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How a PostSecret sums it up

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Not surprisingly, this week's PostSecrets are about mothers/Mother's Day. Included is the one linked above, wherein a church going woman, who is also employed at a church, aborts an otherwise wanted child because of the shame the pregnancy would have brought. I've attended many churches over the years and this PS definitely rings true.

By their own definitions (not mine), the church body's collective small mindedness is killing children.

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I don't think that's uncommon at all. If you want more people to carry their pregnancies to term, you have to stop stigmatizing sex.

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Another example of how shame surrounding sex can lead to undesirable outcomes. Sad how she thought that having an abortion was the only option when she wanted the child :cry: The church should be supporting life, no matter how it is conceived, when the woman chooses to continue a pregnancy. it is not a real choice if the woman feels so shamed.

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Considering how many doctors have stories of known pro-lifers coming in for abortions then continuing the way they had before, it's not surprising. And just goes to show how little of their rhetoric is actually about "life".

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Yeah, this doesn't surprise me at all. Conservatives really just want to punish sex. Someone who claims to be pro-life would read this and not be outraged by the abortion, but instead outraged that this woman had sex and got away with it. By having save abortion available to her, this woman escaped the stigma and shame of the pregnancy and without the risk of death or injury from an illegal abortion. Crusading against abortion has never been about saving the precious cuddly embryos and always about punishing women who have sex.

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