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Infuriating 7x Sunday Post


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These nutters make me so freaking angry! This is a topic on 7xsunday about Strabismus. The content of the post is in italics:


My son (age 9) has a turned eye (strabismus). We don't want to take him to the eye doctor right off, as she tends to be nosy. I have been reading up and would like to try some natural cures like eye exercises, et.

Has anyone ever dealt with strabismus naturally? What did you do?

Re 1:

The standard treatment a generation ago was simply to patch over the good eye, forcing the lazy eye to look where the brain told it to.

Re 2:

I remember my Mom saying that my older brother had a lazy/wandering eye as a very young child and they used a patch along with daily exercises to correct it.


Is this a new development? If so, I'd have it checked. If he has always had it, I'd say try the patch method for a few weeks and see if it helps! They still do this. My friends daughter was helped by the patch over the good eye along with corrective glasses. B)

OP again:

He has had it for a long time. We bought a patch but unfortunately haven't gotten around to using it yet. That will be our next step. Any know where to find some good eye exercises, there is a lot on the web but not sure what works.

OK, so.....she won't take the poor kid to the eye doctor because the Dr. is "nosy"? What, like she might ask questions about his health and daily activities. :roll: Whatever. Apparently, she has a patch, which seems to be the fundie-approved remedy, but hasn't gotten around to using it? WTF lady?! Her son's eyes don't work, but she won't take him to the "nosy" Dr. and she hasn't gotten around to the home remedy? Yikes! Sometimes I wonder whether these people actually care about their kids or do they care more about pleasing the magic Jeebus in the sky? :pray:

Sorry for the rant...I don't know why this post makes me so angry. I mean, 7x is fully of crazy dingbats, but this one really strikes a chord with me. I didn't have Straismus as a child, but I've always had poor eyesight. Fortunately, my parents were proactive enough to get me glasses as soon as they noticed a problem, so my eyesight didn't set me back. Other kids aren't so fortunate. Poor eyesight can cause serious delays for kids. This poor thing could be experiencing all sorts of problemss and his stupid mom probably still praying about it. :evil:

P.S. Sorry about the color. I changed it to italics.

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Could you possibly change the color on that text. I am really having trouble reading it. Granted I am blind...

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Yes, they do care about Jesus (or really, their conception of him) more than their own kids. Jesus did say, after all, that "he who live wife/child/parents more than me is not worthy of me"

To be fair to Jesus (heh) I'm pretty sure he wasn't condoning abuse/neglect by that verse, although lots of people have taken it that way throughout history.

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I very much doubt jesus would want to be put before your family if he needs that kind of attention he has issues.

Hahahaha! Requoted for brilliance.

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I think they're probably reluctant to go see the nosy doctor because she asks questions about the kids' schooling, medical visits, living situations, and nutrition that would get very uncomfortable for your average 7XS poster.

And they haven't gotten around to using the patch? Haven't gotten around to it? Pray tell, what more important things did this woman have going on than healing her child's eyesight? How could anyone possibly be so lazy that she'd procrastinate for ages on helping her sick kid? She's a terrible person.

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I'm a king procrastinator, but slipping a band around your head isn't hard. It's like saying "I haven't got around to putting on a jacket" - even worse than "I haven't got around to brushing my hair".

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wow. i'm totally agog about this...your child only has that one set of eyes, to...like...SEE for the rest of his life.

no big!

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Hahahaha! Requoted for brilliance.

Dude was raised by his stepfather and had to go look for his father in his father's house (which was full of other men but still no Daddy in view) only to die a painful death at too young an age in order to meet with him. I'd say it's understandable he has issues...

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CPS should be involved. This child deserves proper medical intervention, and if she won't get it for him, then the state should.

These people are infuriating.

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If she's left it until her son is 9, then in all likelihood it is too late. Patching needs to be done early. Once past 7 or 8 the brain starts to ignore the dodgy input from the bad eye and bye bye goes binocular vision. The only thing that can really be done now is surgery to tighten/loosen the muscle.

Silly cow.

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If she's left it until her son is 9, then in all likelihood it is too late. Patching needs to be done early. Once past 7 or 8 the brain starts to ignore the dodgy input from the bad eye and bye bye goes binocular vision. The only thing that can really be done now is surgery to tighten/loosen the muscle.

Silly cow.

See, that's just unthinkable to me. Now this child will have to deal with this for the rest of his life, and it's all her fault. WHY would you do that?

What the eff is she so afraid of the "nosy" doctor discovering?

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The woman is a lazy idiot (couldn't even be bothered to do the patch that she says she believes is an option).

For anyone who might need the info-- for problems like this, start with a development optometrist. They will refer to a surgeon if it turns out to be needed. But vision therapy can work miracles. I know from personal experience with my younger daughter.

Read about it here:


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I too suffered from strabismus as a child and had it for as long as I can remember. So why is this lady waiting until 9 to do something?????? The patch idea often works well on younger children, but the older the child, apparently the less effective it is. It's still possible it would work, but some people (like me) it never worked for. I went to an optometrist, because like a normal person my parents weren't worried about doctor's discovering crazy things, i was given very strong glasses, and the problem corrected itself within 5 years. My dad had the same problem as me, and he needed surgery it became so severe. My cousin also had the same problem, and the patch worked just fine for her. Point is, different kids will need different things to correct the problem. That's why you go to a DOCTOR. Ugh, this one annoys me because I know what it's like to be that kid, and at least my parents did something about it. Though my biggest problem was seeing the blackboard at school, so I guess they don't need to worry.

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You know, if I'm given something that I claim is precious and important, I take care of it.

I cant imagine that this god person is handing out kids as blessings so they can be stacked on Costco shelves and forgotten about.

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What do these people spend all their time doing when they're neglecting their precious children??? How hard is it to put a patch on your kid? I wonder this especially about the moms who brag about their kids doing most/all of the work around the house.

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By age nine, it's probably too late and her son will be blind in that eye for the rest of his life. Happened to my uncle...of course, my uncle was born in 1917...he was given the best medical attention of the time.

My younger brother had strabismus. Patch, eye exercises...they were prescribed, he did them, they did not work. He had two surgeries by age six to correct the problem. Strabismus is not a home remedy condition.

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I had strabismus which ultimately required a surgery, with regular therapy by a developmental optometrist before & after the surgery. Eyepatches & eyeglasses were involved as well. Treatments started when I was around 2 and the surgery happened at age 6. It was successful, and allowed me to ditch eyeglasses for decades until the dreaded middle-age changes in distance/close-up vision.

Of course, my parents were responsible adults.

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She's afraid of being reported for not bringing the child in until he was 9 to take care of it. (and it sounds like he may have been taken in and they never followed through)

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That is horrible. I cannot imagine neglecting a child's eye care that long. Frankly, if she's just letting it go the way it sounds like she is, I hope someone calls CPS on her now for medical neglect.

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This really pisses me off. I had strabismus and am so very grateful my parents sought the earliest and best possible care for me. Left untreated, people with strabismus often go blind in the weaker eye. I have seen it - sad and scary.

And if the mother is unaware of the potentially devastating long term effects, you would think compassion for her child's immediate suffering would still be enough to motivate her to seek treatment. The stares and comments one receives for having a "wonky" eye are agonizing for a child.

Strabismus is a serious condition and letting it go untreated for this long is definitely neglect and borderline abuse in my book. These people sure fail when it comes to treasuring their "blessings."

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This is really serious business. Having bad eyesight can affect so many other things. He could have trouble developing good hand-eye coordination, and it certainly can't help with his education. That's why evil public schools often have yearly eye exams, so they can either get the problem fixed or make adaptations to teaching style to account for it.

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I have strabismus and I had an eye patch for a while since my right eye was relaly behind and then I had small patches on the edge of my glasses. My re-educator always told us that usualy it's better to avoid surgery because strabism, as you grow, corrects itself, so a child that has been in surgery may end up turning outwards and thus need more re-education. That'S actually what happenned to a friend of mine.

( years-old is indeed a little late I think my eyes patchy things were taken out around 9 or 10. Worse thing in this? they could have tried "naturally" that is to stay to do the patch by themselves without reeducator way before.

When I was 8 I had to play on my gameboy 15 min twice a week with a patch on my left eye.

When I wear my glasses my eyes don't turn, when I am wearing lenses they tend to do it more. And when I'm not wearing glasses my right eye is turning immediately.

I think as a rule, I am wary of people not wanting to get their kids or themselves to the doc, because the doc is noisy. And I believe when they take him they're gonna get so much crap. My mom got a lot of crap by the doc because she took me in at 2 years old, as soon as my eyes turned, but she should have taken me at 6 months old since I am far sighted. I can't even imagine what would hapenned to those people with the doc my mom took me too. Well I do, they'd call CPS.

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I knew a girl with strabismus. Her one eye was still a bit turned, but with the proper vision correction she could see fine, and her lazy eye was barely noticeable. I'd known this girl for years and never knew about it until she pointed it out.

With that being said, I may have perfect vision but I'm well aware of how far behind those without perfect vision can get. What about his education? What about everything else he has trouble seeing? That's going to cause a lot of problems for him, if it hasn't already.

Seriously, whatever treatment there is for strabismus or any sort of eye problem, get it treated EARLY.

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kids are gifts so they can be returned at walmart for a gift card or thrown in a closet and forgotten. Yet they complain how us heathens hate our children. I think there is a lot more hate going on then ever will be admitted. I mean when you have to have children without a choice it has to eat at you.

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