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Infuriating 7x Sunday Post


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I agree with those who said that "nosy doctor" is probably code for "we don't want a pediatrician talking to or examining our child alone because we're afraid of what might be said or seen" with a healthy dose of "we have no insurance and refuse the evil gubmint CHIP program so we can't afford to treat it anyways."

At that age, many pediatricians start meeting alone with the child for a few minutes to talk, and as kids get older (mid teens) most peds will ask parents to go to the waiting room for the exam. Any pediatrician who's been in practice for a while will likely be able to give an example of a teen who only opened up and talked honestly about drinking, smoking, or sexual health concerns when their mom or dad left the exam room. This was the case for me when I was a child and while I was never engaged in risky behaviors it was still a good chance to start to take responsibility for my own health care. I would have rather chewed off an arm than talk about sex around my mother, and I wasn't even sexually active yet - hell, I'm 30 and a mother myself, and it's still not something I ever want to discuss with her. By my mid teens, my parents just stayed in the waiting room (dad) or popped back to say "hi" to the doctor (mom). My doctor said she wouldn't share information with my parents unless it was necessary for my safety and was OK with me, and at least one or two times I brought up something that she did want to talk to them about (related to pain from a sports injury - nothing scandalous :lol: ).

Many fundies and fundie lites, BTW, seem to be opposed to pediatricians doing an exam or talking to a teen or pre-teen without a parent present the entire time. They claim it strips them of their God-given right to know of a medical condition and be involved in their minor child's care - but it's really about control and not wanting their children to develop a sense of autonomy. :x

That poor kid would likely need surgery to correct the strabismus at that age and some damage has already been done. I know a woman in her 50s whose strabismus caused blindness in one eye, because her parents couldn't afford to get it fixed in early childhood.

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Wow! I'm with all of you, what is she trying to hide? The first thing that jumped out at me was the line about her doctor "being nosy". Really? So you have a doctor who asks lots of questions. That's a good thing. Yet she considers it intrusive and thus rules out taking her child to see the good doctor. Hmm, something in rotten, and it's not in Denmark!

Secondly, she has the eye patches, and knows how to use them, but just hasn't had the time to get around to placing them on the child's eye yet. What! My nephew had this problem also. This was nothing you played around with or twiddled your thumbs about. Thankfully my sister, nor her husband sat around and pondered about patches and doctors, they actually went to the doctor and sought medical help and my nephew had the surgery.

Seems to me that these "parents" [can we even call them that] need a visit from CPS. They are aware that they've been neglectful, and I believe that's why they're dancing around the questions they're seeking on their blog! :x

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I'm also very curious as to how these fools are living in a Quonet hut. I must live in a very "nanny" state, because that would be considered uninhabitable and illegal, I believe.

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I'm also very curious as to how these fools are living in a Quonet hut. I must live in a very "nanny" state, because that would be considered uninhabitable and illegal, I believe.

There are Quonset-hut style homes that are actually homes, and seem to be perfectly legal. Google "Quonset hut homes" for more info. Personally my concern would be hurricanes, but I'm sure the homes hold up considerably better than actual Quonset huts.

Then again, judging by what I've seen this idiot probably actually lives in a legit Quonset hut, not a Quonset home. Ugh. Why would you do that to yourself? I can understand doing it if you're homeless but it sounds like this lady would have a normal life if she weren't so bloody terrified of THE EVIL GOVERNMENT. I'm not a big fan of the US gov't myself, but holy shit...

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That is disgusting. I think she doesn't want the doctor possibly discovering bruises from physical abuse. That would be my first guess as to the "nosy doctor" comments.

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Me too, Trynn. She started out saying she didn't go to the doctor because she's "too nosy," and then when pressed she changed that too, "Doctors make kids get glasses too often." I mean, what? I bet the nosiness is the real reason. I'm thinking this lady's doctor asked some very uncomfortable questions last time they went in, and now she's decided she'd rather medically neglect her children than answer to the doctor for how she treats them.

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Wow. I just read this thread. Some people should not have children, period. Every year before school starts - yes, heathen, indoctrinating public school - my nephews get physicals and an eye exam along with their haircuts and new clothes and school supplies. The physicals are so they can participate in sports activities. I remember getting them, too, when I went to public school. The eye exams are because both my brother and sister in law started wearing glasses around 12 years old and they want to make sure if their boys need them, they get them right away before it becomes a problem. Also, the indoctrinating public school does eye screenings every year. Not full exams, but the eye chart thing.

I think that many fundies who homeschool don't do it so much for educational purposes - they do it to keep others away from their children, just as this woman doesn't want evil doctors to see her kids. And that is one of the saddest things I've ever heard. School, doctors, sports teams/activities, even Sunday School all serve multiple purposes and one of them is unintended, I think, but is also the reason so many fundies avoid them. They provide a system of 'checks and balances'. They give kids other adults to trust; adults who are not their parents with an agenda. Adults who, even if not approached b y a child, can notice things and see things and experience things about that child.

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Guest Anonymous

This resonated with me because long before kids began getting routine eye exams an older brother of mine was placed in 'slow' classes. It took years and an astute teacher to recognize he wasn't slow, just vision impaired.

But agree with the other folks, this woman is concerned that any medical provider may notice the symptoms of physical and emotional abuse.

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re the quonset hut: Meh- some of the fundies live in wall tents. It's better than that. (and paratus familia lives in a workshop type building that they've adapted) As long as the shelter is adaquate, I doubt that it's a cps or legality issue. (I have been told that there are people living in adapted quonset huts often in Alaska.)

The big worry is that she is so stupid and cares for her child so little to take care of his eye. I bet that she knows now that she'll be reported to CPS if she takes him in since she waited so long. As she should be.

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she is worried that cps will nail her for neglect since she did not take care of her child. one of the fundies greatest fears and one will deserved too.

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I wonder if she knows that Vision Forum sells a book or a lecture or something about how to deal with CPS when they come a-knocking with pointed questions about your Godly Lifestyle . I wonder what advice Doug would give to a lady who decided it was better to let her kid go blind than risk some nosy eye doctor's questions about her parenting.

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Glasses are over-prescribed? Unbelievable.

Why do these idiots even have children if they're not going to care for them?

In my opinion, she is wrong. One of my children has mild vision problems and the doctor said as long as she does not get headaches or have problems at school, we should try to let it resolve on its own. Am I the only one whos doctors view 'wait and see' as the number one treatment for all maladies? Srsly you can take your kids to the doctor without leaving with a pack of Ritalin and amoxicillin. It happens all the time.

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re the quonset hut: Meh- some of the fundies live in wall tents. It's better than that. quote]

I don't think the hut is a huge deal if the kids are safe and warm. I lived in a yurt for a while during my parents' hippie days. It was safe, clean and comfortable.

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I don't think the hut is a huge deal if the kids are safe and warm. I lived in a yurt for a while during my parents' hippie days. It was safe, clean and comfortable.

Yes, pretty much what I was trying to say. Now, some of the hippies around here still live in yurts, but what does scare me is that they refuse vaccinations and we regularly get outbreaks of stuff that can kill the kids.

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One of our sons had a completely normal vision exam one September, and by the next September, his vision was 20/200 (legally blind). Deterioration of vision happens relatively gradually and a lot of times kids don't articulate that they're having trouble seeing. It's important to stay on top of vision screenings with kids.

I'm not really sure I get any comparison between ritalin and eyeglasses, but if my child needed either one, I wouldn't hesitate. The glasses (or other vision correction) is a no-brainer, for sure. Why would anyone in their right mind not want their child to be able to see as well as they possibly can?

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Guest Anonymous

I have pals who raised kids in yurts, and school busses. But we were a vaccinatin' generation. I think I delayed some of my DDs but not for too long, since we had folks comin' and going and we traveled outside the country.

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Guest Anonymous
One of our sons had a completely normal vision exam one September, and by the next September, his vision was 20/200 (legally blind). Deterioration of vision happens relatively gradually and a lot of times kids don't articulate that they're having trouble seeing. It's important to stay on top of vision screenings with kids.

I'm not really sure I get any comparison between ritalin and eyeglasses, but if my child needed either one, I wouldn't hesitate. The glasses (or other vision correction) is a no-brainer, for sure. Why would anyone in their right mind not want their child to be able to see as well as they possibly can?

The same thing happened to me, growing up. In the 4th grade, my vision was 20/30. By the time I was tested in the 5th grade, it had deteriorated to 20/250. So yes, eyesight CAN deteriorate that radically in a year's time,

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This makes me incredibly angry. I thought the whole fundie ideal was that your kids were given to you so that you could serve God by caring for them. Instead, the slightest inconvenience to the parents is brushed off, because in reality the kids are only there as vanity projects--not even their eyesight is worth the slightest effort. Seriously, she had the eyepatches already, but she just wanted to dick around with some "natural" remedy that was more fun for her so because today kids, mommy is playing hero and would like to tackle that health problem she, apparently, so far hasn't given a shit about. And as someone who is extremely nearsighted (that big E at the top of the chart became unreadable when I was about 9, come to think of it), it makes me angry to think that all those eyeglassed people are brushed off as poor victims to Big Frames: dude, we're wearing them because we can't effing see, you dumb twit. Why don't you try giving a shit about your own offspring as a person separate from yourself, and get him to an eye doctor, no matter the inconvenience to you, so that you don't ruin his God-given eyesight! (And/or, allow him to die of a brain tumor. Either way.)

ETA: Also, maybe I am going to wear glasses/contacts for the rest of my life because my eyes are going to stay stupid? Also also, maybe stupid eyes are, you know, genetic,* and that's why you know a whole family of glasses wearers?

*It's on the fifth chromosome, a gene scientists call STEY, for stupid eyeballs.

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Over-prescribing eyeglasses? Seriously? This is the new fear? WHAT I DON'T EVEN.

Glasses = $$$$$ = EBIL!!!

Asking for advice on internet = FREE = GODLY!

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I get the feeling that she does not want to take CHIP but can't afford medical care. Eyeglasses and exams are free with CHIP and if they are living in a Quonset hut, they probably qualify.

Letting yourself go blind out of pride=weird. Letting your kid go blind out of pride=criminal.

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The same thing happened to me, growing up. In the 4th grade, my vision was 20/30. By the time I was tested in the 5th grade, it had deteriorated to 20/250. So yes, eyesight CAN deteriorate that radically in a year's time,

Ten years old is a typical time for kids to start needing glasses, if they're going to. I learned that when I took my kid to his eyes checked when he was 10. :)

Forty years old is the other time. ;)

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Wow. I remember being in 1st or 2nd grade and having to go to the teacher's desk and ask her what every third or fourth word on the overhead projector was. My eyesight is terrible, and I've been wearing glasses/contacts all my life. I can't imagine growing up in one of these houses. Either I would be blind by now, or beaten to death for asking too many questions.

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Good grief, those folks sure like the herbal cures.....

Spider bites, cancer, eye problems, there's some kind of folk remedy for it that involves mixing up various expensive herbs they are buying off the internet.

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