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Fundy thought job at chickfila would keep her from the gays


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If it's so awful working at CFA, why hadn't she quit??

And if her parents won't let her (at age 20) text guys or wear pants, why are they permitting her to serve ebil gays and drug addicts and work with profane, Godless people and guys who hit on her? Has she not told her parents about the goings on at what should be such a Godly place? Do they not know she has a blog?

Something doesn't add up.

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If the story is true, which I doubt, the only reason I can see her parents allowing her to work is because the family is broke. Even if that is the case, I would think that a truly fundy family would make their daughter find a job where there is less interaction with the public. A fast food restaurant is the last place a fundy would let their daughter work. There are too many interactions with the public. Poor girl might get the idea that she can live a normal life like everyone else. Not sure I am buyng this story. I would think someone as opinionated as this fundy would have opened her mouth to the wrong person and been fired. She has a too high and might attitude to keep sweet. Chick Fila's owner might be very conservative but I highly doubt he wants a lawsuit or any more bad publicity from an employee or customer.

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I just had to share this video about Chick fil a
Warning: Probably not safe for work unless your employer has a great sense of humor. Contains drag queens singing the praises of Chick fil a.

This is the first time I have posted a youtube link on this site, so if I've done anything wrong, please let me know.

ETA: Okay I think I finally got the link right.

How is it that video has been around for over a year and I haven't seen it? Thank you!

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How is it that video has been around for over a year and I haven't seen it? Thank you!

My daughter showed me the video. (She attends ebil university) I watch it whenever I need a smile, which is often! The song gets stuck in my head, but I guess there are a lot of worse things to go around singing.

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OT but I have been pronouncing this store as chick - filler. Now I learn from the video it is actually chick - fill - ay and I am very disappointed. No more comments from my husband along the lines of "it fills up the chicks but what about us chaps". Very sad sense of humour in this family.

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Just noticed that she lives in Colorado Springs. Isn't recreational use of marijuana legal there? All those imbibing heathens getting the munchies. Why oh why would her parents let her work in the fast-food industry, when there's three (3!) perfectly good Hobby Lobbys in Colorado Springs?

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I just went back to the blog and am a little surprised by some of the other comments. Seriously, someone compared her Hitler. She's clearly a very sheltered, naive girl. Comparing her to Hitler and calling her names isn't going to change her attitude. More flies are caught with honey than vinegar. Not that she's a fly obviously, but the saying applies to people too.

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Fundies have a different definition of cursing than most people. My grandparents, for one, consider "oh jeez" to be a swear word (because jeez is short for Jesus). It's also in tone. I can say "oh MAN" in a way that can make them cover their ears and give me dirty looks. Really.

In other words, swearing (to wackos) is all about a forbidden emotion as much as it is the words coming out of your mouth.

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Fundies have a different definition of cursing than most people. My grandparents, for one, consider "oh jeez" to be a swear word (because jeez is short for Jesus). It's also in tone. I can say "oh MAN" in a way that can make them cover their ears and give me dirty looks. Really.

In other words, swearing (to wackos) is all about a forbidden emotion as much as it is the words coming out of your mouth.

This. As a kid I was brought up not to say "oh my gosh" or similar things because "gosh" was clearly a stand-in for taking the Lord's name in vain and therefore just as bad as if you had said "oh my god." One particularly ultra-fundie relative also told me not to say "oh my goodness" because "without Jesus, you don't HAVE any."

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This. As a kid I was brought up not to say "oh my gosh" or similar things because "gosh" was clearly a stand-in for taking the Lord's name in vain and therefore just as bad as if you had said "oh my god." One particularly ultra-fundie relative also told me not to say "oh my goodness" because "without Jesus, you don't HAVE any."

We had a booklet that was all the "innocent" sounding words that were really the same as taking the name of the Lord in vain. Gosh was out. So was geez, gee whiz and golly. Darn was out because it was practically damn.

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I just had to share this video about Chick fil a
Warning: Probably not safe for work unless your employer has a great sense of humor. Contains drag queens singing the praises of Chick fil a.

This is the first time I have posted a youtube link on this site, so if I've done anything wrong, please let me know.

ETA: Okay I think I finally got the link right.

I was thinking of this video when I started reading this thread. I love Willam! (the blonde)

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And if her parents won't let her (at age 20) text guys or wear pants, why are they permitting her to serve ebil gays and drug addicts and work with profane, Godless people and guys who hit on her? Has she not told her parents about the goings on at what should be such a Godly place? Do they not know she has a blog?

Something doesn't add up.

If her job is keeping daddy in bibles and mommy at home, they sure would let (make) her work. Fundies are nothing if not hypocrites. I've seen it in real life.

They may not realize she has a blog, a lot of parents don't, or they approve of what she says.

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Fundies have a different definition of cursing than most people. My grandparents, for one, consider "oh jeez" to be a swear word (because jeez is short for Jesus). It's also in tone. I can say "oh MAN" in a way that can make them cover their ears and give me dirty looks. Really.

In other words, swearing (to wackos) is all about a forbidden emotion as much as it is the words coming out of your mouth.

This was in one of the Little House books - possibly the Long Winter, but possibly just a shorter winter storm during Laura's courtship (which is enough to make anyone frustrated). They're all sitting quietly weather-oppressed in the house when she suddenly starts yelling and punching cushions. Actually, I'm not sure they had cushions, but that kind of damage level. Ma quietly and disapprovingly says her name and makes it clear that the giving way is the problem, not the words.

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I didn't look around the blog all that closely, but is it possible she's just a troll character pretending to be a fundie?

Something just seems off....

It is odd-but maybe she's just odd. She guest posts and is linked from Fresh Modesty (gag). Don't they vet each other before endorsing?

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This. As a kid I was brought up not to say "oh my gosh" or similar things because "gosh" was clearly a stand-in for taking the Lord's name in vain and therefore just as bad as if you had said "oh my god." One particularly ultra-fundie relative also told me not to say "oh my goodness" because "without Jesus, you don't HAVE any."

Gosh, man, fundies are crazy... ;)

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This made me think of our old IFB pastor when I was a kid...of course, swearing or any kind of negative exclamation that indicated anger, frustration or pain was verboten, because it would make baby jesus cry and all that. So I remember once when he grabbed a hot pan and burned his hand, I mean really burned and blistered it, and instead of saying what a normal person would say, he screamed, "PRAISE JESUS!! THANK YOU, JESUS!!"

tl;dr: Yeah, those fundies are all fucked up about swearing, all right.

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I once had 'goddamn' commented on. This was in the midwest, close enough to Chicago that I was somewhat taken aback.

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Just noticed that she lives in Colorado Springs. Isn't recreational use of marijuana legal there? All those imbibing heathens getting the munchies. Why oh why would her parents let her work in the fast-food industry, when there's three (3!) perfectly good Hobby Lobbys in Colorado Springs?


the recreational use of pot kicks in the end of 2013. However, the feds have suggested they don't care about states rights enough to look the other way, so I'm waiting a while before I plan any Rocky mountain highs. I live in a neighboring state and have vacationed/weekended in CO for years and we've all been watching to see what actually happens.

Any locals who know more about this than I?

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No self-respecting gays frequent Chick-fil-a.

Are we sure this blogger is for realz? She sounds SO insane that it could be a budding novelist testing the waters.

I'd go as far as saying that no self-respecting gay ally frequents Chick-fil-a. There are lots of people that REFUSE to go there (I miss their nuggets & waffle fries SO MUCH - but it's not worth it to me.) because of their homophobia AND religious leanings.

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I have to be honest. I worked at CFA and another fast food restaurant and MOST (but def not all) CFA's are indeed help to a higher standard than regular fast food. Absolutely no cursing (well don't be an idiot and do it in front of anyone important) and what not. The register's have on them something like "God's commandment don't steal." But I have to say that our customers are a lot nicer than the one's I encountered at another fast food place. However here in the south CFA is the "hip" place (well they probably lost that since I worked there it was before the anti gay fiasco) and we has a lot of "metro?" men from Apple come and stop by (I also worked at a mall) but overall I generally never had problems with my customers. I encountered A LOT worse at my other job.

And I've said this before but I'll mention it again, whether or not you choose to boycott CFA is a personal decision but the company does not discriminate. I worked for two different homosexual managers and nothing was ever a problem with them. Actually one time a girl (who was super conservative) got in trouble for supposedly saying something negative about their sexual orientation (she claims she didn't but whatever I stayed far away from drama there!)

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So she isn't allowed to wear pant... but in photos of her doing Taekwondo she isn't in a skirt. Same with skiing. So she is okay to wear them for certain activities...

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Ha ha haaaa! OMG, I don't have words, even.

I would love to see fundie girl do a shift at the DWP (Department of Work and Pensions) on the front line. Deal with people covered in blood, with their eyes rolling up to the ceiling. Or people so high on drugs they're looking blissfully at something behind your left ear. Or listening to the most horrible life stories of poverty and shit happening and try and keep a line...

Tell you what, some flamboyant homosexuality would have cheered me up no end. :dance: She doesn't know how good she has it!

I also don't get how she had this kind of visceral disgust for everyone not a conservative Christian that she met. I've worked in customer service jobs since I was 16 and I generally take the view that I like the customer unless they do something to forfeit my liking. By which I mean gi'en me death threats or being a rude aggressive cunt. Not just being on drugs or being unwell or me not agreeing with their lifestyle.

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