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TPP (That Placenta Print)

Morton Fan

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My mom really doesn't love me THIS much.

Mine neither :(

Interestingly baby's first poo art was just gross, rather than weird. Thankfully that boat has already sailed for THATWIFE.

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I'm about as crunchy as they get, and quite interested in the natural birth scene. With my kids, I didn't give two hoots about their placentas. My midwives even did a lovely show and tell for me, which might have been interesting is not for the baby. Placentas just can't win over babies, sorry.

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WELL ..I just did a google image search for 'placenta art' as you do. Hey..I actually google image searched 'Freebirthing chicken' which is how I found my avatar.

Anyway ThatWoman is doing it all wrong, talk about lack of imagination. This is what she should be aiming for..



I just... NO!

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I just... NO!

She could call it T3 it could be her Squishy. cos you know she would not have to ..you know..parent it. T3 would be quite happy in the bathroom.

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Mine doesn't either, and I'm OK with that.

I don't love my children that much. They will have to make the placenta prints on their own.

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Ew. I admit feeling squicky when I first heard of eating placenta. I don't know about this placenta art. Still, it's not really unsafe to eat one's own placenta so to each their own.....

I agree with others that this was a bit TMI.

I'm thinking of something like a lightbulb joke....

How many fundies can you feed on one placenta?

How much can you make the food budget stretch on a placenta?

How many casseroles can you get from a placenta?

I'm squicked out about eating the placenta even now. Guess I'm not crunchy enough. But hey, it's free food, right?

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I actually find the teddy bear less revolting than the placenta print. At keast the bear doesn't look like a placenta.

Careful now. You may be expected to make one now :D

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Careful now. You may be expected to make one now :D

If there is one thing about the offspring's arrival into the world the I can state with absolute certainty while still in the second trimester, it is that no craft projects of any sort will be made that involve my placenta.

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If there is one thing about the offspring's arrival into the world the I can state with absolute certainty while still in the second trimester, it is that no craft projects of any sort will be made that involve my placenta.

I'm gutted :lol:

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Placenta burger!


At least it is not HORSE burger. All the rage in the UK at the moment.

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The midwife's assistant made a placenta print for me. (2nd birth) It wasn't really planned, she asked, and I said "Sure." I took the design, and now it is a tattoo back piece. (Because it looks like Yggdrasil. All normal placentas have 3 "roots" just like Yggdrasil too.) We saved the cord for both kids because their godmother is Chickasaw, and insisted they needed it for their medicine bag. (2nd kid had 2 true knots in his 42 inch long cord. How it didn't get wrapped around his neck or a number of other horrible things....His cord blood was donated for Parkinson's research.)

Placenta got buried in the backyard, near the dead cats and chickens. :)

HOWEVER, I did not post pics of it online, did not have a photographer there (my friend wanted to come and it was just too much for me.) and we didn't put our kids in the bathroom to sleep.

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I have NEVER heard of this. And I thought the Teddy Bear was made out of felt. I thought maybe it contained the placenta. I just want to know who in the world came up with this idea? Granted I had my kids 20 and 22 years ago, but we did HAVE placentas with our children back then (LOL). However, I believe we referred to it as afterbirth and the only mammals who even licked it were the ewes or mares and that was just to get their babies cleaned up and breathing since they didn't have hands and washcloths. None of them ate it.

To me inspecting ones placenta is akin to opening up the kleenex after you blow your nose to inspect the snot. There are people who do it, but I have no idea why.

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To me inspecting ones placenta is akin to opening up the kleenex after you blow your nose to inspect the snot. There are people who do it, but I have no idea why.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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My midwife was fond of saying that some people are placenta people and some are not. I am noncommittal about all things placental, and since I had an emergency c-section mine just got whisked away as medical waste anyhow. My husband definitely falls into the "not" camp and told me a few days after our kid was born that "I think I accidentally saw your placenta" while he was making his way to the other side of the OR to see the baby in the warmer. :lol:

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I don't mind the placenta print. It looks kinda like a jellyfish. I probably would have done one had I realized such a thing was a thing when my kid was born. What I don't understand is the pro photographer during the birth. I can understand documenting it, but with a pro? I just think there are more important things during the birth than the perfect morning light.

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I don't mind the placenta print. It looks kinda like a jellyfish. I probably would have done one had I realized such a thing was a thing when my kid was born. What I don't understand is the pro photographer during the birth. I can understand documenting it, but with a pro? I just think there are more important things during the birth than the perfect morning light.

While I don't think I would like someone all up in my bits, I think the photographer has a lot to do with TW being one herself.

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My midwife was fond of saying that some people are placenta people and some are not. I am noncommittal about all things placental, and since I had an emergency c-section mine just got whisked away as medical waste anyhow. My husband definitely falls into the "not" camp and told me a few days after our kid was born that "I think I accidentally saw your placenta" while he was making his way to the other side of the OR to see the baby in the warmer. :lol:

That's pretty much what my midwife says. I guess I'm a placenta person, I plan to freeze and eat it in smoothies. I've heard it helps with postpartum depression, and my thought is, why not, although if it turns out to be really disgusting, I'll toss it. My husband's response was a puzzled look and to ask that I please label it if it's going to be in our freezer. He's a gem.

As for the placenta prints, it's always struck me as a kind of odd. If you want to consume it for health reasons (real or perceived) then whatevs, but the thought of heading down to Michael's for some placenta glitter and poster paint immediately after giving birth is kinda... strange? (I know, I probably shouldn't be calling anyone else strange as I plan to blend my placenta with spinach, almond milk and berries, but hey...) And that placenta teddy bear is way too Ed Gein. You could only up the creep factor at this point if you shoved a light bulb up its ass and used it as a nursery nightlight.

I don't get the pro photographers at your birth either. I have a doula who has offered to take pictures (as has my husband, who is willing to do anything at this point to avoid a soak in the inflatable birth tub, because he KNOWS I will poop on him immediately) and that's enough for me. The though of having some stranger there shoving lights at me while I'm trying to labor is just too much. Maybe if you have a good friend who's a pro I could see it, but birth is kinda messy (and it can be really just f'ing gross) and I wouldn't want someone I don't know really well there. Further, the pictures are really for me and DH, and we don't really require hi def pictures of my perineum.

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