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According to the Bible, Women Are Incapable of Love


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Well, I was thinking it's been a while since I saw what good old Marky Mark was up to and checked his blog I was not disapointed.



While leaving a comment over @ Elusive Wapiti, I had to leave a comment on his recent post about pedestalizing men. I posited that women are INCAPABLE of giving love as we understand it. Here's why...


I have heard it said that God will NOT command us to do something we are not capable of doing ourselves. In the Bible (Eph. 5), men are commanded to love their wives, but wives are NOT commanded to love their husbands; wives are commanded to submit to their husbands, but they are NEVER told to love them. Why didn't God put that command in the Bible? Simple-because wives are NOT capable of loving their husbands-duh!


That, of course, begs an obvious question: are there any good women out there? As a matter, no; the Bible says that they don't exist. Where, oh where, does the Bible say THAT, MarkyMark? Ever hear of the book, Ecclesiastes? Well, if you read chapter 7, it clearly lays it out in there. It says that the Preacher (i.e. King Solomon, the richest, wisest man in the world at that time) one in a thousand men he found were good, yet not ONE GOOD WOMAN could he find! Is it any clearer than that?!


Come, let us reason together, shall we? According to classic Christian doctrine, isn't the Bible the Word of God? As such, is it not perfect and inerrant, having no mistakes whatsoever? Does not the Bible, according to Christian doctrine, contain the MIND of God? Well, if God says that no good women exist, mustn't it be true? If God does not give women a command to love their husbands, is it not because they are incapable of following it? If they're incapable of following that command, doesn't that mean, by extension, that women cannot, and will not, love their husbands?


Ah, but MarkyMark, what about Proverbs 31, which lays out the template of the ideal wife? I'm glad you asked, because I am about to tell you! Proverbs 31 does lay out what the ideal wife looks and acts like. HOWEVER-and this is key-I believe that Proverbs 31 is really saying this: if you want a good woman, GOOD LUCK finding one; they don't exist! Even if they do exist, there clearly aren't enough to go around. Finding such a woman would be akin to winning the lottery; you now some lucky SOB will hit it, but it won't be you, Hoss...


In closing, women are incapable of love. Why? Because the Bible never, ever commands a person to do something they are not capable of; since women are never commanded to love their husbands, they are not capable of loving them. Also, Ecc. 7 says that the Preacher found NO good women; since the Bible, the Word of God, says that no good women could be found, there are none out there. It's all in God's word, the Bible, folks...


This is also the same Bible that says rabbits chew their own cud. Yes, totally perfect word of God and apparantly Mary never loved baby Jesus.


Link: http://markymarksthoughts.blogspot.be/2013/09/according-to-bible-women-are-incapable.html

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The Bible also never commanded us to read, use the internet or drive cars, yet oddly, people are capable of all of that.

Also, there is the small matter of the Bible commanding that we love God and love our neighbors and that commandment is not specific to men only.

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This idiocy has been floating around the manosphere for a few weeks now.

What's funny is that on the one hand, he insists that women are by God's design incapable of love. But on the other hand, he claims that because they are incapable of love -- mind you, God made 'em that way -- they are not good. No freaking logic on these himbos.

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This idiocy has been floating around the manosphere for a few weeks now.

Yeah, one of Shitstain's leg humpers, Ton, brought that up in his comments to one of her posts a couple of weeks ago. To her credit (which you won't often hear me say!), she responded

By the way, women also aren't commanded to paint their toenails in the Bible but that doesn't mean we aren't capable of doing so. Just because the Bible doesn't command women to do something doesn't mean we are unable to do it.

What's funny is that on the one hand, he insists that women are by God's design incapable of love. But on the other hand, he claims that because they are incapable of love -- mind you, God made 'em that way -- they are not good. No freaking logic on these himbos.

Who needs logic when one can use vitriolic bile instead!

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What is that part of the bible that Lori is always going on about that older women are to teach young wives to love their husbands?

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What is that part of the bible that Lori is always going on about that older women are to teach young wives to love their husbands?

Titus 2:

And so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.


Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

and good ole King James:

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

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lol, the comments... :lol:

either the bible is full of irrational ramblings of bronze age lunatics, so that we must come to our own conclusions (that women are untrustworthy)

or the bible is the ultimate and perfect truth, that women are untrustworthy.

Essentially, women are natural born sociopaths who are incapable of feeling empathy the way men do. What appears to men to be women acting compassionately and empathetically, is merely the act of women securing provisions from men, or the State in some instances (a single mother caring for her children just enough so that no one calls CPS).

As it has been said, women don't love men, they love what men can do for them. And on and on and on as it always has been and always will be...

Now that women's true nature has been given license we see what is actually important to women and that does not include "love". Just look at the results of woman-ruled cultures. Sluthood, babymammahood, and massive spending to fund it all to keep women "independent". And not only do women not love, but the current state of affairs shows that women have no virtues at all.


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Titus 2:

And so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. blasphemed.

I always suspected that "Christian" MRA bloggers never actually read the Bible, and just picked it apart for the 12 or so verses they thought supported their arguments. I guess this proves it. It's not like Titus 2 is an obscure passage! But I guess blogging in the basement for 6 hours a day is more important than trying to find out about their own religion.

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Hmmm, Eccl 7 also says

Sorrow is better than laughter

Do not say "why were the old days better than these?" for it is not wise to ask such questions.

Do not be over-righteous

Do not pay attention to every word people say

Okay, so if women can't love and aren't good, there's no point trying to have a relationship with us. Problem solved!

(It's when people say things like this that I'm reminded of the serious discussion over whether women could be considered to have souls. I suspect the reason it discreetly faded away was that eventually somebody realised that if I have no immortal soul then no-one can use its fate to keep me in line!)

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There's so much hate against women in this sick, sick world. Everytime I read something like that, I'm dying a little inside from disbelieve. :crying-yellow:

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If women are incapable of love, then perhaps men should stay home and nurture the children while women go out and earn a living

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No, women are just incapable of loving Marky Mark.

I think, deep down in his twisted little heart, not even Marky Mark is really captable of loving Marky Mark.

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I think, deep down in his twisted little heart, not even Marky Mark is really captable of loving Marky Mark.

Aww, so sad! Maybe he can do an interpretive roller-skating routine to express his inner turmoil.

Edited to add: I think I found a picture of Marky Mark! http://i.imgur.com/7QKfOwK.jpg :lol: (Not actually!)

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Aww, so sad! Maybe he can do an interpretive roller-skating routine to express his inner turmoil.

Edited to add: I think I found a picture of Marky Mark! http://i.imgur.com/7QKfOwK.jpg :lol: (Not actually!)

Lol, dafuq did I just see ? :pink-shock:

I´m thinking about this

by the german band Die Ärzte. The song fits so damn good with the MRAs too :lol:
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I don't know why that cocksucker, god, bothered making women if he was going to make them shitty. Why not make them noble, loving creatures like men? Was it some sort of DIY kit that he was working with? Some craft project that once you put in a uterus the whole thing just fell apart? Maybe he made women shitty on purpose to test men-- you know the same way that he sent plagues, boils, and locusts to men, he also sent women.

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I'm trying to figure out why a woman would go through all day nausea, swollen feet, throbbing breasts, a ruined body, child birth, feedings every two hours, shitty diapers, sleepless nights, temper tantrums, potty training, back talk, and no personal life for anything but love.

If I didn't love my son desperately, I would have walked away a long time ago.

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I don't know why that cocksucker, god, bothered making women if he was going to make them shitty.

Just to piss Marky Mark off, I guess.

I'm trying to figure out why a woman would go through all day nausea, swollen feet, throbbing breasts, a ruined body, child birth, feedings every two hours, shitty diapers, sleepless nights, temper tantrums, potty training, back talk, and no personal life for anything but love.

Why, to get cash and prizes from men, of course!

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Aaaaaaaand he's made his blog private now :lol:

LOL, seriously? I recall he has done that in the past, but eventually he makes them unprivate once he thinks the storm has passed.

But now....where will I get my daily does of misogyny from now? I guess I'll have to go back to reading Shitstain

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LOL, seriously? I recall he has done that in the past, but eventually he makes them unprivate once he thinks the storm has passed.

Yep, I tried accessing it a couple of times today, and get the ole "for invited readers only" message, lol

Oh yeah, he's made it private before.........he even said seemingly neverending goodbyes to the blogosphere, deleted all his archived shit, closed up shop, then turned around and reopened again. Such an idiot.

But now....where will I get my daily does of misogyny from now? I guess I'll have to go back to reading Shitstain

I know, I was thinking the same thing...unless you wanna trawl the Men Going Their Own Way forum, where they go their own way by rabidly obsessing about women.

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