you can't handle it.

Steve and the rest of the anti-choicers can go cry themselves a river for all I care.

Wow. I don't know how you didn't slap her, but kudos on your balls/patience in trying to talk to them so frankly. If I could give you the award for Biggest Balls of the Hive Vagina, I would.

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A couple of weekends ago, I decided to approach the anti-choicers who periodically demonstrate on the major thoroughfare in front of the big local mall. I wasn't being confrontational; I really did want to talk to a few of them to try to find out what brought them to their beliefs (I was exceedingly polite and trust me, it wasn't easy the longer the "conversation" went on.)

Steve and the rest of the anti-choicers can go cry themselves a river for all I care.

How do those brass ovaries feel? Boy what a bunch of morons I mean really talk about screwed in the head. These are the types of people who should be making laws???

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In addition to Matheny being majorly in debt, he is exceedingly defrauding, and would cause the Maxwell ladies to have impure thoughts. The Cardinals pitching staff is pretty defrauding as a whole, and I personally have been defrauded by Pete Kozma all season. Also, while Matheny is a capital -C Christian, many, many Cardinals and most of the city of St. Louis are filthy idolatrous Catholics.

In conclusion, fuck the Maxwells, and go Cards!

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Women who are pro-choice (or anti-life as they call it) only feel that way because they're guilty. Guilty of what? Of having an abortion. And if you haven't HAD one, you're guilty because you WANT to have one. Therefore you're still guilty and protesting against the anti-choicers is your way of assuaging your guilt (does this make ANY sense to you, because it sure doesn't to me :? )

Women who are pro-choice hate the children they already have and that's the only reason they don't want more. If they could, they'd probably kill their existing kids because they're so inconvenient. (Two people said this to me.)

I was told flat-out that once a woman becomes pregnant she gives up all rights concerning her body. The main woman I was speaking to (I think she appointed herself my warden, just in case I acted up) told me that the fetus had full rights beginning at conception and ITS rights trumped the woman's in every respect. If the woman's life was in danger, all measures should be taken to protect the fetus. The mother was secondary. She also believed that women should be prosecuted for every single thing they do, including taking lifesaving medication, if it could cause potential harm to the fetus.


I dont think the pro lifers realise exactly what it means to be pro choice.

Not all pro choice people have had abortions or want to have an abortion. They just want that choice to be available to all women. There are pro choice women who would not personally ever have an abortion, but they believe that is their choice and not everyone feels the same. Nobody wants to have an abortion. Yeah, sure, there obviously are pregnant women who want to have one, and people who have decided that if they get pregnant they wont be able to keep it, or have already decided that if certain birth defects are found during pregnancy they would abort, but nobody really wants it to happen, they would rather they didnt get pregnant in the first place. Its not like it is on anyones list of life goals or anything, its a way out of a bad situation they would rather not be in, in the first place. It isnt a fun experience either, from what I have heard. It is a medical procedure, and whichever way it is done, nomatter how far along you are, it is not fun. Medical procedures never are.

And most pro choicers dont hate children, a lot of them have children-but they chose to have children or chose to carry the pregnancy to term. It doesnt mean they dont want any more children to be born, they arent trying to make humans extinct or anything. Even the most militant childfree people realise that someone needs to have children or humanity will become extinct. They arent chasing pregnant women with coat hangers or something, just giving an option for women who are pregnant and dont want to/cant keep it before they try and do it themselves or go to some shady backstreet doctor who doesnt wash the tools before use and keeps the fetuses in jars in his fridge or something.

Most of the pro choice people I have met are also trying to cut down the rate of abortions by also supporting sex ed that is not abstinence only, affordable birth control, welfare to help low income families and are against the rape culture and victim blaming that people do....and all of those things make it easier to avoid unwanted pregnancy and help women who find themselves pregnant have the support they need to raise a child throughout its whole life-a crib and some diapers just wont do, as babies grow up.

Also one of the main arguments of pro choice people is that a fetus is different to a living child. Most pro choice people are against murdering children.

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I remember my days as an anti-choice teen/young adult and I honestly didn't know anyone who didn't believe like I did when it came to abortion and it was implied that pro-choice people were bitter, hateful people who didn't like kids. How could you like kids and then murder them?! Of course as I got older and experienced a little more of the world I realized that none of this was true.

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Personally I would never have an abortion, unless I had been raped or my life was in danger. But I would never tell another woman what to do regarding her pregnancy cuz its her business, not mine, and certainly not Steve Maxwell's. I hate the fact that abortion has to exist because of an injust society and people like him. And I don't see the Steve Maxwells of the world offering to adopt any babies that may be aborted.

Neither an injust society or Steve is the reason I had my late term abortion

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Yeah, true, people can do everything they can to stop unwanted pregnancies with sex ed and affordable birth control, change everyones attitude to rape, and make sure there is support for people who are poor and pregnant and want to continue the pregnancy, there will always be some pregnancies that have to end due to severe birth defects in the fetus or the life of the mother being threatened.

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I am not sure I would say I love abortion. But I will say it can be a beautiful thing in some cases for some women. It was a heartbreaking choice for me, but I wasn't going to walk out of the hospital with a live baby either. And i am glad for Kansas and Dr, Tiller that I was able to terminate gently, and in the least painful way possible for my daughter. (I feel that way about her, but I am not saying it was life or anything like that). It gave me the smallest sense of control in a situation out of my control. It made me feel a sense of compassion when every choice sucked. It allowed me to choice and my heart to begin healing. I didn't love my abortion. But I do think it was a beautiful thing in a way.

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Neither an injust society or Steve is the reason I had my late term abortion

I don't know what your reasons were for your late term abortion and its none of my business. But its people like Steve Maxwell and the Duggars that are anti-welfare, anti-adoption, anti-ACA, and anti-birth control that cause women to get abortions. Rick Santorum is even anti-prenatal testing for genetic defects.

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I don't know what your reasons were for your late term abortion and its none of my business. But its people like Steve Maxwell and the Duggars that are anti-welfare, anti-adoption, anti-ACA, and anti-birth control that cause women to get abortions. Rick Santorum is even anti-prenatal testing for genetic defects.

It's pretty easy to find it. Do a search here on treemom's story

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I don't hate abortion. I would prefer that women were never in a situation where they were faced with an unintended/unwanted/unviable pregnancy, but since that will never happen, abortion is an amazingly safe option for women to exercise control over their bodies and their lives, and I'm glad it exists legally, and I hope that as many women access it as have a desire to.

As a young Catholic pro-lifer (by default) I never thought about what pro choice people were like, nor did I get any information, stereotypical, incorrect, or otherwise about them. We simply focused on fetuses=alive. Making a human being not alive any more= bad. It was honestly no more complicated than that, and I didn't question it. When I was 15 or so and started thinking for myself, I was able to see both the pro choice and pro life/anti-abortion groups more clearly.

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