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It's time for what some would call a vacation!


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Maybe: the kind of work that is really a hangover from drinking to deal with the family; he was sulky and Steve couldn't trust him to be sweet in the hiking pictures, so he was left behind as punishment (he's too big to beat).

Kind of sounded like Chris and non-reversal Anna stayed behind, so it sounds like he had supervision.

I bet Steve-O had the binoculars on the "youngers" as they walked ahead.

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Kind of sounded like Chris and non-reversal Anna stayed behind, so it sounds like he had supervision.

I bet Steve-O had the binoculars on the "youngers" as they walked ahead.

That is what I am thinking as well, that John wasn't left entirely alone either. And on the mountain, they looked like they split above the timber line so they might have been in sight the whole time.

There's gotta be accountability at all times. Sheesh, I would go stark raving mad. I was just talking about the Maxwells to Mr. No at breakfast today and he flat out said he would be suicidal having to live like that.

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That is what I am thinking as well, that John wasn't left entirely alone either. And on the mountain, they looked like they split above the timber line so they might have been in sight the whole time.

There's gotta be accountability at all times. Sheesh, I would go stark raving mad. I was just talking about the Maxwells to Mr. No at breakfast today and he flat out said he would be suicidal having to live like that.

So would I, but they don't know any different. They probably find comfort in having people around all the time. And they probably feel extreme DIScomfort being alone (which makes for very quick trips to the bathroom). I think Stevie has placed so much fear in them about the crazy cruel world that they actually fear being alone.

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So would I, but they don't know any different. They probably find comfort in having people around all the time. And they probably feel extreme DIScomfort being alone (which makes for very quick trips to the bathroom). I think Stevie has placed so much fear in them about the crazy cruel world that they actually fear being alone.

MJB, I think that's a very good point about Steveovah placing the fears. They probably have been raised that being alone is the equivalent of risking going to hell.

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Oh but you're forgetting the reversal children were allowed to climb Mt Jones on their own. Sort of. They took a different (more taxing) route to their parents and Poor Sarah. And John was allowed to stay behind to finish his work. I wonder if he got be alone or if the 'relatives' had to look after him. Also, what kind of 'work' is so urgent that he can't leave it for a day?

I seem to remember on another vacation that John also had to stay behind one time because of "work" Is this his excuse for some time alone?

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nokidsmom, It was twin2 or WinWa who wrote that, but thank you all the same - it's good to be identified with insightful thoughts.

It does prompt me to wonder this about the faithful who read the Dryasdust2.com blog in a whole different way than we do:

Do the faithful really admire Stevovah and Terifying for keeping their adult children so close and so controlled for so long? Or do even they say, "Well, that's keeping the children's hearts, all right, but it's keeping them a lot more closely, and a lot longer, than we plan to do!"

You know. How everyday Catholics admire the chastity, celibacy and poverty of nuns, but personally enjoy sex within marriage and work unashamedly to stay out of an impoverished state ...

Put another way: Do the Maxwell followers actually plan to keep their children as close as Steve&Teri do, that far into adulthood?

The photos we've seen of Max conferences show younger parents with children into their mid-teens, but none - as far as we've seen - with 31-, 23- and 21-year-olds in tow.

OK, here it is without nicety: Do the Maxwell followers look at the family uber-unity and say, "Ew"?????

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Dry, dry, dry as dust -

That sums up my life.

Suitors won't approach my Dad,

I'll never be a wife.

(For Sarah, of course)

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OK, here it is without nicety: Do the Maxwell followers look at the family uber-unity and say, "Ew"?????

Though not a follower, I sure do. Some of the pics of Anna and Joseph, if I didn't know they were brother and sister, :shifty: .

Even the title of their talk, "Brothers and Sisters, Best Friends Forever!" :?

Not that I think anything is going on. It.Is.Just.Weird.

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Dry, dry, dry as dust -

That sums up my life.

Suitors won't approach my Dad,

I'll never be a wife.

(For Sarah, of course)

All the talents you've already showed, and now poetry, too!!! *Like* :clap: (clapping in a somber way. Poor Sarah!)

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Dry, dry, dry as dust -

That sums up my life.

Suitors won't approach my Dad,

I'll never be a wife.

(For Sarah, of course)

That is both awesome and depressing

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Though not a follower, I sure do. Some of the pics of Anna and Joseph, if I didn't know they were brother and sister, :shifty: .

Even the title of their talk, "Brothers and Sisters, Best Friends Forever!" :?

Not that I think anything is going on. It.Is.Just.Weird.

Right. So which one of the brothers is Sarah's best friend? Answer: none of them, because the ones that are her age are married and best friends with their own wives. Heck, they don't even have to show up at the conferences anymore, lucky ducks.

Something else I've wondered about the married Maxwells -- do you think Christopher and Nathan take their families on other vacations? I noticed Christopher photographed a wedding recently somewhere in Missouri -- do you think he took NR Anna along as a change of scenery? I just wonder what they do with their own families that isn't done with the compound folks. I surely hope they do.

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nokidsmom, It was twin2 or WinWa who wrote that, but thank you all the same - it's good to be identified with insightful thoughts.

It does prompt me to wonder this about the faithful who read the Dryasdust2.com blog in a whole different way than we do:

Do the faithful really admire Stevovah and Terifying for keeping their adult children so close and so controlled for so long? Or do even they say, "Well, that's keeping the children's hearts, all right, but it's keeping them a lot more closely, and a lot longer, than we plan to do!"

You know. How everyday Catholics admire the chastity, celibacy and poverty of nuns, but personally enjoy sex within marriage and work unashamedly to stay out of an impoverished state ...

Put another way: Do the Maxwell followers actually plan to keep their children as close as Steve&Teri do, that far into adulthood?

The photos we've seen of Max conferences show younger parents with children into their mid-teens, but none - as far as we've seen - with 31-, 23- and 21-year-olds in tow.

OK, here it is without nicety: Do the Maxwell followers look at the family uber-unity and say, "Ew"?????

MJB and WinWa, my apologies :doh:. I must have had a brain cramp but am glad to know we were sharing similar insights. Great minds think alike, lol.

Re: the conferences, I have noticed between reports here on FJ and photos from the Dryasdust2.blog that most parents attending do not have adult kids. It's teenagers at the oldest. So yeah, I wonder if they notice all the adult kids that are still with the family and wonder WTF? My guess is that either they don't, they are focused on getting the Maxwellian pearls of wisdom as relates to their own families or they do but don't think about it too much or think the kids aren't really kept that close, they are just helping out. Or something like that.

I know from experience that it's really hard for folks to fathom parents keeping adult kids that close and sheltered. I know many people didn't really get it (and some still don't) when I talk about my own Maxwell-like existence.

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Dry, dry, dry as dust -

That sums up my life.

Suitors won't approach my Dad,

I'll never be a wife.

(For Sarah, of course)

Think Joseph deserves his own verse as well

House, House, House I Own

But I Can't Live In

Because My Dad Is Such A Jerk

He Makes Me Live With Him

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MJB and WinWa, my apologies :doh:. I must have had a brain cramp but am glad to know we were sharing similar insights. Great minds think alike, lol.

Re: the conferences, I have noticed between reports here on FJ and photos from the Dryasdust2.blog that most parents attending do not have adult kids. It's teenagers at the oldest. So yeah, I wonder if they notice all the adult kids that are still with the family and wonder WTF? My guess is that either they don't, they are focused on getting the Maxwellian pearls of wisdom as relates to their own families or they do but don't think about it too much or think the kids aren't really kept that close, they are just helping out. Or something like that.

I know from experience that it's really hard for folks to fathom parents keeping adult kids that close and sheltered. I know many people didn't really get it (and some still don't) when I talk about my own Maxwell-like existence.

No apologies, please! We're all here to have fun!

I think Stevie's purpose for bringing the adult kids along that are younger than Sarah is mostly to demonstrate how successful their lifestyle can be because gosh darn-it look at how healthy and well-rounded and what great conversationalists they are! Raising your kids the way I tell you to will have them turn out compliant and smiling and helpful like mine! Well, and Anna is good at setting up the book tables and Jesse still hauls the foot truck so that demonstrates how joyful they are at helping their family. I still can't figure out why they haul Sarah along these days other than to just take photos. Oh, and to not leave her at home alone because she might get on the internet or something.

ETA: I'll bet Sarah has never been in the house alone. How sad is that?

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I cannot believe that Steve, the man who banned contrasting buttons and V shaped waistbands, allowed this picture of his pure maiden daughter. Very suggestive. Something to think about, Steve......u2uva2yj.jpg

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One more, for Elizabeth Munck, because I just have to:

I said "no" to Joe,

Thus forsaking doom,

Life holds so much more for me -

It's NOT about the tomb!

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I cannot believe that Steve, the man who banned contrasting buttons and V shaped waistbands, allowed this picture of his pure maiden daughter. Very suggestive. Something to think about, Steve......u2uva2yj.jpg

Is Steve letting a chipmunk defraud his daughter?

At least she looks happy. Its somewhat sad to think that this will probably be the highlight of her year considering the world has so much to offer.

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And a verse for Anna:

John, John, John Marie

Please Come And Rescue Me

I Just Can't Take It Anymore

My Life Is Such a Bore!

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So Poor Sarah meandered away from the others (except somebody was there to take photographs of her meandering) and visited a B&B built from reclaimed items. And posed with the hostess (because as wife of the guy who built the B&B, the woman couldn't be the owner, now, could she? *sigh*).

And the photo kind of speaks volumes. Poor Sarah looks a little more relaxed and maybe more genuinely happy. It's hard to tell, the photographer is several yards away.

And the B&B owner hostess wears jeans and while she's got her arm around PS's waist, she also kind of looks like she wants to get away from the craziness that PS brought in, ASAP.

So close, and yet so far.

And John wrapped up his business, which still hasn't been specified.

And the chipmunk on the little girl's shoulder, eating chipmunk chow out of the hoodie. I guess 10 years down the road, Abby (or Bethy) will have that to look back on with .... fondness. "Year #3 of the Chipmunks." "See how I grew and the chipmunks stayed chipmunk-sized."

Finally ... the chirruns playing on lumber and logs. I don't get it. I'm not talking about whether I or anyone else does that sort of thing, I'm talking about the Maxwells having their toddlers play on lumber and logs. I don't care if anybody else would or has let their children play on such surfaces. As far as the Maxwells are concerned, it's just odd and incomprehensible to my tiny mind. As is most of what the Maxwells do.

Great comment, some posts up, about Steve being one of the least conversant people around, btw. :worship:

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Sarah seems to be wearing no shoes in the photo of the B&B hostess by the old stove. WTF?

Isn't that one of the big plotlines in one of the Moody books? Maybe she's looking for inspiration. In her stockinged feet. ;)

In other oddness, in the side-by-side photo the owner hostess seems to be angling her foot out of her shoe .... so many questions, so little time. :think:

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So yeah, I wonder if they notice all the adult kids that are still with the family and wonder WTF? My guess is that either they don't, they are focused on getting the Maxwellian pearls of wisdom as relates to their own families or they do but don't think about it too much or think the kids aren't really kept that close, they are just helping out. Or something like that.

Yeah, I think it's something like this. The Maxwells' followers, by and large, are not deep thinkers [/understatement], so I doubt they spend much time contemplating why all but two of the "kids" are still living and traveling with their parents. If they think about it at all, they probably think that it's so lovely that the adult children have "chosen" to live with and help their parents--what a precious blessing! What an example of the kind of "voluntary" family togetherness Stevie's methods yield! :roll:

They may not even be aware that Sarah is 31. She looks much younger, and it's so unusual for a woman in that subculture to be unmarried at 31 that they probably assume she's in her early 20s. Those who do know her age probably figure that the Lord just hasn't brought the right man into her life yet. They don't think about Stevie's role in all this.

Don't think, just follow--the Maxwell credo. Applies to both the family and the sheep.

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Wow. I've been to that town (St. Elmo) and that bed and breakfast. Saw the chipmunks too.

I have to wonder at Sarah, surely sometimes she thinks on these trips "hey I could live out here maybe?"

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I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed Mary's defrauding chipmunk. Where on earth was Stehovah when Mary picked the pictures for that blog post?

The songs, they slay me. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Wow. I've been to that town (St. Elmo) and that bed and breakfast. Saw the chipmunks too.

I have to wonder at Sarah, surely sometimes she thinks on these trips "hey I could live out here maybe?"

Noooooo, nooooo. Sarah would never entertain the idea of having a more relaxed lifestyle like that. She's used to having her every waking moment filled and scheduled with purpose. God forbid she should simplify her life by allowing herself some down time EVER, and to even think about it means she'd need to spend some extra personal Bible time asking for forgiveness.

Poor, poor Sarah.

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