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Lori's Blog Entry, "We need to turn to God"

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Society will only get worse if we do not turn to God. Our nation will be seeing more mass murders and more evil so long as we walk the path we are now walking. We all so desparately need God and His ways. as it is the only antidote to evil.

As God and His ways have systematically been kicked out of schools and society, we suffer the consequences. Left to humanistic ways and values, we become a hardened and bitter people. We who choose to honor God must continue to be salt and light in a world now propelled towards darkness. Pray for our country. Teach your children about God and His ways. Do not fear. Trust in God.
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What I never got was why these kinds of people, who believe in the tribulation and the rapture, keep saying this kind of thing. According to their own beliefs, they know it won't happen. The nation/world will not turn to God. Everything will get worse. The 'righteous' will fly up and away, and everyone left will suffer. A few more will be converted during the tribulation, then Jesus will come back and kick Satan' ass. Good times for a 1000 years. Oops, Satan is freed one last time. (I never got that bit at all???) Then sweetness and light forever and ever.

Of course, they have to attempt to convert the unbelievers. But, they're so nonsensical.

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I am so goddamned sick of hearing these people use this tragedy as a platform for their religious bullshit.

God hasn't been kicked out of the schools. Children who believe in God bring him with them every day. They are allowed to pray (how would anyone even know they were praying to stop them?). But that's not what they're talking about. What they really want is to force their religion on others. They want forced prayer. They want their morals legislated in our laws and in our schools. They want complete control, and they want it so badly they will grandstand to get attention, when our reflections should be on those precious babies and teachers that were killed. Did I mention it makes me sick? Can we all not come together as HUMANS in light of this tragedy?

Further more, is their assertion that if forced prayer was allowed in school that god would have protected those children, but because it isn't he let them die? Because if that's what they're saying it sure doesn't say much for their god.

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I'm a christian, but I don't really get this. Europe is much less religious, must more secular, and they do not deal with the crime and murders and bad healthcare/education that we do. They even have low abortion rates! :?

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If you substitute "the way I think" for "God" in Lori's light filled, Christian and compassionate post you'll get what she really means. The bitch.

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I'm a christian, but I don't really get this. Europe is much less religious, must more secular, and they do not deal with the crime and murders and bad healthcare/education that we do. They even have low abortion rates! :?

You are absolutely right!

I am European and as secular as secular can be, I told Lori to shut up! I don't think my comment will be posted, she never does.

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If Lori was not the twat extrodinaire that she is, she would have realized that "society" is not confined to the borders of the continental United States. She would then have understood that there are plenty of other societies that do not have God or mass shooters in their public schools.

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From Lori's comment section.

Lori Alexander · 17 hours ago

Dr. Arcibald Hart, a clinical psychologist for 45 years, said that 30 years ago the onset of depression was 45 years old. Today, it is 13 years old. Something is terribly wrong. I think it stems from a lack of moral compass { no God }, the breakdown of the family, and stress.

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From Lori's comment section.

Google says Arcibald Hart is a Christian counselor at liberty university, and possibly a repressed closeted one at that. So he is probably wearing the nostalgia goggles, thus rendering him blind to the fact that nearly all psychological disorders are diagnosed more frequently and earlier these days, and the fact that 30 years ago it would have been even more insultingly common to tell a depressed teen to get over it, go for a walk or whatever. People even in this day and age do not talk depression seriously, especially depression in the young. This is, of course, assuming that he was being honest about the onset of depression anyway, which is suspect if you ask me.

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Google says Arcibald Hart is a Christian counselor at liberty university, and possibly a repressed closeted one at that. So he is probably wearing the nostalgia goggles, thus rendering him blind to the fact that nearly all psychological disorders are diagnosed more frequently and earlier these days, and the fact that 30 years ago it would have been even more insultingly common to tell a depressed teen to get over it, go for a walk or whatever. People even in this day and age do not talk depression seriously, especially depression in the young. This is, of course, assuming that he was being honest about the onset of depression anyway, which is suspect if you ask me.

I found a profile on Dr. Hart that says he's Psych professor at Fuller Theological Seminary in California.

A former dean of the School of Psychology, Hart is now Senior Professor of Psychology and is best known for his research on the hazards of ministry, depression, anxiety, divorce, stress, and sexuality. Among his numerous books are recent publications Stressed or Depressed (2005) with daughter Dr. Catherine Weber, Safe Haven Marriage (2003) with daughter Dr. Sharon Morris, Unveiling Depression in Women (2002) also with daughter Dr. Catherine Weber, Unmasking Male Depression (2001), and The Anxiety Care (2000). His most recent book is Thrilled to Death: How the Endless Pursuit of Pleasure is Leaving us Numb (2007). He is an active member of the Prescribing Psychologists Register and president of the International Network of Christian Counselors.


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Hearing the way fundies are talking about this tragedy, it's becoming more and more obvious that their god is their own creation and an extension of their own warped beliefs. If God truly is all-powerful and omnipresent, He can't be "taken out of" anything regardless of what we humans do or do not do!

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