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Mama Lightner


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I'm fairly new, so I have no idea if there is a thread on her already, but this is a horror that just had to be shared. She hasn't updated since September but her FB page is still being updated daily. lightnercrew.com/2012/03/18/im-raising-homemakers-not-independent-women/

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I've never seen this blog, but holy cow, there's some crazy there.

This one jumped out at me: lightnercrew.com/2011/10/14/mental-illness-the-product-of-your-childhood-unconfessed-deep-rooted-sin/

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What. The everloving FUCK. Whilst stifling her daughters, she's also terrorizing her son (informing him at the age of NINE that he must support an entire household?). That kid will have an ulcer by 13, mark my words.

You know, women can play sports and still be feminine. And if you absolutely INSIST your girls stick to "girl sports" ... well, there's cheerleading, dance, or lacrosse (my mom bruised a shin or two on the lacrosse field back in her day :twisted: ). I feel like some of these bloggers don't even bother to look out the window.

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I don't think they do. She has a post about choosing to raise her kids in a bubble. You know, because the world is evil and all.

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Whoops, sorry about the link. This is my first post since I joined. I should have read the posting rules again.

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Oh yeah, she's been mentioned. She is off-the-scale hypocritical. At one point she had up an entire entry directed at FJ, but I'm pretty sure she took it down. Some of her greatest hits:

She's very homophobic


She's raising HOMEMAKERS, not independent women!


Public schools are of the devil, and the LORD would NEVER be ok with christians sending their kids there


Birth control is unbiblical and narcissistic (although I don't think her husband quite agrees with her on that)


And, the pièce de résistance, vaccines are made from aborted fetuses and are extremely dangerous



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(snip) ... I feel like some of these bloggers don't even bother to look out the window.

Reminds me - sadly - of a former friend who decided she was going to write an advice column on mothering. She closed the curtains on the windows and pecked away at the computer while her younger son was outside being beaten up by neighborhood toughs.

I really think you've hit on something, NoneandDone.

ETA: OK....a 9-year-old boy, and 5 pregnancies by the 4th anniversary? I'm curious: are they all his? (yes, that was a shout-out to Zsu) It doesn't bother me one way or the other, but since she makes a big deal of the numbers, and since I'm too impatient to look at those nasty-overdone pages, I'm asking here.

TIA. ;)

ETAA: No need for anyone to answer the above: Found her testimony. She had the boy at age 19 and at the time of her testimony was 27 with a total of 4 kids. Done 'n' done.

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I can't help but feel that these women, who screech on and on about being "home-oriented" are really more "blog-oriented" than anything else. What's that you say? You're a stay at home mom of six who homeschools? You sure have a lot of time on your grands to preach into the void about what everyone else is doing. You should go take a look at the grout in your bathroom or the state of your baseboards, I'm sure there's some god ordained cleaning you could be doing instead of sitting on your butt getting all worked up about other women.

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I actually just shook my head throughout that entire homophobic post. Btw Slick Cat, break the links in the greatest hits so she doesn't show up here. This is not a bag of crazy I want to fight with. She's the worst kind of crazy.

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I am entertained by the "NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY" tag that comes up when you load her blog. Lady, whatever the hell it is you're doing, at least from a facts-based perspective, I can assure you that "New Testament Christianity" it is NOT.

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I'm fairly new, so I have no idea if there is a thread on her already, but this is a horror that just had to be shared. She hasn't updated since September but her FB page is still being updated daily. lightnercrew.com/2012/03/18/im-raising-homemakers-not-independent-women/

Eeeeeeek. Mentally wincing from this blog post.

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I find it hilarious and so incredibly hypocritical of her to have a link to a Proverbs 31 Store on the right column of her blog. Has she ever read Proverbs 31?

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What. The everloving FUCK. Whilst stifling her daughters, she's also terrorizing her son (informing him at the age of NINE that he must support an entire household?). That kid will have an ulcer by 13, mark my words.

You know, women can play sports and still be feminine. And if you absolutely INSIST your girls stick to "girl sports" ... well, there's cheerleading, dance, or lacrosse (my mom bruised a shin or two on the lacrosse field back in her day :twisted: ). I feel like some of these bloggers don't even bother to look out the window.

She believes cheerleading is the promotion of SELF (see sidebar) and that's a big no-no. She's hating on the catholics, too. Altogether someone I would not want to meet.

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I actually just shook my head throughout that entire homophobic post. Btw Slick Cat, break the links in the greatest hits so she doesn't show up here. This is not a bag of crazy I want to fight with. She's the worst kind of crazy.

She's already aware of us. When she found the board last time she wrote a long post on her blog about it rather than come here. At this point she can't even see what's being written unless she decides to register, but I think she's most left the blog behind in favor of FB.

She deleted the anti-FJ post, but some of it was quoted in the previous thread. It has some great bits too, including her opinion that the only moral divorce is her divorce :roll:

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She specifically says she is against cheerleading and dance because of the skimpy clothes but then says she is against girls playing basketball because they are wearing "LONG" shorts and "big" shoes "just like a boy!" so no matter how they dress, they are wrong.

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