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Fundy thought job at chickfila would keep her from the gays


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My dad still hates it when I exclaim "Thank God!" which isn't even negative

We have an infamous family story... when I was 18 or 19 and my sister was 16 or 17 (and there were just the 2 of us), my mom burned somehting on the stove and yelled, "oh, damn!" (which was very very unusual for her). My Dad goes, "Edie! The children!" in a disapproving voice. My sister and I busted a gut laughing as we'd certainly heard (and used) much worse language by that age.

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If the story is true, which I doubt, the only reason I can see her parents allowing her to work is because the family is broke. Even if that is the case, I would think that a truly fundy family would make their daughter find a job where there is less interaction with the public. A fast food restaurant is the last place a fundy would let their daughter work. There are too many interactions with the public. Poor girl might get the idea that she can live a normal life like everyone else. Not sure I am buyng this story. I would think someone as opinionated as this fundy would have opened her mouth to the wrong person and been fired. She has a too high and might attitude to keep sweet. Chick Fila's owner might be very conservative but I highly doubt he wants a lawsuit or any more bad publicity from an employee or customer.

I was raised very fundy (females didn't wear pants ever, females never cut their hair, no musical instruments in church, etc etc) and yet my parents let my sister and me both work at the local Dairy Queen. We were allowed to keep what we earned, too.

As far as this girl smelling drugs, it's quite possible she's talking about cigarettes. I was taught cigarettes were a legal drug, but still a drug. Sadly, I shared many of her belief and thought everyone else was a big sinner. But I never would have said these kinds of things, and I definitely wouldn't (didn't) tell my parents anything that went on. I was supposed to regard myself as in the world, not of the world.

Thank goodness I was allowed to go to community college and fell in love with a liberal hippy who showed me how much larger the world really is.

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We have an infamous family story... when I was 18 or 19 and my sister was 16 or 17 (and there were just the 2 of us), my mom burned somehting on the stove and yelled, "oh, damn!" (which was very very unusual for her). My Dad goes, "Edie! The children!" in a disapproving voice. My sister and I busted a gut laughing as we'd certainly heard (and used) much worse language by that age.

In the early 90s I lived in Boise, Idaho. One day in the office where I worked, a really nice fellow cut his finger on a file cabinet or something -- nothing life-threatening but whatever it was sure did hurt. I don't know if this guy was religious or conservative or not, but at a minimum he had young kids at home and had apparently trained himself not to swear. So when he cut his finger, he yelled out "Oh, Dog-breath!"


I always wanted to ask him if that was a standard curse for him or if he'd just made that up on the spot.

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My mom's favored oath is "oh, poop in a pig bucket!" (Or just "pig poop!") She'll use it as both an interjection and a command. I guess there's something to be said for creativity.

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Tim Hawkins has a youtube video of "100 Christian swear words." It's pretty funny. (for those who don't know Tim Hawkins, he's a clean comedian who is actually really, really funny - lots of good jokes about parenting, childhood, and he gently pokes fun at various denominations)

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Tim Hawkins has a youtube video of "100 Christian swear words." It's pretty funny. (for those who don't know Tim Hawkins, he's a clean comedian who is actually really, really funny - lots of good jokes about parenting, childhood, and he gently pokes fun at various denominations)

Tim Hawkins cracks my shit up. I have to turn him off when he gets to his more spiritual stuff, though. :shifty:

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Tim Hawkins cracks my shit up. I have to turn him off when he gets to his more spiritual stuff, though. :shifty:

I love him, he is so freaking funny. He came to our city over the summer but the tickets were just too steep for us. The parenting stuff on his most recent dvd just kills me. He talks about date nights and says "yeah, me and my wife go nuts...we paint our faces blue and ride around on horseback..."they can take our money and they can eat our food, but they'll never take our FREEEEDOOOMMMM!" :lol:

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Every time I scroll past the title of this thread I picture her stringing chicken nuggets around her neck like anti-vampire garlic bulbs. Just sayin'.

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Every time I scroll past the title of this thread I picture her stringing chicken nuggets around her neck like anti-vampire garlic bulbs. Just sayin'.

LOL Love it!

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I keep thinking of the episode of the Golden Girls where all four of them are in therapy, and one of the complaints is that Rose tells a lot of stories and uses words that are Scandinavian in origin. No one can understand her. Rose eventually gets pissed and screams, "Blow it out your tubenburples!" :lol:

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Wow, she has deleted the blog post. I'm not sure if that means she realized something or... not.

doubtful. She just doesn't want to be persecuted by the ebil liberals.

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I think she has a little more growing to do in the grace department.

No kidding!! As a Christian who holds pretty conservative views myself, I'm offended that she would consider her judgemental and anything BUT grace-filled attitude as "Growing with Grace". She needs to change it to growing in legalism, or growing in fundamentalism extremeism. She is not offering any grace to anyone.

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I'm wondering how many of the "gays" are actually gay. My sister and I are constantly being mistaken for a couple. Neither of us is especially "feminine". I also drive a vw van covered in flowers and rainbows. A few weeks ago, we stopped at a Chinese place. It was one of those hole in the wall places, around 9 pm or so, not a great neighborhood. The lady who took our order was nice. Then we go to pay, and the cashier, an older lady, tells us "we close. You eat outside." We ate in the van, and watched at least 10 more people go in and eat inside. I'm almost positive she thought we were gay, and that's why she kicked us out. Persecution!

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I rarely swear, and often, when I want to, that's where being bilingual comes in! I speak fluent German, some Spanish, and a few phrases, including swear words, in Hindi and Russian. So I get my frustration out, but generally, no one is offended, because to most, I'm just shouting nonsense.

I dropped a seven-pound bag of ice on my foot at the 7-11 today though, and swore (I'd type it out, but I don't have a way to write the Hindi alphabet on my computer)! The Indian owners of the store who worked the register said, "I know dropping that on your foot hurt, but my kids are nearby, so please don't say that here again!" I laughed my butt off. Moral of the story? Don't use swear words around people who can understand them!

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No self-respecting gays frequent Chick-fil-a.

Perhaps CFA's views weren't as public back then, but in the early 2000's I worked in Texas in an office full of gay men and we had Chick Fil A for lunch several times a week. They loved the food and if they knew about CFA's politics, they didn't care.

This was also when Texas struck down their sodomy law... good times. I learned a LOT working around those guys when I was just out of college. Hehe. I miss them.

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