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Continuity in Vine Valley Filming disrupted...

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Paul Arndt:

I was talking to Dad earlier about how great the road looks. The only problem is that it will mess with the continuity of some of the Vine Valley scenes he has been directing that take place on the old version of that road. It now looks drastically different than it did when he filmed last week. D-oh!!

Well, guess that's the down-side of filming for how many years is it now?

On ther plus side, since Mommy & Daddy Arndt seem to wear the same outfit everyday, the continuity in terms of clothing isn't an issue. :lol:

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How are they still filming this thing? How many years now?

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Paul Arndt:

Well, guess that's the down-side of filming for how many years is it now?

On ther plus side, since Mommy & Daddy Arndt seem to wear the same outfit everyday, the continuity in terms of clothing isn't an issue. :lol:

Oh nooooez! Now they'll have to re-start filming from the very beginning! The Arndt "boys" will be well into senior citizenship* before this movie is done. What a tragedy!

*and still dateless, living at home with their penguins

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I never understood what is supposed to come of all this Vine Valley footage. Once (or if) this movie is finished, are they going to try to get it released? Will it be on their weird cable show? Or are they just filming it for their own viewing pleasure?

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I think it is to give the man boys a sense of purpose without them actually doing anything.

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Paul Arndt:

Well, guess that's the down-side of filming for how many years is it now?

On ther plus side, since Mommy & Daddy Arndt seem to wear the same outfit everyday, the continuity in terms of clothing isn't an issue. :lol:

They will just need to take a picture of a truck doing road work and work the whole bit into the plot, LOL. One more inane thing int the movie can't hurt it, can it?

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I think it is to give the man boys a sense of purpose without them actually doing anything.

I don't know. Dad seems pretty deep into his fantasy. A fantasy that demonstrates his very limited world view and maybe why he doesn't want his "fam" spending much time with peers.

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I don't know. Dad seems pretty deep into his fantasy. A fantasy that demonstrates his very limited world view and maybe why he doesn't want his "fam" spending much time with peers.

Oh Noes!!! His friend brought a book on a camping trip, obviously he is a heretic and must be burned!

I could only watch about 5 minutes.

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I don't know. Dad seems pretty deep into his fantasy. A fantasy that demonstrates his very limited world view and maybe why he doesn't want his "fam" spending much time with peers.

I did not make it all the way through that, but you are right, the dad is really into this pretend world he has created.

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Yes, because a background round is the only continuity issue they should worry about, and not the fact that the actors will have all aged considerably throughout. *rolls eyes*

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Oh Noes!!! His friend brought a book on a camping trip, obviously he is a heretic and must be burned!

I could only watch about 5 minutes.

You lasted longer than I did. I only made it about a minute and a half.

I'm sorry, but what true farming woman would do her gardening in a spotless white apron? Granted, I didn't grow up on a farm and have never really spent time with farmers, but it seems to me that a life-long farming woman would be much more practical.

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Oh Noes!!! His friend brought a book on a camping trip, obviously he is a heretic and must be burned!

I could only watch about 5 minutes.

And he wears glasses, too!! Yikes, terrifying!!

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I'd rather watch wind blow or grass grow. People actually watch him bore them to death?

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Paul Arndt:

I was talking to Dad earlier about how great the road looks.

If we're lucky they filmed this scintillating discussion. Next they talked about how quickly elastic wears out of socks.

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I skipped through some of that video linked here, and it's so bizarre.

The character Joseph apparently hasn't had any relationships with women and his inexperienced, and this is apparently one of his virtues. Interesting.

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Not Vine Valley exactly, but I tried a video of Dad and Mark (camera work by ... one of the boys) concerning the ruins of a stone church somewhere in southern Illinois. Kept watching because I was hoping to figure out where it is, and .... well, honestly .... because I didn't think it could get more lame. And yet it did.

Dad says several times, as he stands under a structure with many loose stones, "Probably not a good idea to stand under these loose stones! One could fall and hit a person in the head!" Several times he says this. :orly: It was too good not to watch, to not watch. If that makes sense.

And I never did figure out the location of the ruin. Darn it, srsly. Looks like a really great photography site. :shrug:

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What exactly is supposed to be the point of this?

I don't think anybody here knows. And it's quite possible none of the Arndts know, either.

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What exactly is supposed to be the point of this?

It's one of those cosmic mysteries, like crop circles or Stonehenge. Ours is not to ask why, but merely to accept.

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It's one of those cosmic mysteries, like crop circles or Stonehenge. Ours is not to ask why, but merely to accept.

Maybe the character of Joseph is really Daddy Ardnt from a parallel universe, and somehow, the two universes bumped together in a specific time and place so that Joseph/Daddy Ardnt met or changed places and they are compelled to somehow tell each others stories or there will be some sort of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff that will happen. Or it could be that I have been binge watching Doctor Who and this makes the most sense to me at the moment.

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Jesus healed an allergic reaction to a bee sting, that the boy apparently received through his denim jeans. I always needed an Epi-pen.

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And he wears glasses, too!! Yikes, terrifying!!

The doctor prescribed glasses for optional use, such as to see better at night. Really? :? I've never known someone to need glasses to aid night vision.

I watched the whole 19 minute episode. :cracking-up: I do like the scenery since it's filmed in my childhood location of Western New York.

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Maybe the character of Joseph is really Daddy Ardnt from a parallel universe, and somehow, the two universes bumped together in a specific time and place so that Joseph/Daddy Ardnt met or changed places and they are compelled to somehow tell each others stories or there will be some sort of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff that will happen. Or it could be that I have been binge watching Doctor Who and this makes the most sense to me at the moment.

I think you're on point. Except I don't think there's anything particularly supernatural about it.

I don't know their history but my guess is Joseph was Rick before he met Cathy. Cathy is the kindly, spiritual rock who saved Rick from the terrible peer pressure that caused his 1970's liberalism and "intellectualism". Although Rick was never bright enough to be an actual intellectual, which is why he paints Joseph as a shallow simpleton posing as a smart guy.

Rick is way too old to play Joseph as a young man now - and he'd never pass the spotlight off to one of his sons- so he has to present Joseph and Eliza as a couple in later middle age. A "pure" couple, of course.

Why he thinks anyone will be interested in his fifth grade level morality play (with good production values!) is beyond me. But he's obviously a total narcissist, and it's tragic that he's wasting so much of his young sons' lives on a vanity project that will likely never see the light of day even if it is ever finished.

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I watched 30 seconds of that shite, and my arse was falling off with boredom. I had to hold it on.

How can they think that anyone who's not sedated up to their eyeballs and sitting in the lounge of an old folks' home would ever want to watch that? When I was last in the hospital, I had so many IVs in that I couldn't move my hands to change the channel on the hospital TV, and therefore I was subjected to endless episodes of Man Vs Food. (To this day I associate that programme with cheerful nurses chirping "It's time to do your bloods again!")

Even that was better than watching old man Arndt take ages to explain the bleeding obvious. Filming requires film sets, who knew.

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