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Is this satire?-the Stepford wives' club


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I've come across this crazy website that uses the Stepford wives, you know the actual robots from the book and movies, as a model of female behaviour:


They advocate the kind of "vacuuming in high heels" mentality, undergoing a kind of metaphoric female circumcision which means all the focus is on the man's pleasure, dressing in frills and bows. They make use of some fundie material but then put photos of women in lingerie on the website.

It gives a real satire vibe (such as no way to directly contact them), but it's got links to various existing websites and people commenting on the entries.

If it's true it's the most demeaning baffling thing ever-basically you think you should act like a robot? And don't they get the original material was meant as a critique of gender essentialism?

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I'm almost certain it's satire.

At the bottom of the FAQ page they give the three rules, basically the Laws of Robotics; and they say the rules came from "[our] great-grandfather the patriarch Isaac". Now, I can't find whether Asimov had any grandchildren but his children were born in 1951 and 1955 which is pushing it a bit for another two generations to grow up!

It's satire, but written by someone with a high level of commitment to it, like Landover.

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