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Sparkling Adventures in Child Neglect: Vive La France

happy atheist

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What? She didn't mention that the the lady who touched her sparkly dreads was an indigineous Icelander and they shared a super special primal bond?

Oh my. Hahahahaha. What a twat.

FFS. Iceland makes Lauren and Japanese culture seem rightwing. They are a very happy, eccentric people who probably just glanced at her. They have weird shit coin down in Iceland. Watch some Bjork or Monsters and Men videos. They also have an extremely racist and discriminatory legal system. Its illegal to hire an immigrant over a citizen, no matter the qualifications.

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"I'm going away from my four (independent) daughters for that time, and I'd love to leave them (in our housebus) within a family community who can provide conscious support when they need it."

The wording-- OMG! Not, "going to" somewhere but "going away from" something. Not "I'd like to know they're safe with..." but "I'd love to leave them..."

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Sorry for the all caps, but MY GOD. This woman is delusional. What happens if they need medical care and Lauren is sparkling too brightly to be contacted for consent? I cannot imagine this woman sorted out proper paperwork before she flitted off.

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I think we all know that it's developmentally impossible for children of those ages to be essentially independent. They could dress themselves and help themselves to food from the fridge, but given that Lauren thinks that's all they need only shows what a fucking appalling mother she is.

So she lets them do whatever they want, but they never fight? They adjudicate their own faults perfectly fairly, no-one's ever needlessly violent to another? Suuuure. I let my kids work out a lot of bickering on their own, but it's draining to hear, and the adult always has to be keeping an eye on how even the give and take is. (you should hear the shrieking right now as my co-parent deals with breakfast downstairs. I think the second red bowl is in the dishwasher)

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I think we all know that it's developmentally impossible for children of those ages to be essentially independent. They could dress themselves and help themselves to food from the fridge, but given that Lauren thinks that's all they need only shows what a fucking appalling mother she is.

So she lets them do whatever they want, but they never fight? They adjudicate their own faults perfectly fairly, no-one's ever needlessly violent to another? Suuuure. I let my kids work out a lot of bickering on their own, but it's draining to hear, and the adult always has to be keeping an eye on how even the give and take is. (you should hear the shrieking right now as my co-parent deals with breakfast downstairs. I think the second red bowl is in the dishwasher)

There have been documented times on Lauren's blog where one sister has gotten nasty to the other, because there have been bruises, cut hair and other things. They need supervision still...

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Has she posted anything from an airport today? 2 hours until the 3rd in the VIC/NSW,QLD timezone aka GMT +10.

I haven't seen anything from her, although Alice posted this morning that Sparkles was coming back today.

Wonder if she made it?

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There have been documented times on Lauren's blog where one sister has gotten nasty to the other, because there have been bruises, cut hair and other things. They need supervision still...

Maybe she's all Waldorfy and thinks it's karma working itself out? Or decides that's a good excuse to abrogate herself of the hated maternal role?

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I don't think that Lauren thinks at all about how the girls are impacted. I've said it before, but Lauren is narcissistic. The world and everyone, everything in it exist only as an extension of Lauren. Every single component of her life is seen through her filter of superimposing herself and her needs onto it.

All of us do this to some degree otherwise we would not be able to exist, but Lauren does it to an absolute degree.

Lauren wanted to go overseas, therefore the girls must be independent of her. And because she has decreed this, it becomes reality for her.

Lauren wants to feel unique, sparkly and special? She is therefore the only person with dreads in Iceland. She has decreed it, it must be so.

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I don't think that Lauren thinks at all about how the girls are impacted. I've said it before, but Lauren is narcissistic. The world and everyone, everything in it exist only as an extension of Lauren. Every single component of her life is seen through her filter of superimposing herself and her needs onto it.

In addition to the narcissism, I genuinely feel that Lauren's behavior and thought process as evidenced by her blog and Facebook posts place her in the category of being a psychopath. Hollywood has unfortunately mistakenly informed society that psychopaths are serial killers or dangerous criminals, when in fact not all psychopaths are at that level. Psychopaths have the signs and symptoms of both Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Lauren's behavior fits both of those categories in spades.

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In addition to the narcissism, I genuinely feel that Lauren's behavior and thought process as evidenced by her blog and Facebook posts place her in the category of being a psychopath. Hollywood has unfortunately mistakenly informed society that psychopaths are serial killers or dangerous criminals, when in fact not all psychopaths are at that level. Psychopaths have the signs and symptoms of both Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Lauren's behavior fits both of those categories in spades.

I'm being completely sincere when I say that I believe she is a psychopath with a Martyr complex. Being a 'psychopath' is an empathy and response and hard wired brain thing, it doesn't mean you're a crazy axe wielding murderer....but it does mean you understand empathy only through its impact and causal affect on YOU which frankly sounds disturbingly familiar. Her girls are ACHING for structure, but that doesn't suit our free thinking mamma so they'll just have to hang on in there until Lauren finds a version of reality where being a house mama fits in with her new agenda of authentic living...if that ever happens.

I think all bloggers are narcissistic, I mean the very idea that you need to share what you do in order to feel validated is deeply disturbing but very common in our current celebrity obsessed culture. I mean, women actually make a living from putting on make up on YouTube and talking about it. I mean, seriously? And all these fundi's who, if they were actually living in the authenticity they talk about, wouldn't waste time blogging and feeding off the attention be it positive or negative. With Lauren I think she's demonstrated along with David that being crazy is just no fun unless you've got an audience and can point score. Like the YouTube rant David put up about Lauren going walkabout. WTF? On YouTube? WHY??? With Lauren, the more she hurts the purer she gets. She's a normality anorexic - she hates that shit. She want's to be pure through suffering. Urgh, those poor girls.

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Poor old Alice (who is very kindly looking after Lauren's kids) has just posted on fb that she is "so depleted, to the point of tears"


"Sophie & Vinny offered to stay with all the children so I'm having a day to myself for some much needed body maintenance (wax & haircut)..

Just needed a bit of me time to rejuvenate & lift my spirits & get back to my peace loving self â¤"

It can't be easy going from 1 child to 5 children, for 2 whole weeks. Who knows how Lauren's girls are reacting to their mother taking off and leaving them. I'm sure Alice had all good intentions, but the reality is often quite different from the expectation. I do sympathise with her.

But I bet the Sparkling one couldn't give a flying fuck.

eta Someone asked her return date.

From her original post about going away.....

Red Gypsy Lauren

"Hello friends! I'm wondering if there is anyone who may be able to join Alice Wenzel in being present with my children from 18 September to 2 October. I'm going away from my four (independent) daughters for that time, and I'd love to leave them (in our housebus) within a family community who can provide conscious support when they need it."

She needs to get a grip, she was probably the only dose of normality those girls could expect to see for a period of 2 weeks uninterrupted, she should have put that before her bikini wax. And tricked them into using a flushing toilet, eating real food and sleeping in beds. Instead its ALL ABOUT HER AGAIN! Why can't these flaky women put the welfare of children above their own needs for just a short period of time? WHY?!

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a normality anorexic

what a wonderful phrase :worship:

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She needs to get a grip, she was probably the only dose of normality those girls could expect to see for a period of 2 weeks uninterrupted, she should have put that before her bikini wax. And tricked them into using a flushing toilet, eating real food and sleeping in beds. Instead its ALL ABOUT HER AGAIN! Why can't these flaky women put the welfare of children above their own needs for just a short period of time? WHY?!

Jeez, Alice, how hard can it possibly be for you to be "present" for a group of independent nomadic children? Surely they couldn't have needed your presence for more than a couple of times a week, right? OH. I'll bet Alice showed them some genuine attention, interest, and affection, and the girls could not get enough. Lauren is probably experiencing one hell of a re-entry into her version of "parenting."

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I think all bloggers are narcissistic, I mean the very idea that you need to share what you do in order to feel validated is deeply disturbing but very common in our current celebrity obsessed culture. I mean, women actually make a living from putting on make up on YouTube and talking about it. I mean, seriously? And all these fundi's who, if they were actually living in the authenticity they talk about, wouldn't waste time blogging and feeding off the attention be it positive or negative. With Lauren I think she's demonstrated along with David that being crazy is just no fun unless you've got an audience and can point score. Like the YouTube rant David put up about Lauren going walkabout. WTF? On YouTube? WHY??? With Lauren, the more she hurts the purer she gets. She's a normality anorexic - she hates that shit. She want's to be pure through suffering. Urgh, those poor girls.

Uh, that's a broad brushstroke about bloggers. :? You could say similar things about anyone that writes anything personal and puts it out for public consumption.

Also, what's wrong with posting tutorials about putting on make-up? I have used those tutorials a lot and love them. They're sharing information, why is that wrong?

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She needs to get a grip, she was probably the only dose of normality those girls could expect to see for a period of 2 weeks uninterrupted, she should have put that before her bikini wax. And tricked them into using a flushing toilet, eating real food and sleeping in beds. Instead its ALL ABOUT HER AGAIN! Why can't these flaky women put the welfare of children above their own needs for just a short period of time? WHY?!

I'd like to see you deal with five times as many children as you have for two weeks, in a single room and one bed. And, for a bonus, those children will all be utterly undisciplined. I need a stiff drink after three hours with an extra couple of kids. I would never ever volunteer to take on that many kids unless it was a deathbed trip, and I could stay at their house and leave my own with their father. FFS, one of them is three! Do you remember what three year olds are like? And in addition, they're all probably convinced their mother has left them just like their father and baby brother did. That's not a way to have relaxed happy children.

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I'm sure it was total chaos and she probably felt like she was neglecting her own kid. It's very hard to go from one child to a mob. It's stressful too when you don't know what someone else's kids will do in the same way you instinctively know your own children. And yeah, a three year old, they need 100% care and minding, something she hasn't had to do for a while with one older boy. I bet she did her absolute best and now she's exhausted, which is what would happen to anyone even if they had a great big house and stuck them in front of the tv all day :lol:

Oh and I've used makeup youtube tutorials too.. it's not narcissistic, it's a conversation :)

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Any word from Lauren since she came home?

The last thing on her red gypsy twitter account is from the 26th of september and then some links about homeschooling and true love on the red gypsy facebook page.

The challenge in raising children is to raise them into loving, conscious adults... or we can let THEM guide US into loving consciousness.
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I'd like to see you deal with five times as many children as you have for two weeks, in a single room and one bed. And, for a bonus, those children will all be utterly undisciplined. I need a stiff drink after three hours with an extra couple of kids. I would never ever volunteer to take on that many kids unless it was a deathbed trip, and I could stay at their house and leave my own with their father. FFS, one of them is three! Do you remember what three year olds are like? And in addition, they're all probably convinced their mother has left them just like their father and baby brother did. That's not a way to have relaxed happy children.

Yes and I'd like to see lauren commit to some good mothering. Also, if you aren't equipped to deal with children emotionally, financially or spatially - DON'T! and certainly don't take on any one else's either. Just a simple idea which if engaged could CHANGE THE WORLD. Or in this case the outcome for 4 girls adrift in a gypsy van.

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Jeez, Alice, how hard can it possibly be for you to be "present" for a group of independent nomadic children? Surely they couldn't have needed your presence for more than a couple of times a week, right? OH. I'll bet Alice showed them some genuine attention, interest, and affection, and the girls could not get enough. Lauren is probably experiencing one hell of a re-entry into her version of "parenting."

Talking the talk and walking the walk are two VERY different experiences, as most fundi's would NOT know.

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Any word from Lauren since she came home?

The last thing on her red gypsy twitter account is from the 26th of september and then some links about homeschooling and true love on the red gypsy facebook page.

...OR we can abandon them to our own selfish ideals... thus endangering their lives. Your choice Lauren, your choice.

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Occasionally I check back on this thread to see what the sparkling one is up to and every single time I leave shaking my head and saying WTF. However this last escapade has left me even more stunned. Who leaves their children with a virtual stranger while they go off on vacation? Crackheads and crappy parents. I won't even leave my petswith someone even for the day unless I know that person very well. I hope someone has called the Australian version of children's aid.

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