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Dear Fundie


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This is a reply to Gabriel who writes to All Authority blog. You can go here if you want to read his completely nonsensical post:


Dear Fundie,

Please stop being self-righteous about protecting a fetus while actively encouraging parents to hit their children, to have more children then they can care for, and not educate their children.

Please stop pretending like you are empowering women while your religious beliefs systematically turn women into objects owned by men.

Please stop proclaiming that you care about the next generation - the generation that you starve, beat, refuse to educate and abuse into depression.

Please stop pretending you care about the people you are enslaving with your religion.

Please stop acting like gay marriage will "destroy the family". None of you can explain how a gay couple getting married and having kids will make your marriage fall apart. If your marriage sucks that much, well, I don't think it has anything to do with the gays.

Please stop pretending that God making the world in six days actually makes logical sense. There is a reason you have to take this on faith, it doesn't make a lick of sense.

Stop selling religious tyranny as peace.

Stop selling salvation through religious slavery.

Stop telling people that they can listen to you and expect life and reason to follow. There really is nothing reasonable about believing and following a very old book, that is why the Bible says you have to have faith. So don't pretend like it is anything else.

Dear fundie, I would love it if you would change who you are, it would make this world a much better place. But please can you at least me honest about your beliefs and the destruction they bring.


A former fundie who saw the light and found freedom.

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Great points! Pretty much sums up the problems I have with fundamentalism. Could we add something about promoting religious freedom while simultaneously trying to silence religions they don't agree with? Suppose that could be religious tyranny.

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Dear fundamentalist,

Please stop making things up. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

Please learn how to evaluate sources of information.

Pretty please, stop believing everything your mama or papa ever told you.

Please think for yourself. You'll be surprised how far it gets you.

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Dear Fundies,

Please stop beating your children in the name of God, and trying to break their spirits. Let them have the childhood that you had. Most of you dated, saw movies, went to public school, and you turned out the way you did. Why cant they? You were given love for your children for a reason, so you dont hurt them. Your body naturally makes milk when babies cry, which is a sign that youre supposed to feed them when theyre hungry and not starve them. Children arent sinful, theyre just young and naive and dont have the ability to understand what is socially acceptable.

Having people disagree with you or not let you impose your will on them is not persecution.

Creationism isnt real, stop making up your own facts, every reputable scientific source says youre wrong.

To the many millions of children fundies have created,

Your parents arent always right. What they are doing to you is wrong. You do not deserve to be hit with plumbing line, or controlled like a toddler at the age of 18. You are not naturally sinful, you just have a personality. That is totally fine. Get out of there and be free, its worth it. There are plenty of good Christian people who date, watch movies, wear pants and dance. Broaden your horizons and enjoy all the world has to offer.

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Oh, this is the fellow who wants to marry an infected foot! :lol:


I've got nothing to add to the list, but would like to reiterate the part about not beating, starving and undereducating children. Oh, and stop denying them medical care.

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